Debate Now Tell Me Something

We are a nation of laws. The Law is an express Establishment clause for an uniform rule of Naturalization not Immigration.

Naturalization could only apply to an Immigrant ... It is how a Legal Immigrant becomes a Citizen.
Citizens who are not Immigrants, are Natural Born Citizens as defined in Article II: Section 1, of the US Constitution.

There are laws established on how that is done, and none of the laws are a violation of the US Constitution.
We are a Nation of Laws ... And we should not support attempts to circumvent the law.

Technically ... Illegal Immigrants aren't even Immigrants ... They are Foreign Nationals and Citizens of a Foreign Country.

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We are a nation of laws. The Law is an express Establishment clause for an uniform rule of Naturalization not Immigration.

Naturalization could only apply to an Immigrant ... It is how a Legal Immigrant becomes a Citizen.
Citizens who are not Immigrants, are Natural Born Citizens as defined in Article II: Section 1, of the US Constitution.

There are laws established on how that is done, and none of the laws are a violation of the US Constitution.
We are a Nation of Laws ... And we should not support attempts to circumvent the law.

Technically ... Illegal Immigrants aren't even Immigrants ... They are Foreign Nationals and Citizens of a Foreign Country.

Naturalization can apply to any foreign national as long as they meet the requirements. Naturalization requirements are not Immigration requirements. Right-Wingers are just false and illegal to express Law while practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) upon the Poor. Can they be any more moral in abortion threads or are they really just "nazis" who love to control those they can get away with controlling?
Just to let you know danielson.
your talking to the hand.
Naturalization can apply to any foreign national as long as they meet the requirements. Naturalization requirements are not Immigration requirements. Right-Wingers are just false and illegal to express Law while practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) upon the Poor. Can they be any more moral in abortion threads or are they really just "nazis" who love to control those they can get away with controlling?

Yeah ... They have to meet the requirements of being a Legal Immigrant.
It doesn't have anything to do with abortion, Nazis, hypocrisy or whatever other garbage you may want to apply.

Naturalization can apply to any foreign national as long as they meet the requirements. Naturalization requirements are not Immigration requirements. Right-Wingers are just false and illegal to express Law while practicing the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) upon the Poor. Can they be any more moral in abortion threads or are they really just "nazis" who love to control those they can get away with controlling?

Yeah ... They have to meet the requirements of being a Legal Immigrant.
It doesn't have anything to do with abortion, Nazis, hypocrisy or whatever other garbage you may want to apply.

Has nothing to do with Immigration since Naturalization is the term.
Has nothing to do with Immigration since Naturalization is the term.

Naturalization can only refer to an Immigrant and we have laws that define what is a Legal Immigrant.
The Supreme Court has ruled several times that Naturalization is not applicable to Illegal Immigrants.

Not matter what you say, how you say it, or even if you disagree ... That will never change, and you are simply wrong.

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Has nothing to do with Immigration since Naturalization is the term.

Naturalization can only refer to an Immigrant and we have laws that define what is a Legal Immigrant.
The Supreme Court has ruled several times that Naturalization is not applicable to Illegal Immigrants.

Not matter what you say, how you say it, or even if you disagree ... That will never change, and you are simply wrong.

Not at all the terms are not interchangeable. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass simply because we have no express Immigration clause. All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes. Upgrading Ellis Island means right-wingers don't need to be immoral regarding foreign nationals in the US. We could be more market friendly so there is no reason for the right wing to be against it.
Not at all the terms are not interchangeable. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass simply because we have no express Immigration clause. All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes. Upgrading Ellis Island means right-wingers don't need to be immoral regarding foreign nationals in the US. We could be more market friendly so there is no reason for the right wing to be against it.

Like I have mentioned repeatedly, there is no legal ambiguity over what is a Legal Immigrant ... It is defined in Law.
The Supreme Court has already ruled on several occasions as far as the legality of our Immigration Law and it's Constitutionality.

Nothing you can express or say will change that ... And it has nothing to do with your utter nonsense.
The law says you are wrong, and the Supreme Court has backed it up.

Try swimming in the kiddie pool with your nonsense.
You will just drown when the Law and the Constitution are applied here.

Why was the border issue wrong when Trump was in office.
Because right-wingers are only about bigotry not equality, justice, the law, or natural rights. There is no clause delegating the social power over Immigration in our federal Constitution. If, right-wingers believe Immigration laws necessary and proper how can y'all deny or disparage equality and equal protection of the laws?

You are not Roman enough to declare it an "invasion". It is refugees seeking safety. Right-wingers are simply immoral hypocrites, nothing more, concerning natural rights they allegedly support in abortion threads.


Be legal to express law Right-Wingers not immoral practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God). There is no express clause regarding the whole and entire concept of Immigration in our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land.

That is true. It is the Legislature in Congress that we the people elect to make laws regarding immigration as long as they don't conflict with the Constitution.
Yet, right wingers only have a problem with equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States and equal protection of the laws is an entitlement and expressly protected Right not a privilege or immunity.

