Thanks Cut and Run Democrats

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them."
- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002
It was wrong because under the previous administration they fragmented our ability for "intelligent" intelligence. ie. FBI-CIA. We then had to rely on outside sources for our intelligence....which all seemed to say that there was a threat that needed to be dealt with....not just from the Bush administration.

IF we accept this premise is true, then Bush had 2 1/2 years to "fix" what was wrong with our intelligence.

Your claim also doesn't address intelligence doctoring which has been firmly established.

2 1/2 years of fixing something as covert as intelligence? It probably takes a decade or more to fix something like that.
I don't buy in the intell doctoring....can you give a nonbias source to what your stating? I ain't saying your wrong, but the only place where I heard it was MSNBC.
I found it myself...thank you.

Well, how do you explain the CIA director saying in Feb 2001 that Iraq had no WMDs and then suddenly after 9/11 Iraq has WMD if the intel wasn't cooked???

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs"
-George Tenet, 2/07/2001
Jason Leopold: Secret CIA Testimony Undermines Bush, Again

Does this actually surprise anyone?
Bush Senior saw this same scenario as a reason NOT to invade Iraq when he had the chance. He knew that invading Iraq would unleash secular violence. He knew US troops would be needed to serve as policemen. He knew there was no easy way out of Iraq once we went in. The entire world warned baby Bush that this would be a consequence of invading.
You brag about the surge working, but fail to mention that the surge was intended as a short term action until the Iraqi government could take over. It merely proves what everyone knew beforehand about the political situation in Iraq

I was not just HW Bush, even Dickless Cheney, the Flip-Flopper, was aware of the dire consequences of invading Iraq!!!!!

Because if we'd gone to Baghdad we would have been all alone. There wouldn't have been anybody else with us. There would have been a U.S. occupation of Iraq. None of the Arab forces that were willing to fight with us in Kuwait were willing to invade Iraq.

Once you got to Iraq and took it over, took down Saddam Hussein's government, then what are you going to put in its place? That's a very volatile part of the world, and if you take down the central government of Iraq, you could very easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off: part of it, the Syrians would like to have to the west, part of it -- eastern Iraq -- the Iranians would like to claim, they fought over it for eight years. In the north you've got the Kurds, and if the Kurds spin loose and join with the Kurds in Turkey, then you threaten the territorial integrity of Turkey.
It's a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq.

The other thing was casualties. Everyone was impressed with the fact we were able to do our job with as few casualties as we had. But for the 146 Americans killed in action, and for their families -- it wasn't a cheap war. And the question for the president, in terms of whether or not we went on to Baghdad, took additional casualties in an effort to get Saddam Hussein, was how many additional dead Americans is Saddam worth?
Our judgment was, not very many, and I think we got it right.

Dick Cheney at the American Enterprise Institute 4/ 15/ 1994
YouTube - Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire
It was wrong because under the previous administration they fragmented our ability for "intelligent" intelligence. ie. FBI-CIA.
Let me guess. Somehow NOT Bush's fault?

Somehow your talking about "LIES"....and assuming yes, it's BUSH, BUSH, BUSH.
I have already stated that it was a group effort, and Bush. I am making a point that under Clinton, he fragmented our intell, because he didn't think we needed it in this day and age. Don't you think that it could have clouded the decision...or, is it just a lot easier going with your left wing talking points and blaming Bush, and Bush alone? Do you want to take it to that level??? Maybe we could also bring up Clinton's shortcomings as president.

CON$ervative knee-jerk programming, when in doubt, BLAME CLINTON.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time. Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000
"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."
- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002
And this is thanks to the Democrats, HOW? Dubya and DICK orchestrated this invasion and occupation.

Gee.. I remember numerous prominent Dems clamoring for this back in the nineties.. and then couldn't wait to sign on to it in 2002.

Sorry, DUBYA & DICK had a lot of help and literally couldn't have done it alone. Unless you are one of those who in one sentence tell us what an idiot Bush was and in the next tell how the "idiot" duped all the genius' on the left.
You got your wish

No you got your little warriors wishes. More mental masturbation from the right.:cuckoo:

Amazing, when some disagrees with a rightie, they must hate America.

Bunch of turdstains on the sands of time.:lol:
Let me guess. Somehow NOT Bush's fault?

Somehow your talking about "LIES"....and assuming yes, it's BUSH, BUSH, BUSH.
I have already stated that it was a group effort, and Bush. I am making a point that under Clinton, he fragmented our intell, because he didn't think we needed it in this day and age. Don't you think that it could have clouded the decision...or, is it just a lot easier going with your left wing talking points and blaming Bush, and Bush alone? Do you want to take it to that level??? Maybe we could also bring up Clinton's shortcomings as president.

