Testing Democrat Honesty


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In responding to questions about the horror that took place in Paris earlier today, Democrat/Liberal Howard Deans revealed the sort of honesty that many have come to expect from folks of his political persuasion.

"Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Attackers ‘Muslim Terrorists’

... former Gov.Howard Dean (D-VT) immediately dismissed the idea that Islam would be to blame for the attack.

“I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” Dean said on Morning Joe. ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

He also said he does not believe ISIS is an “Islamic cult” and thinks it would be unwise to “accord [the gunmen] any religious respect.”

Despite Dean’s early assertions, though, one of the gunmen purportedly said ‘Allahu Akhbar’ in a videothat was released after the attack, and another was reportedly heard shouting “we have avenged the prophet.”
Howard Dean Don 8217 t Call Paris Attackers 8216 Muslim Terrorists 8217 Mediaite

And, in an earlier tale, equally reality-based...

In his prime-time speech to the nation on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, President Obama vowed to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State insurgency in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes and 475 U.S. boots on the ground – but he also made a particular point of declaring that the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.”
Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

And, let's remember...."you can keep your doctor," and the ever-popular "you didn't build that!"
In responding to questions about the horror that took place in Paris earlier today, Democrat/Liberal Howard Deans revealed the sort of honesty that many have come to expect from folks of his political persuasion.

"Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Attackers ‘Muslim Terrorists’

... former Gov.Howard Dean (D-VT) immediately dismissed the idea that Islam would be to blame for the attack.

“I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” Dean said on Morning Joe. ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

He also said he does not believe ISIS is an “Islamic cult” and thinks it would be unwise to “accord [the gunmen] any religious respect.”

Despite Dean’s early assertions, though, one of the gunmen purportedly said ‘Allahu Akhbar’ in a videothat was released after the attack, and another was reportedly heard shouting “we have avenged the prophet.”
Howard Dean Don 8217 t Call Paris Attackers 8216 Muslim Terrorists 8217 Mediaite

And, in an earlier tale, equally reality-based...

In his prime-time speech to the nation on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, President Obama vowed to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State insurgency in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes and 475 U.S. boots on the ground – but he also made a particular point of declaring that the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.”
Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

And, let's remember...."you can keep your doctor," and the ever-popular "you didn't build that!"
Sorry. I couldn't help but laugh. FYI - Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. The header "Testing Democrat Honesty" is really stretching the meaning of honesty, to the nth degree. Professional politicians and the word "honesty" do NOT belong in the same sentence, nor in the same breathe.
In responding to questions about the horror that took place in Paris earlier today, Democrat/Liberal Howard Deans revealed the sort of honesty that many have come to expect from folks of his political persuasion.

"Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Attackers ‘Muslim Terrorists’

... former Gov.Howard Dean (D-VT) immediately dismissed the idea that Islam would be to blame for the attack.

“I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” Dean said on Morning Joe. ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

He also said he does not believe ISIS is an “Islamic cult” and thinks it would be unwise to “accord [the gunmen] any religious respect.”

Despite Dean’s early assertions, though, one of the gunmen purportedly said ‘Allahu Akhbar’ in a videothat was released after the attack, and another was reportedly heard shouting “we have avenged the prophet.”
Howard Dean Don 8217 t Call Paris Attackers 8216 Muslim Terrorists 8217 Mediaite

And, in an earlier tale, equally reality-based...

In his prime-time speech to the nation on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, President Obama vowed to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State insurgency in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes and 475 U.S. boots on the ground – but he also made a particular point of declaring that the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.”
Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

And, let's remember...."you can keep your doctor," and the ever-popular "you didn't build that!"
Sorry. I couldn't help but laugh. FYI - Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. The header "Testing Democrat Honesty" is really stretching the meaning of honesty, to the nth degree. Professional politicians and the word "honesty" do NOT belong in the same sentence, nor in the same breathe.

Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.
Yup..no politician from either party can be labeled honest..even the beloved Reagan. They are all in it for the 1 percent..this is unarguable. Any attempt would be false and a lie.
Do the whack jobs who shot up abortion clinics in the name of God represent Christianity when they call themselves Christian and say they act in the name of God?? No, they do not. Political diplomats are merely trying to draw the same sort of distinction out of respect for peaceful Muslims..
Do the whack jobs who shot up abortion clinics in the name of God represent Christianity when they call themselves Christian and say they act in the name of God?? No, they do not. Political diplomats are merely trying to draw the same sort of distinction out of respect for peaceful Muslims..

Will it ever get to the point where reality intrudes upon your Liberal bumper-sticker version of the world?
Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.

Honest people recognize your daily dishonesty on this forum...

I'm never dishonest.....I'm not a Liberal.

