Thank you President Trump.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
You didn't need the weight and responsibility of the Presidency, but you stepped up and pulled us back from the brink of Hillary. You re-balanced the Supreme Court with a brilliant pick in Neil Gorsuch. Had Hillary become President, the SCOTUS would have been significantly slanted Liberal and with her second pick would have turned the court into a Liberal rubber stamp mill for the next 20 years.

Your corporate tax cut will stimulate job growth and propel the markets higher. Your individual tax cuts will put more money back in the pockets of taxpayers where it belongs. You are taking the necessary risks to confront the worlds enemies, not sitting on your hands "studying" the situation and letting them get worse, like your predecessor.

Your cabinet is loaded with proven leaders, not academic lightweights. Illegal border traffic has slowed significantly just based on the new message that there is no free pass anymore. And perhaps most importantly, you have called out the disgrace that is American Media and called it what it is. Biased Fake News. The first 100 days have been a great success. Keep winning and keep swinging.
I'm just relieved hitlery lost.

The cheeto messiah is an improvement over the moonbat messiah.

"So much easier"

"So much"


Jared, Ivanka, get me the fuck out of here.

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