Thank Newt for this

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
The King Of Bain

... a potent polemic -- combining Ken Burns' style, the darkness of the "Daisy" ad, and a bottomless reservoir of immutable rage -- that paints Romney as a dark-hearted, vicious-minded, boodle-craving technocrat-privateer.

We Watch The 'King Of Bain' Attack Documentary So You Don't Have To

Anybody wanna bet the rw's will (a) bury their heads in the sand, (b) defend Romney, (c) blame Obama?

Fact is, there's a good reason why Romney seems so phony. He is.

But, no one can say they didn't know that he is planning to give even more of our money to the 1%. He has said so several times. He has also said he is staying with tinkle down economics even though its very well known now that its really nothing more than a disguise for Robber Barons.

For Pete's sake, even Rick Perry has found one thing he is right about : Vulture Capitalism.
+2 points to Newt for this one. This is why the economy is in the toilet. This is why the standard of living has deflated to what it is.

No legal issues here. Just moral ones. Mitt Romney is a flaming pile of shit.

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