Tender Mercies: A Roosevelt Love Story


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.

"At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet..."

Au contraire.

Patton saw the inevitability of a conflict with the Russians. Of course, he was totally correct.
More important, Stalin knew he was correct....and so did Franklin Roosevelt, whose raison d'être was to make certain that Soviet communism survived and ended up ruling Europe after the war.

"It is a conflict that Patton believes will be fought soon. The Russians are moving to forcibly spread communism throughout the world, and Patton knows it. "They are a scurvy race and simply savages," he writes of the Russians in his journal. "We could beat the hell out of them."
"Patton," By Martin Blumenson, Kevin M. Hymel, p. 84
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.

"....yet we never went to war with them ..."

What I like about your posts, is that they represent the outcome of the cultural Marxism that Roosevelt welcomed to America, and now controls our schools.

You must be a government school grad, huh?

Now....the facts: of course we went to war with them, you dunce.

FDR's love affair with Stalin, and with communism, was a disaster for America: he encouraged Soviet spies in his administration.

On April 5, 1951, Judge Irving R. Kaufman sentenced the Rosenbergs to death for theft of atomic secrets, and, resulted in "the communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason."
Judge Kaufman's Sentencing Statement in the Rosenberg Case

a. It is clear today, based on archival evidence, unearthed by researchers in Russia and released in the United States, that Kaufman was correct. "Absent an atomic bomb, Stalin would not have released Pyongyang's army to conquer the entire Korean peninsula. Confident that his possession of atomic weapons neutralized America's strategic advantage, Stalin was emboldened to unleash war in Korea in 1950." Haynes, Klehr, and
Vassiliev, "Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America," p. 143, 545. And Romerstein and Breindel,"The Venona Secrets," p. xv, 253.

b. It is important to connect the treachery with the impact of that treachery: the theft of the nuclear technology with 36,940 Americans killed, 91,134 wounded, and 8,176 still missing, and this does not include at least two million civilian lives claimed on both sides.
Bruce Cumings, "The Korean War: A History.'

Included were 1.3 million South Korean casualties, including 400,000 dead. North Korea, 2 million casualties, and 900,000 Chinese soldiers killed.

thanks FDR.
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.

"At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet..."

Au contraire.

Patton saw the inevitability of a conflict with the Russians. Of course, he was totally correct.
More important, Stalin knew he was correct....and so did Franklin Roosevelt, whose raison d'être was to make certain that Soviet communism survived and ended up ruling Europe after the war.

"It is a conflict that Patton believes will be fought soon. The Russians are moving to forcibly spread communism throughout the world, and Patton knows it. "They are a scurvy race and simply savages," he writes of the Russians in his journal. "We could beat the hell out of them."
"Patton," By Martin Blumenson, Kevin M. Hymel, p. 84
"They are a scurvy race and simply savages"

Patton sounds a lot like Hitler there. His sentiment was likely echoed by both Hitler and Napoleon.
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.

"....yet we never went to war with them ..."

What I like about your posts, is that they represent the outcome of the cultural Marxism that Roosevelt welcomed to America, and now controls our schools.

You must be a government school grad, huh?

Now....the facts: of course we went to war with them, you dunce.

FDR's love affair with Stalin, and with communism, was a disaster for America: he encouraged Soviet spies in his administration.

On April 5, 1951, Judge Irving R. Kaufman sentenced the Rosenbergs to death for theft of atomic secrets, and, resulted in "the communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason."
Judge Kaufman's Sentencing Statement in the Rosenberg Case

a. It is clear today, based on archival evidence, unearthed by researchers in Russia and released in the United States, that Kaufman was correct. "Absent an atomic bomb, Stalin would not have released Pyongyang's army to conquer the entire Korean peninsula. Confident that his possession of atomic weapons neutralized America's strategic advantage, Stalin was emboldened to unleash war in Korea in 1950." Haynes, Klehr, and
Vassiliev, "Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America," p. 143, 545. And Romerstein and Breindel,"The Venona Secrets," p. xv, 253.

b. It is important to connect the treachery with the impact of that treachery: the theft of the nuclear technology with 36,940 Americans killed, 91,134 wounded, and 8,176 still missing, and this does not include at least two million civilian lives claimed on both sides.
Bruce Cumings, "The Korean War: A History.'

Included were 1.3 million South Korean casualties, including 400,000 dead. North Korea, 2 million casualties, and 900,000 Chinese soldiers killed.

thanks FDR.
Do you honestly believe that without the Rosenbergs the Soviets would never have been able to make their own bomb? If we hadn't fought the North Koreans in 1950 we'd just have had to fight them in 1960.
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.

"At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet..."

Au contraire.

Patton saw the inevitability of a conflict with the Russians. Of course, he was totally correct.
More important, Stalin knew he was correct....and so did Franklin Roosevelt, whose raison d'être was to make certain that Soviet communism survived and ended up ruling Europe after the war.

