Teen birth rate lowest ever recorded


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Teenagers are giving birth at the lowest rates noted in seven decades of record-keeping, according to statistics from the federal government released Tuesday.

The report doesn't speculate on why the birthrate has fallen, but two decades of public-health initiatives to curb teenage pregnancy may be paying dividends. The National Center for Health Statistics report shows that the teen birthrate fell to 39.1 births per 1,000 teenagers ages 15 to 19 in 2009. That's a 6% drop from 2008 and the lowest rate since 1940. In 1991, in contrast, the rate was 61.8 per 1,000.

Teen birthrate at lowest point in seven decades - latimes.com
One of the quotes was something like, "Is it because all those unemployed parents are at home watching their kids?"
I think it's probably through better sexual education and access to birth control if anything.
A Force Behind the Lower Teen Birthrate: MTV's '16 and Pregnant' - Yahoo! TV Blog

For years, MTV has made a living, its detractors would say, peddling rock-star debauchery to wide-eyed teenagers.

But according to a new government study that shows the U.S. teen birthrate falling dramatically in 2009 after a five percent increase from 2005 to 2007, experts say the network may have redeemed itself with its gritty "16 and Pregnant" documentary series, which many teens credit with opening their eyes to the consequences of unprotected sex and early parenthood.
None of the above.
Birth control pills usage among teens I read somewhere is 25 times what it was just 20 years ago.
I glanced around but couldn't immediately find a chart...at any rate, more and more and more girls are using birth control.
@Mr. H
BAH! We should have abstinence-only MTV ;)
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Ah yes, the joys of Abortion.

then you get headlines like the above.
In all seriousness though, it is the economy. If there isn't any gold to dig, the vaginas get boarded up

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