Texas sheriff refuses to help feds guard migrant children tent city, saying 'it's wrong'


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Well..when a Texas sheriff stands on his principles..you know something's up!

Texas sheriff refuses to help feds guard migrant children tent city, saying 'it's wrong'

"The El Paso County sheriff prohibited his deputies from working off-duty at a temporary shelter housing migrant children, saying he refused to support the Trump administration's "unjust" policy of separating families at the border.

Sheriff Richard Wiles received a phone call on Friday from a local Department of Homeland Security representative asking if his deputies could work off-duty at the shelter site, a tent city about 20 miles east of El Paso at the Tornillo-Marcelino Serna port of entry. The camp was housing migrant children who entered the country unaccompanied but expected to receive children who were forcibly separated from their families, Wiles said in an interview with The Washington Post.
Law enforcement officers often moonlight at second jobs, but Wiles has final say in approving off-duty employment for his deputies.

"I told them absolutely not. I think it's wrong," Wiles said of the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" policy that resulted in the forced separations of families. "It's not consistent with the values of the sheriff's office."

The El Paso County sheriff is among a growing list of law enforcement officers and elected leaders who have protested the Trump administration amid the ongoing border crisis.

Harris County, Texas, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez called separating families at the border "an affront to American values." Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo ferociously condemned the policy on Twitter, calling it "oppressive, inhumane, unGodly." Chris Magnus, the police chief of another border city, Tucson, wrote that the practice raised "troubling questions" for police chiefs who cooperate with immigration enforcement. "Is this consistent with the oath you took to serve & protect?" Magnus said. "Is this humane or moral?"

But Wiles's refusal to assist the government at a migrant children's shelter is a concrete example of a law enforcement leader taking a firm stand against the government. Texas Monthly called it "one of the most forceful steps yet" from law enforcement critical of the Trump administration's practice."

Well..when a Texas sheriff stands on his principles..you know something's up!

Texas sheriff refuses to help feds guard migrant children tent city, saying 'it's wrong'

"The El Paso County sheriff prohibited his deputies from working off-duty at a temporary shelter housing migrant children, saying he refused to support the Trump administration's "unjust" policy of separating families at the border.

Sheriff Richard Wiles received a phone call on Friday from a local Department of Homeland Security representative asking if his deputies could work off-duty at the shelter site, a tent city about 20 miles east of El Paso at the Tornillo-Marcelino Serna port of entry. The camp was housing migrant children who entered the country unaccompanied but expected to receive children who were forcibly separated from their families, Wiles said in an interview with The Washington Post.
Law enforcement officers often moonlight at second jobs, but Wiles has final say in approving off-duty employment for his deputies.

"I told them absolutely not. I think it's wrong," Wiles said of the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" policy that resulted in the forced separations of families. "It's not consistent with the values of the sheriff's office."

The El Paso County sheriff is among a growing list of law enforcement officers and elected leaders who have protested the Trump administration amid the ongoing border crisis.

Harris County, Texas, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez called separating families at the border "an affront to American values." Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo ferociously condemned the policy on Twitter, calling it "oppressive, inhumane, unGodly." Chris Magnus, the police chief of another border city, Tucson, wrote that the practice raised "troubling questions" for police chiefs who cooperate with immigration enforcement. "Is this consistent with the oath you took to serve & protect?" Magnus said. "Is this humane or moral?"

But Wiles's refusal to assist the government at a migrant children's shelter is a concrete example of a law enforcement leader taking a firm stand against the government. Texas Monthly called it "one of the most forceful steps yet" from law enforcement critical of the Trump administration's practice."

Hmmm, looks like the sheriff wants the poor children to be at the mercy of criminals. Must be a libwit.
The shelter doesn’t even have kids separated from any families. They came across the border unaccompanied.

Grand stand much?
Its El Paso. There is a reason Democrats win the border areas where loyalty to the US isnt high.
DOTR, do you know Hispanics enlisted at a higher rate than other Americans in WWII.

To suggest that the border population is less patriotic reflects a degenerate mind.
Well..when a Texas sheriff stands on his principles..you know something's up!

Texas sheriff refuses to help feds guard migrant children tent city, saying 'it's wrong'

"The El Paso County sheriff prohibited his deputies from working off-duty at a temporary shelter housing migrant children, saying he refused to support the Trump administration's "unjust" policy of separating families at the border.

Sheriff Richard Wiles received a phone call on Friday from a local Department of Homeland Security representative asking if his deputies could work off-duty at the shelter site, a tent city about 20 miles east of El Paso at the Tornillo-Marcelino Serna port of entry. The camp was housing migrant children who entered the country unaccompanied but expected to receive children who were forcibly separated from their families, Wiles said in an interview with The Washington Post.
Law enforcement officers often moonlight at second jobs, but Wiles has final say in approving off-duty employment for his deputies.

"I told them absolutely not. I think it's wrong," Wiles said of the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" policy that resulted in the forced separations of families. "It's not consistent with the values of the sheriff's office."

The El Paso County sheriff is among a growing list of law enforcement officers and elected leaders who have protested the Trump administration amid the ongoing border crisis.

Harris County, Texas, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez called separating families at the border "an affront to American values." Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo ferociously condemned the policy on Twitter, calling it "oppressive, inhumane, unGodly." Chris Magnus, the police chief of another border city, Tucson, wrote that the practice raised "troubling questions" for police chiefs who cooperate with immigration enforcement. "Is this consistent with the oath you took to serve & protect?" Magnus said. "Is this humane or moral?"

But Wiles's refusal to assist the government at a migrant children's shelter is a concrete example of a law enforcement leader taking a firm stand against the government. Texas Monthly called it "one of the most forceful steps yet" from law enforcement critical of the Trump administration's practice."

Deportation, Physical Abuse, & Stolen Paperwork; What Will It Take For A Vote On Immigration?


wonder where he was in 2013.
So, that sheriff doesn't want innocent children to be safe? Why not? That's pretty bad.

Wasn't he elected to keep people in his jurisdiction safe?

Just because they are illegals, doesn't mean the Constitution doesn't grant them limited rights. IMO, that sheriff is failing at his job.

Let's just look him up and see if he's a Democrat.
Ah yes, he's a Democrat.

"Wiles, a Democrat,"

Sheriff Wiles reelected to third term in office

A Democrat that would rather children be in danger than do his job and protect them, in order to "resist" Federal policy.

I have to say, that's not a good look.
if what the solution currently is isn't good enough, what is his solution to protect the kids vs. leave them where they are "un" protected?
Its El Paso. There is a reason Democrats win the border areas where loyalty to the US isnt high.
Republicans have shown time and time again that they are not loyal to the United States and our Constitution. Stop covering up.
Its El Paso. There is a reason Democrats win the border areas where loyalty to the US isnt high.
Republicans have shown time and time again that they are not loyal to the United States and our Constitution. Stop covering up.
and you have shown time and again that you are full of shit.

stop pretending otherwise.
Its El Paso. There is a reason Democrats win the border areas where loyalty to the US isnt high.
Republicans have shown time and time again that they are not loyal to the United States and our Constitution. Stop covering up.


Republicans stopped being loyal Americans quite a while back. It's wonderful to see a sheriff in the southwest stand up for moral principles for a change. In lousy Texas, too! Kudos to him!

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