"It is a conflict that Patton believes will be fought soon. The Russians are moving to forcibly spread communism throughout the world, and Patton knows it. "They are a scurvy race and simply savages," he writes of the Russians in his journal. "We could beat the hell out of them."
"Patton," By Martin Blumenson, Kevin M. Hymel, p. 84
"They are a scurvy race and simply savages"

Patton sounds a lot like Hitler there. His sentiment was likely echoed by both Hitler and Napoleon.

Let's check:

As with Prague, Patton’s request to secure Berlin was denied. Sadly, after Patton finally reached the ravaged city, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945,” for the first week after they took it (Berlin), all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed.”

In the end, yes Patton was a genius commander such as are many today within the purged ranks of military leadership but never forget, Roosevelt was ultimately the string puller and hence, Russia got its way and the libtards destroyed the face of the planet for the next 50 years until the dissolution of the Soviet machine."
The Foresight of Patton FrontPage Magazine

a. "Hell, why do we care what those goddamn Russians think? We are going to have to fight them sooner or later, within the next generation. Why not do it now while our Army is intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in three months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have, if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards."
Ladislas Farago, Patton: Ordeal and Triumph
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.

We would have cut the fuel supply to the Soviet Air Force and all those big lumbering Russian tanks and artillery would have been nothing more than target practice for the Army AirForce.

FDR was a Stalin sock puppet who condemned half of Europe to 70 years of Hell
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.

"....yet we never went to war with them ..."

What I like about your posts, is that they represent the outcome of the cultural Marxism that Roosevelt welcomed to America, and now controls our schools.

You must be a government school grad, huh?

Now....the facts: of course we went to war with them, you dunce.

FDR's love affair with Stalin, and with communism, was a disaster for America: he encouraged Soviet spies in his administration.

On April 5, 1951, Judge Irving R. Kaufman sentenced the Rosenbergs to death for theft of atomic secrets, and, resulted in "the communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason."
Judge Kaufman's Sentencing Statement in the Rosenberg Case

a. It is clear today, based on archival evidence, unearthed by researchers in Russia and released in the United States, that Kaufman was correct. "Absent an atomic bomb, Stalin would not have released Pyongyang's army to conquer the entire Korean peninsula. Confident that his possession of atomic weapons neutralized America's strategic advantage, Stalin was emboldened to unleash war in Korea in 1950." Haynes, Klehr, and
Vassiliev, "Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America," p. 143, 545. And Romerstein and Breindel,"The Venona Secrets," p. xv, 253.

b. It is important to connect the treachery with the impact of that treachery: the theft of the nuclear technology with 36,940 Americans killed, 91,134 wounded, and 8,176 still missing, and this does not include at least two million civilian lives claimed on both sides.
Bruce Cumings, "The Korean War: A History.'

Included were 1.3 million South Korean casualties, including 400,000 dead. North Korea, 2 million casualties, and 900,000 Chinese soldiers killed.

thanks FDR.
Do you honestly believe that without the Rosenbergs the Soviets would never have been able to make their own bomb? If we hadn't fought the North Koreans in 1950 we'd just have had to fight them in 1960.

I use fact, and you use your Magic 8-Ball.

Sooo.....you are a government school grad.

And, no,the Rosenbergs were only the nearest cause of the Russians gaining the Atomic Bomb.

The real cause was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

a. "The President has directed that 'airplanes be delivered in accordance with protocol schedules by the most expeditious means.' To implement these directives, the modification, equipment and movement of Russian planes have been given first priority, even over planes for US Army Air Forces." From the diaries of Maj. George Racey Jordan, supervisory 'expediter' of Soviet Lend-Lease aid, p. 20.

b. At Congressional Hearing Regarding Shipments of Atomic Material to the Soviet Union During WWII, Washington GPO, 1950, p.909-910, Major Jordon would tell Congress that he kept this presidential directive on his person to show incredulous officers.

c.The full significance of these Lend-Lease shipments was not made clear to Major Jordan until February 1950 when he picked up a copy of Life magazine. Inside was an illustrated article on the atom bomb:

‘I learned for the first time that a plutonium pile consists of giant blocks of graphite, surrounded by heavy walls of concrete and honeycombed with aluminum tubes. In these tubes, it was related, are inserted slugs of natural uranium, containing one per cent of U-235. The intensity of the operation was declared to be governed by means of cadmium rods.’

So illuminating was this information that he carried this article with him during one of his appearances before the House Un-American Activities Committee.

Major Jordan’s observations were later published in the book:
From Major Jordan's Diaries
© 1952 by George Racey Jordan, USAF (Ret.)
with Richard L. Stokes
Originally published in 1952 by
Harcourt, Brace & Company, New York
Reprinted by American Opinion, 1961

Major Jordan’s Diaries – How Lend-Lease diverted Atomic Materials to the USSR - Historum - History Forums
a. "Hell, why do we care what those goddamn Russians think? We are going to have to fight them sooner or later, within the next generation."
Ladislas Farago, Patton: Ordeal and Triumph
Yet we did not fight them before they vanished so he was wrong now wasn't he?

How many more would have died if we did fight them at that time? How different would the world look today if we had?

Of course we fought them, you moron.

What do you imagine (I almost said 'think') Korea, and Vietnam, were?

