Texas Chemical Plant


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
CNN is heavily covering the fire at the Arkema plant in Texas. Apparently the flooding water ignited peroxides stored there. The actual coverage (by CNN) shows a contained fire raging with black smoke. Sheila Jackson Lee came on as a 'reporter' and right away politicized the whole thing trying to raise the specter of other similar plants around the U.S. As one would expect from a Demcrat, Communist Liberal she wants the Feds to start a 'fund' (from which she undoubtedly would profit in cash or votes) to 'study' these plants. Doesn't that ignorant pig realize that these plants were built to EPA standards and regulations promulgated by liberal envioronment policies.!!!!!!!!

In Texas chemical-plant fire, failure of backup measures raises new fears

From the link:

"There have been so many plant explosions in the Houston area that resident Robin Boethin cannot keep them straight. She recalled the Texas City refinery explosion in March 2005 — not to be confused with the Texas City disaster of 1947, one of the deadliest industrial accidents in U.S. history. Then there was the Pasadena incident in October 1989, in which gases ignited a series of explosions, killing 23 workers and injuring 300."

"so many exposions" then she can't really remember many. Who falls for this crap? Hey I'm in Far Northern CA we are choked with smoke from wildfires due to the EPA prohibiting forest management. I had a bloody nose this morning. Why is the EPA even needed? I can only think it's their fault.
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The company had a contingency plan for its contingency plan. No one expected water 6 feet deep at that location. When the grid went down, they fired up back-up generators that soon were flooded. The liquid nitrogen system failed and the material was moved to refrigerated trucks that also were flooded.
Yes an unavoidable disaster yet CNN wants to make political hay. For their cud-chewing political liberal base .

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