Teen's legs paralyzed after receiving college mandated vaccines


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Delaware teen getting ready to leave for college got the health scare of his life when he lost feeling in his legs following a vaccine injection.


Teen’s Legs Paralyzed After Receiving College-Mandated Vaccine

Oh, don't worry the sheeple's medical Gods will be around to soothe the idiots and tell them this is just a one in a million occurrence and that nobody really has this happened. LOL. Keep taking those FDA APPROVED for safety vaccines bahahah.

Wait until the stupid ass left keeps denying it all and then one day it makes its rounds to the very idiot who never researched, never read the inserts, never questioned and just took their medical gods' word for it yep so did these parents.

These are the same jackasses who want to mandate it for " EVERYONE". these are your same idiots who won't believe a thing until the lights go out in their own kid...........
Temporary adverse reaction.

a lucky one others haven't been so lucky. The point that it did this should be an instinctive warning right off the bat TO NOT GET IT AGAIN!!

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You have absolute, incontrovertible proof that "others haven't been so lucky" with Trumenba? Oh and no shit Sherlock, following a reaction such as this that person should not get it again.

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