But....in a short thread you were good enough to provide two....not one!...specific examples of your insanity.

You've served your purpose....you may now return to your jog around the psycho-path.
Still waiting for someone to provide example of honest politician...I hear crickets..a 76 year old male is now kicking all of your butts.... cowards.
Do the whack jobs who shot up abortion clinics in the name of God represent Christianity when they call themselves Christian and say they act in the name of God?? No, they do not. Political diplomats are merely trying to draw the same sort of distinction out of respect for peaceful Muslims..
This is along the same means as what Dean was talking about, and of course he knew the partisan sycophants like the OP would take it and sprint with it. Played her like a trollup fiddle that she is, Dean did.
Do the whack jobs who shot up abortion clinics in the name of God represent Christianity when they call themselves Christian and say they act in the name of God?? No, they do not. Political diplomats are merely trying to draw the same sort of distinction out of respect for peaceful Muslims..

I see your point, but generally even the most peaceful Muslims are oppressive to women and have some archaic beliefs. A Muslim woman recently spoke out against those who defend most Muslims as peaceful because she is tired of being oppressed and feels that Muslim women have no voice. Any criticism of the treatment of Muslim women is quickly shot down by the PC crowd and it hurts those who need support. Women's rights do not exist in Muslim countries and it's a shame that we continue to humor the radicals for fear of offending them. Decent Muslims would turn the other cheek with videos and cartoons that insult their god. Decent people do not treat women like dirt. We all know the horrible things done to Muslim women, especially the young girls. Pretending it doesn't happen doesn't lesson the suffering or make it go away.

Why is it that murders occur virtually any time someone says something against their god?

While abortion doctor killings are just as evil as the killing of infidels, there were very few killings because of pro-life people. The world will always have nuts that go off the edge. The number of attacks and the countless innocent people slaughtered in the name of Islam just in the last 20 years is staggering. Why are there so many more radicals in the Muslim world? Something about the religion seems to foster radicals.
Still waiting for someone to provide example of honest politician...I hear crickets..a 76 year old male is now kicking all of your butts.... cowards.

There are two kinds of people in the world: those afraid of terrorism, and those afraid of second hand smoke.

I have a feeling I can guess where you reside.
Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.

Honest people recognize your daily dishonesty on this forum...

I'm never dishonest.....I'm not a Liberal.

But....in a short thread you were good enough to provide two....not one!...specific examples of your insanity.

You've served your purpose....you may now return to your jog around the psycho-path.
You spelled always wrong
In responding to questions about the horror that took place in Paris earlier today, Democrat/Liberal Howard Deans revealed the sort of honesty that many have come to expect from folks of his political persuasion.

"Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Attackers ‘Muslim Terrorists’

... former Gov.Howard Dean (D-VT) immediately dismissed the idea that Islam would be to blame for the attack.

“I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” Dean said on Morning Joe. ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

He also said he does not believe ISIS is an “Islamic cult” and thinks it would be unwise to “accord [the gunmen] any religious respect.”

Despite Dean’s early assertions, though, one of the gunmen purportedly said ‘Allahu Akhbar’ in a videothat was released after the attack, and another was reportedly heard shouting “we have avenged the prophet.”
Howard Dean Don 8217 t Call Paris Attackers 8216 Muslim Terrorists 8217 Mediaite

And, in an earlier tale, equally reality-based...

In his prime-time speech to the nation on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, President Obama vowed to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State insurgency in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes and 475 U.S. boots on the ground – but he also made a particular point of declaring that the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.”
Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

And, let's remember...."you can keep your doctor," and the ever-popular "you didn't build that!"
Sorry. I couldn't help but laugh. FYI - Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. The header "Testing Democrat Honesty" is really stretching the meaning of honesty, to the nth degree. Professional politicians and the word "honesty" do NOT belong in the same sentence, nor in the same breathe.

Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.
Meaning what exactly? Expose what? Please explain.
There are those blinded or hide behind this fake patriotic mantra..I see where you reside.
Do the whack jobs who shot up abortion clinics in the name of God represent Christianity when they call themselves Christian and say they act in the name of God?? No, they do not. Political diplomats are merely trying to draw the same sort of distinction out of respect for peaceful Muslims..
This is along the same means as what Dean was talking about, and of course he knew the partisan sycophants like the OP would take it and sprint with it. Played her like a trollup fiddle that she is, Dean did.

This distinction will be far above your ability to comprehend...but my partisanship is based on a love and desire to protect this nation.

The Dean-Obama partisanship is based on lying to the American people, thereby making them more vulnerable to the evil we saw played out in Paris this morn.

In my mind, that's a significant difference....but, with your gerbil-level intelligence, you probably can't see that/

Wanna carrot?

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