*Terry Jones: An American Hero For Truth*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Seldom do we see such a stand for the truth, Mr. Terry Jones is one of only a few able to public come out and denounce everything Islamic.
2. Everyone with half a brain knows Islam is a murderous Satanic Movement, and not a religion, or anything compared to something good for mankind.
3. Its only fit for animals and demons, and people who are in darkness, nothing else.
4. I applaud Mr. Terry Jones, and see hm for the *HERO* he is.
5. Lookie here folks:Afghanistan Koran Burning Protests Rage On for Third Day - FoxNews.com

"Eleven were killed Friday when demonstrators stormed a U.N. compound, including seven foreign U.N. employees. A riot Saturday in southern Kandahar city resulted in nine deaths and more than 80 injured."

6. They consider life worthless and a bullshit evil literature Koran worth more than a life.
7. Islam is Evil, plain and simple folks.

Sorry bout that,

Terry Jones idiots are the reason Christianity is shrinking.

1. Truthseeker, keep seeking the truth, you need some.
2. The Christian hordes are growing more each day.
3. Perhaps its time you get on-board?
4. If what you seek is truth.

I really don't care about someone else religion. It simply doesn't matter to me.

But i do know a little bit about different religions.

And I know that your precious Rev Jones broke his own religious doctrine by burning a copy of the Koran.

Things like Love thy neighbor, and turn the other cheek. or how about judge not, or let he who is without sin cast the first stone?

Now that doesn't mean that the response from the idiot Muslims is acceptable. I'm at the point where I could give a damn about them and their countries.

I would like to know where the hell the American Muslims are with their condemnation of these murders....
Sorry bout that,

I really don't care about someone else religion. It simply doesn't matter to me.

But i do know a little bit about different religions.

And I know that your precious Rev Jones broke his own religious doctrine by burning a copy of the Koran.

Things like Love thy neighbor, and turn the other cheek. or how about judge not, or let he who is without sin cast the first stone?

Now that doesn't mean that the response from the idiot Muslims is acceptable. I'm at the point where I could give a damn about them and their countries.

I would like to know where the hell the American Muslims are with their condemnation of these murders....

1. You may want to start to care about Islam and what its willing to do to piss down your head and back, and say its raining.
2. Already we have so many acts of evil to report, 911 being just one, which there is countless others, might want to take a look at whats going on in the world someday, you decide huh?
3. He did not break any Christian doctrine *at all* he is espousing Christian doctrine by not covering up a lie for an evil movement.
4. He's calling evil for what it is, which he is standing on the things that are truth itself.
5. The times far past to keep turning the other cheek, there's an end to doing that, and I would say after 911, it was over.
6. I was over with turning the other cheek way before then, like twenty years before then.
7. We are as a Christian group of believers will judge angels one day, along with others, with the guidance of God.
8. Sin isn't the problem here, its *pure evil* and we should always judge evil for what it is, and does, and condemn it.
9. Mr. Jones burning of the Koran was his open right, he has every right to protest Islam, and its core, its literature, he has every right to burn lets say a Beatles record collection too, its his right, Islam can not see this, because its blinded by its *evil teachings*, and for that matter, its blinded to everything good and decent too.
10. Its time more Christian Teachers make that stand too.

Oh yes he has the right. No American would dispute that.

But he is also an idiot. And you need to read your good book a little closer.

So be sorry for yourself.

If you follow your book then no worries, they will get theirs.....

Of course I wouldn't mind helping a few along their way.
Terry Jones needs a swift kick to the nuts.
What an irresponsible idiot.
Sorry bout that,

Terry Jones needs a swift kick to the nuts.
What an irresponsible idiot.

1. No he doesn't.
2. And why do you think that?
3. What he needs is a medal of honor.
4. A place in the next Presidential Cabinet.
5. And a trip to Disneyland.

Sorry bout that,

Terry Jones needs a swift kick to the nuts.
What an irresponsible idiot.

1. No he doesn't.
2. And why do you think that?
3. What he needs is a medal of honor.
4. A place in the next Presidential Cabinet.
5. And a trip to Disneyland.


