Texas House Bill 957 - Silencers Legal!!!



Signed into law TODAY !!

We get to make, own, use silencers/suppressors.

Fuck the FedGov!!!


I definitely agree with keeping silencers legal.

Citizens who live in neighborhoods with frequent gunfire at night still need to get their sleep.

Requiring firearms to have silencers at night will keep the noise down, and the people's sleep undisturbed.

Imagine living in a place like Chicago, where hundreds of people are whacked every weekend? How are you going to get up for church on Sunday morning?
Still cant silence of the crack of a high velocity round as it breaks the sound barrier.
Which is why I never understood the bullshit restriction in the first place.

Next.....full-autos and it is illegal for law enforcement to help the fucking feds.
I don't know silencers are even illegal to begin with.

Anyone who has actually used one knows that shit is nothing at all like in the movies, it's still loud, just less loud.

Silencers also decrease accuracy and projeticle velocity.



Signed into law TODAY !!

We get to make, own, use silencers/suppressors.

Fuck the FedGov!!!

Silencers? Bah.... Let me know when your boys & girls in Austin make it legal for citizens to own an M-1 Abrams, perfect solution to all the idiots on the road, not to mention fun for off roading, you Texans need to get your shit together and stop pussy footing around with small arms.:p
Let me know when Texass makes it OK to shoot people who piss you off and I'm there.

This is about SILENCERS on firearms, not when its ok to shoot someone and when its not.

IMHO, its time to mandate the use of silencers particularly in the Ghetto.

Ghetto children really don't need to be kept awake at night due to gunfire. These kids are burdened with enough problems already, they need to get some z's so they are alert when they are in school the next day and need to keep their eyes peeled if their fellow students want to stick them with a shiv.
This is about SILENCERS on firearms, not when its ok to shoot someone and when its not.

IMHO, its time to mandate the use of silencers particularly in the Ghetto.

Ghetto children really don't need to be kept awake at night due to gunfire. These kids are burdened with enough problems already, they need to get some z's so they are alert when they are in school the next day and need to keep their eyes peeled if their fellow students want to stick them with a shiv.
You got a lot of ghettos down there in Conservatopia aka Texas?
I don't know silencers are even illegal to begin with.

Anyone who has actually used one knows that shit is nothing at all like in the movies, it's still loud, just less loud.

Silencers also decrease accuracy and projeticle velocity.

Anyone sitting in federal prison that got caught with one without a license, knows it’s nothing like in the movies to.



Signed into law TODAY !!

We get to make, own, use silencers/suppressors.

Fuck the FedGov!!!


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