Texas Governor Abbott Tests Positive For Covid-19

They are also against federalized health care causing involuntary servitude and medical rationing. So why not give Prolife Conservatives what they have been asking for: let them fund their own free market medical systems, with no abortions/euthanasia, transgender procedures, fetal/stem cell useage, masks/vaccine mandates or other govt regulated health insurance policies. And let prochoice right to healthers set up universal care for those who want federal govt in charge of individual health plans!
They had all the time in the world before 1929. Where were they?
And he's been vaccinated.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are more than 95% effective, not 100%. Abbott is responsible for unnecessary deaths and hospitalizations and the best thing he can do for Texas right now is die. Maybe a few more people will take this seriously.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are more than 95% effective, not 100%. Abbott is responsible for unnecessary deaths and hospitalizations and the best thing he can do for Texas right now is die. Maybe a few more people will take this seriously.
Dr. Fauci the guy who's partly responsible for all of it, who's been lying to us from the beginning still on TV telling us to get vaccinated...... is that the guy you trust ?

Democrats are the most pathetic people walking the planet right now.
Dr. Fauci the guy who's partly responsible for all of it, who's been lying to us from the beginning still on TV telling us to get vaccinated...... is that the guy you trust ?

Democrats are the most pathetic people walking the planet right now.
Fauci told us at the very beginning that it`s a Novel virus that we knew very little about and as science learns more, recommendations will likely change. That`s how science works and how it has always worked.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are more than 95% effective, not 100%. Abbott is responsible for unnecessary deaths and hospitalizations and the best thing he can do for Texas right now is die. Maybe a few more people will take this seriously.
he's not even sick....just because he tested positive does not mean he's sick..... Why do you not talk the same way of Michigan which is undergoing a massive surge right now? Because you think the virus knows politics.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are more than 95% effective, not 100%. Abbott is responsible for unnecessary deaths and hospitalizations and the best thing he can do for Texas right now is die. Maybe a few more people will take this seriously.
yeah...95% effective until they don't work anymore ....which then reduces them to nearly nill.....

Dr. Fauci the guy who's partly responsible for all of it, who's been lying to us from the beginning still on TV telling us to get vaccinated...... is that the guy you trust ?

Democrats are the most pathetic people walking the planet right now.
It is now becoming apparent that the so called scam-cine only works for a little while....it seems to wear off after a matter of months leaving its recipients just as unprotected as they ever were maybe even more so.
Let's understand something here.

Governor Ass Face is against masks. "My Body....My Choice". His choice to NOT WEAR A MASK.

Ass Face knew the risks and did not care. He deserves what happens. He DOES NOT DESERVE MEDICAL CARE. He made his choice and his choice was disregard the science and instead he chose to polticise masks. His choice can kill him. Let him fucking die!!!!
Breaking News: Everyone either has, has had or is going to get Covid. It's now part of the pantheon of seasonal respiratory diseases such as the flu, RSF and the common cold.

Don't buy into the Fear and Scamdemic mongering.
Tell it to this guy

Oh wait..you can't he died of covid
Tell it to this guy

Oh wait..you can't he died of covid

Your Straw Man is Burning.

Everybody dies of something. Rational people understand assessing risks and costs. According to your outlook, the fact that someone died means we should all cower in a hermetically sealed bubble to avoid all risk. That mindset is not living.
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That would depend on what specifically this governor proposes to do. So far, I cannot support anything that the republicans have done or said that they want to do. All they seem to want to do is attack the rights of other Americans and meddle where they should not be meddling. They claim to want smaller government while simultaneously expanding the scope and reach of government, and are in the thrall of special interests. There is nothing to support here.

Your Straw Man is Burning.

Everybody dies of something. Rationale people understand assessing risks and costs. According to your outlook, the fact that someone died means we should all cower in a hermetically sealed bubble to avoid all risk. That mindset is not living.
In the meantime, Biden has just now required ALL nursing home staff to get vaccinated or lose federal Funding.
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It’s more likely he won’t become extremely ill, let’s at least hope so – that’s the benefit of being vaccinated.

There are those who are vaccinated and have contracted the virus who don’t become ill at all.
and there are those who have not been vaccinated and gotten it snd not been sick at all
All those shit sucking, slime drinking fuck wad maskhole and covidiots who are on the air at Fux News, they have to give vax on a central database. Fucker Carlson is vax btw...all those fuckwads over fux are.

Oberfuckenfuhrer Ingram is vax as well.
Abbott is no statesman. Just a bought hack.
Leave it to the peurile Democrat "the truth is optional" children to hate on responsible adults like Governor Abbott, President Trump, and the conservative Republican voters who've followed governmental doings for 60 years and who believe that the truth in government is the only option that supports the United States Constitution.
Let's understand something here.

Governor Ass Face is against masks. "My Body....My Choice". His choice to NOT WEAR A MASK.

Ass Face knew the risks and did not care. He deserves what happens. He DOES NOT DESERVE MEDICAL CARE. He made his choice and his choice was disregard the science and instead he chose to polticise masks. His choice can kill him. Let him fucking die!!!!
Fauci said masks don't work in February, 2020.

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