Thanks for the Server Upgrade


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
It's fast as can be.

The last one had reached the end of its days.

Cool, you can squeeze in more ads now....

It was a very smooth operation, they completed this in about the same time as it takes me to paint my fingernails and my toenails and have a quick Martini, so I appreciate what a smooth and professional operation they completed :smoke:
I don't.. I shop on USMB because I found ads for things I have already been looking for! It saves me the time of going to amazon. So far so good. I've ordered twice in the past month. I don't like shopping in stores and I'm already here so I may as well shop here. ha ha...
I'm thankful for the server upgrade too. It's working great. About the ads. They actually customize to what you are already looking for so that is a very unique feature. I don't know how they do that but it works for me!

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