CON$ervative knee-jerk programming, when in doubt, BLAME CLINTON.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time. Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

Only an idiot on the left would make a statement like this. The left blames Bush for everything including a hurricane...yet no one can blame Clinton. Clinton DID say that Iraq would need to be dealt with....including Hillary. This is priceless. :lol::lol::lol:
You query whether the surge worked and the Iraqis are able to defend themselves based on the outcome of this event.
This is where you are wrong, and it may be through no fault of your own. I query this based on conversations going on within two separate threads where pro-Iraq invasion folks are saying that the surge helped to defeat terrorism in Iraq, hence the surge was a cataclysmic success. So, my question is if the surge was such a success and the terrorists have been defeated, WHY can't the Iraqi people defend themselves?

I seem to recall the Bush administration telling us that the Iraqi forces had reached the point where they could defend the areas our troops had cleared well over a year BEFORE the surge. But then again, we were told the surge was rationalized as necessary TO HOLD the areas our troops had cleared.

The fact remains, the Bush administration has ALWAYS lied about Iraq.

Condoleezza Rice, November 20, 2005: When we talk about clear, hold, and build, what we really mean is that we and the Iraqis have been successful now in clearing areas. Iraqi forces are now attaining the numbers and capabilities that will allow them to hold those places and not allow bad guys to come back. And then they can build economic and political institutions.
The Briefing Room

HanNITWITy on 1/23/07: Alright. You said there was no new strategy. Let me tell you what the new strategy is ‘cause clearly uh I guess you’re missing what the President’s saying here. The prior strategy, and the President admitted that there were some mistakes made, was that they go in and they'd clear out the insurgency and they didn't stay long enough or hold those areas long enough. Now the new strategy with the troop surge will be go in, remove the insurgents, hold the areas as pa... and also accelerate the training of Iraqi troops and police. That is a new strategy.
1/23/07 - General Wesley Clark on Hannity & Colmes | WesPAC
Somehow your talking about "LIES"....and assuming yes, it's BUSH, BUSH, BUSH.
I have already stated that it was a group effort, and Bush. I am making a point that under Clinton, he fragmented our intell, because he didn't think we needed it in this day and age. Don't you think that it could have clouded the decision...or, is it just a lot easier going with your left wing talking points and blaming Bush, and Bush alone? Do you want to take it to that level??? Maybe we could also bring up Clinton's shortcomings as president.

CON$ervative knee-jerk programming, when in doubt, BLAME CLINTON.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time. Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

Only an idiot on the left would make a statement like this. The left blames Bush for everything including a hurricane...yet no one can blame Clinton. Clinton DID say that Iraq would need to be dealt with....including Hillary. This is priceless. :lol::lol::lol:

Only brainwashed mindless drones on the Right claim the Left blamed a hurricane on Bush!!! :cuckoo:
Bush was blamed for the "good job Brownie" did.
CON$ can't survive without their Straw Men.
"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton.
- (D) Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, others, Oct. 9, 1998

All of the comments you quote took place before the UN had a chance to go into Iraq and check for WMD's, providing the intel we needed to determine that there were none there.

And, as we know, there were none.

The difference? Bush went in knowing there were no WMDs. These comments were made on general intelligence data.

In addition, as they were made in 1998, 5 years before the invasion, it's quite possible that he DID have WMDs at that point, but had destroyed them by the time of the invasion.

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001
CON$ervative knee-jerk programming, when in doubt, BLAME CLINTON.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time. Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

Only an idiot on the left would make a statement like this. The left blames Bush for everything including a hurricane...yet no one can blame Clinton. Clinton DID say that Iraq would need to be dealt with....including Hillary. This is priceless. :lol::lol::lol:

Only brainwashed mindless drones on the Right claim the Left blamed a hurricane on Bush!!! :cuckoo:
Bush was blamed for the "good job Brownie" did.
CON$ can't survive without their Straw Men.

Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.
Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.

Notwithstanding continuing rescue and support efforts, the calamity has triggered a rather opportunistic and cynical reaction by opponents of the current U.S. Administration. In an eerie development that echoes the political exploitation of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster last December, environmental campaigners, Green journalists and European officials are blaming (once again) the U.S. and its people for the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. Instead of supporting the rescue efforts, demagogues are using the human tragedy in a futile attempt to score points. At a time of utter desolation and misfortune, propagandists in high office and parts of the media are abandoning America and its victims for purely political goals.
FrontPage Magazine - Hurricane Katrina: A Republican Conspiracy?

Like I said on another thread...your a goofball. :lol:
Only an idiot on the left would make a statement like this. The left blames Bush for everything including a hurricane...yet no one can blame Clinton. Clinton DID say that Iraq would need to be dealt with....including Hillary. This is priceless. :lol::lol::lol:

Only brainwashed mindless drones on the Right claim the Left blamed a hurricane on Bush!!! :cuckoo:
Bush was blamed for the "good job Brownie" did.
CON$ can't survive without their Straw Men.

Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.
Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.

