Thank you Charlie Crist


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Gov. Charlie Crist (I-FL), who left the Republican Party a month and a half ago to run for Senate as an independent, has just vetoed an anti-abortion bill passed by the state's Republican legislature, a further departure by Crist from Republican policies.
The bill would have required women seeking an abortion to get an ultrasound, and to listen to a doctor give a description of the fetus. Crist had already been clearly hinting that he would veto the bill, once it reached his desk, calling it "mean-spirited."
Crist Vetoes Anti-Abortion Bill From GOP Legislature | TPMDC

I like this...he manages to take both the liberal and true conservative viewpoint at the same time.
Gov. Charlie Crist (I-FL), who left the Republican Party a month and a half ago to run for Senate as an independent, has just vetoed an anti-abortion bill passed by the state's Republican legislature, a further departure by Crist from Republican policies.
The bill would have required women seeking an abortion to get an ultrasound, and to listen to a doctor give a description of the fetus. Crist had already been clearly hinting that he would veto the bill, once it reached his desk, calling it "mean-spirited."
Crist Vetoes Anti-Abortion Bill From GOP Legislature | TPMDC

I like this...he manages to take both the liberal and true conservative viewpoint at the same time.

there's a reason he has a 60% approval rating as governor.

good for him. :clap2:
he makes a good demonRat. trouble is he isn't honest. took all the Republicans money and then went DemonRat. he's a quitter.
I don't live in FL but from what I know about the guy, he seems to have common sense and integrity. Rare traits in politician these days.

I do live in Fl. he has neither. emphasis on the lack of integrity part.
It seems like Crist has a pair and can't be lead around by his nose. I like that! Some of the Neocons turned Bagger could learn something from his courage.
he makes a good demonRat. trouble is he isn't honest. took all the Republicans money and then went DemonRat. he's a quitter.

that's p'nuts... seriously. he was supposed to stay in a primary he was going to lose to a wingnutter? why would he do that.

did you whine when lieberman, the neo-con, became an 'independent' and sabotaged *his* party?

didn't think so.
he makes a good demonRat. trouble is he isn't honest. took all the Republicans money and then went DemonRat. he's a quitter.

that's p'nuts... seriously. he was supposed to stay in a primary he was going to lose to a wingnutter? why would he do that.

did you whine when lieberman, the neo-con, became an 'independent' and sabotaged *his* party?

didn't think so.

Senator Rubio will be a fine Senator. Quit being so racist.
Charlie Crist didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left Charlie Crist.

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