Thank God for our Two Term Limit


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
We seem to be developing a cult of personality that would do Hugo Chavez proud. Just as FDR was able to blame Hoover for his own ineffectiveness, Obama has been able to deflect his own dismal record by continuing to blame the "Bush tax cuts" as if they are somehow responsible for our stagnant economy. If he can reestablish a Democratic majority in the House, watch out: You ain't seen nothing yet.
The way the left claims the Republican party has been hijacked by the far right so too has the Democrat Party by the far left. They are just too stupid to realize it and too unethical to admit it.
Yeah because it's super great to have a president completely unaccountable to the people. Or to know we are electing politicians who may try to usurp the nation for themselves.

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