Texas sanctuary city crackdown should go nationwide


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
If more municipalities were held accountable for the actions of criminal aliens after they’re released from police custody with an active ICE detainer request, you would see far fewer jurisdictions with sanctuary policies. S.B. 4 forces cities to follow the rule of law, and by doing that it keeps the streets safe for everyone. As a law enforcement official, I feel personally responsible for the lives of everyone in my county, and Texas’ new sanctuary cities law gives me the tools I need to do my job.

Thomas Homan, President Trump’s nominee to lead ICE, recently stated that almost 10,000 criminal aliens who have been released onto the streets have committed another crime. Contrary to the cries of a small group of advocates, Homan logically points out that immigrants, by and large, support legislation like S.B. 4 because they don’t want criminals in their communities.

Further, sanctuary city policies will have the very consequences their supporters seek to avoid. Those who push for sanctuary city policies argue that it is necessary to ensure “families stay together” and that immigrants “feel free to report crimes.” However, Homan has made it clear that if jurisdictions want to shield criminal aliens from immigration enforcement, ICE will be forced to put more resources towards conducting at-large arrests in communities.

In September during Operation “Safe City,” ICE agents arrested nearly 500 criminal aliens. The majority of these aliens had prior convictions in sanctuary cities where ICE detainers are not honored. San Francisco again made the news, this time, because ICE agents arrested a criminal alien who had previously been charged with sexually assaulting an underage girl.

Poor coordination between local law enforcement agencies and immigration officials also has dire ramifications in the war on terror. We learned this lesson from 9/11, when it was discovered that two of the terrorists with immigration violations had come into contact with state and local law enforcement officials before the attacks happened.

Because of the limited number of federal immigration enforcement officials across the country, state and local law enforcement officers are boots on the ground and should able to assist ICE in immigration enforcement efforts.
Texas sanctuary city crackdown should go nationwide

This is an interesting snippet of an op-ed with the focus on Texas S.B. 4.

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