I'm honestly amazed that nobody has called you out on this yet because everything that you're accusing right-wingers of is what the left-wing is guilty of and you honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about. :rolleyes:

California has their own rules.
Although they are part of the union, sometimes I wonder if they are part of the United States.
There is like an invisible wall that runs along the east side of the State.
You want to talk about oppression of the citizens, one needs look no farther than Californication.


Lol that might be true for a lot of Californians but not for all of them though.

I didn't know Clinton was a right-winger... amazing

what happened?

Yeah, I don't remember much about him since I was just a child when I was president but I heard that he was one of the biggest (if not the biggest which is debatable with our current pieces of shit currently occupying the white house) Liberal president of them all.
Not at all the terms are not interchangeable. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass simply because we have no express Immigration clause. All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes. Upgrading Ellis Island means right-wingers don't need to be immoral regarding foreign nationals in the US. We could be more market friendly so there is no reason for the right wing to be against it.

Like I have mentioned repeatedly, there is no legal ambiguity over what is a Legal Immigrant ... It is defined in Law.
The Supreme Court has already ruled on several occasions as far as the legality of our Immigration Law and it's Constitutionality.

Nothing you can express or say will change that ... And it has nothing to do with your utter nonsense.
The law says you are wrong, and the Supreme Court has backed it up.

Try swimming in the kiddie pool with your nonsense.
You will just drown when the Law and the Constitution are applied here.

So what. Appeals to ignorance are irrelevant. Naturalization does not require immigration since it is an option not a requirement.
So what. Appeals to ignorance are irrelevant. Naturalization does not require immigration since it is an option not a requirement.

Naturalization cannot refer to anyone that isn't an Immigrant.
That is a fact and not an opinion ... You are wrong again.

Why do you believe that? Naturalization is not immigration. Not everyone will want to be naturalized nor qualify for naturalization. A visitor is not an immigrant.

Tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.
Why do you believe that? Naturalization is not immigration. Not everyone will want to be naturalized nor qualify for naturalization. A visitor is not an immigrant.

I didn't say Naturalization was Immigration ... I said it could only apply to an Immigrant.
It is how a Legal Immigrant becomes a Naturalized Citizen.

It doesn't matter what you say, how you try to phrase it, or if you disagree ... You are simply wrong, again.

Why do you believe that? Naturalization is not immigration. Not everyone will want to be naturalized nor qualify for naturalization. A visitor is not an immigrant.

I didn't say Naturalization was Immigration ... I said it could only apply to an Immigrant.
It is how a Legal Immigrant becomes a Naturalized Citizen.

It doesn't matter what you say, how you try to phrase it, or if you disagree ... You are simply wrong, again.

Nope. They don't need to declare for naturalization if they don't want to. There is no appeal to ignorance of the law.

The militia of the State consists of all able-bodied male citizens and all other able-bodied males who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, who are between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, and who are residents of the State, and of such other persons as may upon their own application be enlisted or commissioned therein pursuant to the provisions of this division, subject, however, to such exemptions as now exist or may be hereafter created by the laws of the United States or of this State.
Why do you believe that? Naturalization is not immigration. Not everyone will want to be naturalized nor qualify for naturalization. A visitor is not an immigrant.

I didn't say Naturalization was Immigration ... I said it could only apply to an Immigrant.
It is how a Legal Immigrant becomes a Naturalized Citizen.

It doesn't matter what you say, how you try to phrase it, or if you disagree ... You are simply wrong, again.

Nope. They don't need to declare for naturalization if they don't want to. There is no appeal to ignorance of the law.

If people don't want to be Naturalized Citizens, they don't have to be ... And I never suggested they did, so "Nope" yourself.
At that point they aren't Immigrants, they are Foreign Nationals and Citizens of a Foreign Country (something I have already said).

They can be a tourist, but if they want to stay, they have to get a Green Card or Visa to do so.
In that case, the US Supreme Court ruled people who have illegally entered the country are not eligible to get a Green Card, Visa, or apply for Naturalization.

There is no other way you can slice it ... People who enter the country illegal have no legal ability to stay.
Sanchez v Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security indicated they are not eligible even if they have Temporary Protected Status.

If you don't want to be ignorant of the Law ... It would be a good idea if you learned it.

Your piss poor militia attempt:
A person can legally enter the United States without being an Immigrant, or as a Legal Immigrant waiting for Naturalization.
The portion you posted referred specifically to people with the intent to be Naturalized Citizens.

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It's folly to engage daniel. Real talk: He's an argle-bargle bot and a creep show.

ROTFLMAO!!! I can't believe a moderator just said that! This website truly rocks!! :cool: Even so, I don't like being mean to people as I believe in being the better person, but I can't help if people just fucking irritate me sometimes. :rolleyes: (Not you obviously, people who are as stupid as fuck and just don't get it and what a serious ass situation that we're in right now with the demonrats. (my nickname for communist democrats.)

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