  1. “Between 1974 and 1980, while the United States wallowed in post-Vietnam angst, 10 countries had fallen into the Soviet orbit: South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South Yemen, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Grenada and Afghanistan. Never had the Soviets lost an inch of real estate to the West. The Brezhnev Doctrine stated simply that once a country went Communist, it would stay Communist. In other words, the Soviet empire would continue to advance and gain territory…” "How the East Was Won"
5. Mitigating the conclusion that Roosevelt was mentally unbalanced, the CIA report goes on to suggest these as anodynes...

"Rather, the operant factors were: the President’s supreme confidence in his own powers of persuasion, his profound ignorance of the Bolshevik dictatorship, his projection of humane motives onto his Soviet counterpart, his determined resistance to contradictory evidence and advice, and his wishful thinking based on geopolitical designs—mindsets supported and reinforced by his appointed advisors."



He's 'stupid'???

Well....let's assume that one opts for 'he was stupid,' rather than 'he was mentally unbalanced.'
What does that say for those chanting his praises today?

"...the President’s supreme confidence in his own powers of persuasion, his profound ignorance ..."

Tell me that doesn't sound just like Hussein, too!
1.If Franklin Roosevelt had had a teenager’s crush on Joseph Stalin, that might explain his actions vis-a-vis that homicidal megalomaniac, as when he ceded Allied military strategy, and control over half of Europe to "Uncle Joe."
….it must have relied on a belief in Stalin's 'tender mercies.'

2. A telling insight comes from close friend, and, equally a Sovietophile, William Christian Bullitt, Jr..
Bullitt was also an extreme Liberal, and a radical who had worked for Woodrow Wilson, and, of course, was a fervent believer in internationalism.
"Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Bullitt the first US ambassador to the Soviet Union, a post that he filled from 1933 to 1936." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Christian_Bullitt,_Jr.

Bullitt did try to stop FDR. In 1935, he had written to FDR about the Comintern Congress, and he followed that with a cable to Secretary of State Hull, that included that there had been "...no decrease in the determination of the Soviet Government to produce a world revolution...If this basic postulate of the Soviet Government is understood, there is nothing in nothing in Soviet domestic or foreign policy that is not clear.' He went on to explain that Stalin yearned for a US-Japan war, after Japan had been thoroughly defeated....to acquire Manchuria and Sovietize China."
Dunn, "Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin," p. 52.

Even so....FDR refused the advice of Bullitt.

3. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies. "
For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

a. FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. Harry says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

Brilliant analysis by Roosevelt, huh?

How to explain this? Well, the CIA has an interesting take:

4.Perhaps it was something else, entirely:

"In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression." How “Uncle Joe” Bugged FDR — Central Intelligence Agency

Mentally ill??????
How could that be true of the great god of the Democrats?????
At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet yet we never went to war with them and they and most of their proxies no longer exist. All in all not a bad outcome, thanks FDR.

"At the end of WWII the Soviets had the most powerful army on the planet..."

Au contraire.

Patton saw the inevitability of a conflict with the Russians. Of course, he was totally correct.
More important, Stalin knew he was correct....and so did Franklin Roosevelt, whose raison d'être was to make certain that Soviet communism survived and ended up ruling Europe after the war.

"It is a conflict that Patton believes will be fought soon. The Russians are moving to forcibly spread communism throughout the world, and Patton knows it. "They are a scurvy race and simply savages," he writes of the Russians in his journal. "We could beat the hell out of them."
"Patton," By Martin Blumenson, Kevin M. Hymel, p. 84
"They are a scurvy race and simply savages"

Patton sounds a lot like Hitler there. His sentiment was likely echoed by both Hitler and Napoleon.
Folks like the OP use Patton like a crutch to support their distorted interpretation and revision of history. Patton's success on the battlefield was dependent on a long list of attributes he had no control of. He commanded an Army dependent on supplies to keep his Armored division able to fight. That included massive amounts of fuel, ammunition, replacements of both men and tanks lost on the battlefield, air support and other commands to cover his flanks and rear.
Patton was like a prima donna who demanded everything focused on him and his mission at the expense of other missions and concerns.
We would have cut the fuel supply to the Soviet Air Force and all those big lumbering Russian tanks and artillery would have been nothing more than target practice for the Army AirForce.
How, I thought at the end of the war the USSR occupied the Romanian oil fields?
We would have cut the fuel supply to the Soviet Air Force and all those big lumbering Russian tanks and artillery would have been nothing more than target practice for the Army AirForce.
How, I thought at the end of the war the USSR occupied the Romanian oil fields?
Just like with the atomic bomb, they had the raw materials but needed one of their spies to steal the secrets of conversion into aviation fuel.
Revisionist like the OP like to make predictions of how FDR would have handled Stalin and the entire ending of WWII, but of course, they in fact offer nothing more than speculative predictions and guess's. That is because FDR died before the war ended. That makes it seem easy for the revisionist. Especially when they pretend to have special powers that enable them to present their speculations as facts. They can cite a letter or report, a quote from a book or opinion article and say "look, here is the proof."
The OP's nonsense has been debunked for over 75 years by generations of historians.

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