Notwithstanding continuing rescue and support efforts, the calamity has triggered a rather opportunistic and cynical reaction by opponents of the current U.S. Administration. In an eerie development that echoes the political exploitation of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster last December, environmental campaigners, Green journalists and European officials are blaming (once again) the U.S. and its people for the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. Instead of supporting the rescue efforts, demagogues are using the human tragedy in a futile attempt to score points. At a time of utter desolation and misfortune, propagandists in high office and parts of the media are abandoning America and its victims for purely political goals.
FrontPage Magazine - Hurricane Katrina: A Republican Conspiracy?

Like I said on another thread...your a goofball. :lol:

You gotta love how the CON$ can take a statement by ONE person and paint EVERYONE the CON$ are programmed to HATE with that same brush. :cuckoo:

Now if you honor the Golden Rule and paint all CON$ with a statement of a David Duke or whoever, they have a cow Right on the spot!!!
Only brainwashed mindless drones on the Right claim the Left blamed a hurricane on Bush!!! :cuckoo:
Bush was blamed for the "good job Brownie" did.
CON$ can't survive without their Straw Men.

Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.
Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.

Notwithstanding continuing rescue and support efforts, the calamity has triggered a rather opportunistic and cynical reaction by opponents of the current U.S. Administration. In an eerie development that echoes the political exploitation of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster last December, environmental campaigners, Green journalists and European officials are blaming (once again) the U.S. and its people for the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. Instead of supporting the rescue efforts, demagogues are using the human tragedy in a futile attempt to score points. At a time of utter desolation and misfortune, propagandists in high office and parts of the media are abandoning America and its victims for purely political goals.
FrontPage Magazine - Hurricane Katrina: A Republican Conspiracy?

Like I said on another thread...your a goofball. :lol:

You gotta love how the CON$ can take a statement by ONE person and paint EVERYONE the CON$ are programmed to HATE with that same brush. :cuckoo:

Now if you honor the Golden Rule and paint all CON$ with a statement of a David Duke or whoever, they have a cow Right on the spot!!!

First, of all only an idiot wouldn't read what I posted, and it's obvious that you didn't. Second I blew you out of the water because you origianlly denied it. Next the second source is not a Robt Kennedy Jr. statement. I don't hate the left as you do the right. I disagree with the left politically, not as you hate the conservatives.
I feel we need both conservatives and liberals to make a check and balance, and hopefully between the two parties we will end up with the best. Right now this isn't happening, and we are not getting the best. You on the other hand only see politics with blinders on anything but "your party"
You are a goofball Edie. :lol:

This is the last post from me to you Edie. It's obvious that with your drivel lacks intellect.
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Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.
Images of desperation in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., blames Katrina on George Bush not advocating Kyoto Treaty; Kyoto Kennedy Kites Katrina.

Notwithstanding continuing rescue and support efforts, the calamity has triggered a rather opportunistic and cynical reaction by opponents of the current U.S. Administration. In an eerie development that echoes the political exploitation of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster last December, environmental campaigners, Green journalists and European officials are blaming (once again) the U.S. and its people for the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. Instead of supporting the rescue efforts, demagogues are using the human tragedy in a futile attempt to score points. At a time of utter desolation and misfortune, propagandists in high office and parts of the media are abandoning America and its victims for purely political goals.
FrontPage Magazine - Hurricane Katrina: A Republican Conspiracy?

Like I said on another thread...your a goofball. :lol:

You gotta love how the CON$ can take a statement by ONE person and paint EVERYONE the CON$ are programmed to HATE with that same brush. :cuckoo:

Now if you honor the Golden Rule and paint all CON$ with a statement of a David Duke or whoever, they have a cow Right on the spot!!!

First, of all only an idiot wouldn't read what I posted, and it's obvious that you didn't. Second I blew you out of the water because you origianlly denied it. Next the second source is not a Robt Kennedy Jr. statement. I don't hate the left as you do the right. I disagree with the left politically, not as you hate the conservatives.
I feel we need both conservatives and liberals to make a check and balance, and hopefully between the two parties we will end up with the best. Right now this isn't happening, and we are not getting the best. You on the other hand only see politics with blinders on anything but "your party"
You are a goofball Edie. :lol:

This is the last post from me to you Edie. It's obvious that with your drivel lacks intellect.

Obviously you didn't read your own second source, and just typically projected that onto me.

Your own source says you can't tar a whole group with the statement of a few.
And more importantly, your source changes condemning Bush's neglecting environmental protection, which was conspicuously NOT in quotes, into blaming Bush with the partial quote that CLEARLY said Katrina was caused by NATURE.

Let me re-assure our American friends and colleagues that this pitiless mind-set of environmental activists is not representative for the vast majority of Europeans who are following the heartbreaking events with great concern and empathy.​
Nobody could have said it better. I hope Germany’s environmental minister Jürgen Trittin was listening. He blames George Bush for hurricane Katrina despite the fact that that statistics don't show a particularly increase in the frequency of hurricanes in the U.S. in the last decades.

According to Herr Trittin, President Bush has neglected environmental protection and shut his eyes “to the economic and human damage that natural catastrophes like Katrina inflict on his country and the world's economy.”

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