Sorry bout that,

1. You're an idiot.
2. You're an idiot.
3. You're an idiot.
4. You're an idiot.
5. See 1-4.


About a decade ago I went on a two year, self-imposed mission to check out pretty much every organized religious group that I could find. This was brought about by the death of my father. After that two year search you know what I found.... None of those groups had any more answers than any other. In fact, several of them had declined to even attempt to answer the one, simple question I asked of each of them. Every religion out there has its dark parts and its radicals, just like every family does. In fact I have yet to find a single religious organization that has ANY AMOUNT of moral high ground to stand on.

What Terry Jones did was stupid. He had been told what the likely consequences of such an act were back in the fall of 2010 when he suggested doing it on a massive scale. The only difference is that it ended up being a bunch of UN employees rather than US soldiers who have ended up getting killed. So far as I'm concerned Mr. Jones will carry the blood of those souls to the Judgement Day, and I would not like to be in his shoes when he has to account for his actions.
Sorry bout that,


About a decade ago I went on a two year, self-imposed mission to check out pretty much every organized religious group that I could find. This was brought about by the death of my father. After that two year search you know what I found.... None of those groups had any more answers than any other. In fact, several of them had declined to even attempt to answer the one, simple question I asked of each of them. Every religion out there has its dark parts and its radicals, just like every family does. In fact I have yet to find a single religious organization that has ANY AMOUNT of moral high ground to stand on.

What Terry Jones did was stupid. He had been told what the likely consequences of such an act were back in the fall of 2010 when he suggested doing it on a massive scale. The only difference is that it ended up being a bunch of UN employees rather than US soldiers who have ended up getting killed. So far as I'm concerned Mr. Jones will carry the blood of those souls to the Judgment Day, and I would not like to be in his shoes when he has to account for his actions.

1. You would be wrong, he isn't working for mankind in any sense of the word, he is working for God, and burning the Koran is Gods work, and Islam will be totally thrown into the lake of fire, when the day comes.
2. Mr. Jones is just agreeing with what God is going to do, or about too do.
3. I am sorry your father died, thats a given, but your father loved God, very strongly and you should maybe think to ask why?
4. I don't think your father made a mistake in doing so.
5. Where and what you have run away from since you father passed will only be what you find in the end, maybe stop running???
6. Mr. Jones is innocent of anyone being killed in Afagastan.
7. Totally!!!

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Terry Jones needs a swift kick to the nuts.
What an irresponsible idiot.

1. No he doesn't.
2. And why do you think that?
3. What he needs is a medal of honor.
4. A place in the next Presidential Cabinet.
5. And a trip to Disneyland.


Sorry bout that,

1. You're an idiot.
2. You're an idiot.
3. You're an idiot.
4. You're an idiot.
5. See 1-4.


1. Oh great a *Obamabot* pipes in with his usual brilliant words.
2. Next!:lol:

1. You would be wrong, he isn't working for mankind in any sense of the word, he is working for God, and burning the Koran is Gods work, and Islam will be totally thrown into the lake of fire, when the day comes.
2. Mr. Jones is just agreeing with what God is going to do, or about too do.
3. I am sorry your father died, thats a given, but your father loved God, very strongly and you should maybe think to ask why?
4. I don't think your father made a mistake in doing so.
5. Where and what you have run away from since you father passed will only be what you find in the end, maybe stop running???
6. Mr. Jones is innocent of anyone being killed in Afagastan.
7. Totally!!!

If that is the way that his God wants him to work, then I would suggest that his God and I really don't have anything in common, philosophically, nor do I really have any interest in being associated with that God.

My father wasted his entire life investing his time, energy, interest and money into something that never gave him a damn thing in return. It's probably the one thing in my father's life that I do not envy him for. All those wasted Sunday mornings. All that wasted time at meetings, mowing the grass at church, etc... ALL FOR NOTHING. You may not see it as a mistake, but I most definitely do.

I'm not running anymore. I'm simply not going back to that same place and making the same mistake that my father did. What I found was that there is no useful place in my life for any form of organized religion; though if I was to go back to one it would probably be more likely some form of Islam than any form of Christianity.

