Testimony of House Democrats’ Star Witness Pokes Holes in Their Narrative


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Testimony of House Democrats’ Star Witness Pokes Holes in Their Narrative

Testimony of House Democrats’ Star Witness Pokes Holes in Their Narrative | Frontpagemag
November 8, 2019 ~ By Joseph Klein
House Democrats are now rolling out the transcripts of various witnesses they had interrogated in the House Intelligence Committee’s secret subterranean chamber. They intend to conduct televised public hearings with these witnesses, starting next week. William B. Taylor Jr., the top American diplomat in Ukraine, will be front and center as a leading witness for the House Democrats’ impeachment proceedings. The transcript of his deposition was released on Wednesday. Mr. Taylor offered his understanding of what other people told him about their negative interpretations of President Trump’s alleged intent to improperly leverage the release of U.S. military aid and a White House meeting to bully the Ukrainian leader President Zelensky into opening investigations for President Trump’s political benefit. These had to do with alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 presidential election and the involvement of the Bidens with a Ukrainian energy company. However, Mr. Taylor had no first hand knowledge to substantiate his sources’ negative interpretations and admitted in his testimony that “Ambassador Sondland told me many times that President Trump said it was not a quid pro quo.” (p. 152).
If the House Democrats are relying on Mr. Taylor to advance their narrative, they are in real trouble. An exchange on p. 120 of the transcript between Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe and Mr. Taylor blows a big hole in the Democrats’ narrative. The Democrats have trumpeted President Trump’s July 25, 2019 call with Ukrainian President Zelensky as evidence that President Trump improperly leveraged the release of U.S. military aid and a White House meeting for political purposes. But, as Ambassador Taylor admitted, the Ukrainians did not know that any aid was on hold at the time of the call.

Isn’t quite obvious that no testimony exonerating President Trump will stop the witch hunt? It doesn’t matter what any of them say, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists have already convicted Trump. They need fuel for the "orange-man-bad" construct that has been pushed from before the election.
This article provides some new (to me) information that is very practical to combat the PMS/DSA Dem narrative. This farce will continue through next year.
Apparently, if you’re a Marxist Socialist Democrat running for President you are above the law. However, if you’re Republican who was elected as President, you don’t deserve the rights afforded to ordinary citizens. Does the PMS/DSA Democrat Left think they really can sell this?
When all is said and done, we Deplorable Americans will get to see several hundred of the traitors involved in the coup, and their laundry list of other crimes committed while the Kenyan was at the helm, sentenced to both life in prison, and death, where the law provides, respectively.

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