Mr. Jones is no more innocent of those deaths than the fool who walks into a crowded theater and screams "FIRE" is innocent of the deaths of those who get trampled in the ensuing stampeded. He may not have killed them himself, but he knowingly put in place the act that prompted the response that lead to their death.
Sorry bout that,

1. You would be wrong, he isn't working for mankind in any sense of the word, he is working for God, and burning the Koran is Gods work, and Islam will be totally thrown into the lake of fire, when the day comes.
2. Mr. Jones is just agreeing with what God is going to do, or about too do.
3. I am sorry your father died, thats a given, but your father loved God, very strongly and you should maybe think to ask why?
4. I don't think your father made a mistake in doing so.
5. Where and what you have run away from since you father passed will only be what you find in the end, maybe stop running???
6. Mr. Jones is innocent of anyone being killed in Afagastan.
7. Totally!!!

If that is the way that his God wants him to work, then I would suggest that his God and I really don't have anything in common, philosophically, nor do I really have any interest in being associated with that God.

My father wasted his entire life investing his time, energy, interest and money into something that never gave him a damn thing in return. It's probably the one thing in my father's life that I do not envy him for. All those wasted Sunday mornings. All that wasted time at meetings, mowing the grass at church, etc... ALL FOR NOTHING. You may not see it as a mistake, but I most definitely do.

I'm not running anymore. I'm simply not going back to that same place and making the same mistake that my father did. What I found was that there is no useful place in my life for any form of organized religion; though if I was to go back to one it would probably be more likely some form of Islam than any form of Christianity.

Mr. Jones is no more innocent of those deaths than the fool who walks into a crowded theater and screams "FIRE" is innocent of the deaths of those who get trampled in the ensuing stampeded. He may not have killed them himself, but he knowingly put in place the act that prompted the response that lead to their death.

1. You have a right to refuse to follow whats right and good.
2. Follow Islam and you land yourself right in the middle of hell.
3. Choose not to choose, and you have chosen.
4. Everyones got to choose, its either we choose or get the default.
5. Choose wisely is my advise.:clap2:

1. You have a right to refuse to follow whats right and good.
2. Follow Islam and you land yourself right in the middle of hell.
3. Choose not to choose, and you have chosen.
4. Everyones got to choose, its either we choose or get the default.
5. Choose wisely is my advise.:clap2:

I also have a right to spit my shit sandwich right back in the face of the guy who made it and the waiter who delivered it after I ordered the sirloin, medium-well.

As of right now, I have less than no interest in EVER seeing the inside of "Heaven", so Hell doesn't exactly sound like the worst option. I'm actually hoping for Valhallah, though.

Oh, I've chosen. Have no doubt of that, James. I've chosen not to make the same mistake that my father did, and waste his time, energy, and money on something where there is ZERO short-term return on the investment.
Sorry bout that,

Terry Jones needs a swift kick to the nuts.
What an irresponsible idiot.

1. No he doesn't.
2. And why do you think that?
3. What he needs is a medal of honor.
4. A place in the next Presidential Cabinet.
5. And a trip to Disneyland.


1. Yes he does
2. It was nothing more than act of pointless provocation with predictable results and no tangible benefits
3. For burning a book?
4. See 3.
5. As an attraction maybe?
Sorry bout that,

1. You have a right to refuse to follow whats right and good.
2. Follow Islam and you land yourself right in the middle of hell.
3. Choose not to choose, and you have chosen.
4. Everyones got to choose, its either we choose or get the default.
5. Choose wisely is my advise.:clap2:

I also have a right to spit my shit sandwich right back in the face of the guy who made it and the waiter who delivered it after I ordered the sirloin, medium-well.

As of right now, I have less than no interest in EVER seeing the inside of "Heaven", so Hell doesn't exactly sound like the worst option. I'm actually hoping for Valhallah, though.

Oh, I've chosen. Have no doubt of that, James. I've chosen not to make the same mistake that my father did, and waste his time, energy, and money on something where there is ZERO short-term return on the investment.

1. I think your father is very happy in heaven, so he did fine.:clap2:


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