Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Rocker Ted Nugent apparently still has the keys to an op-ed column over at the Washington Times, which has given him a forum to opine on how to deal with the deficit as lawmakers work to reach an agreement to avert the fiscal cliff.

According to Nugent, the debt and spending problem is so dire that the only way to even begin to address it is to simply engage in the ritual "slaughter" of entitlement programs altogether.

"The three sacred entitlement cows in the room that no politician wants to poke are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid," Nugent wrote. "A blinding statement of the obvious is that we are never going to get our financial house in order until these sacred entitlement cows are not only poked, but slaughtered."

Nugent argued that instead of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans, as many Democrats including President Barack Obama have supported, Congress should hike taxes on everybody -- particularly the poorest 50 percent of Americans, whom Nugent accuses of mooching an "insane free ride."

The next step, wrote Nugent, was to suspend "the right to vote of any American who is on welfare."

More: Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Revoke Voting Rights For Welfare Recipients
Considering Nugent's enthusiasm for "slaughtering" animals, I understand his choice of words.
Welfare recipients are the true patriots.................

So, uh, you think the Constitution should be trashed and basic rights should be taken away from people who get assistance from the government?

Bet I can guess which of the other nutters will pile on for this one.

You'll throw away vets, the elderly, children, people who have worked all their lives but are now down and out through no fault of their own but by gawd, you just love this draft dodger who sat in his own shit so he wouldn't have to serve.

WHAT is WRONG with you people?

What happened to the REAL GOP, the Grand Old Party? How did you froot loops get in and what did you do with the REAL Americans who used to be the pub party?
Welfare recipients are the true patriots.................

So, uh, you think the Constitution should be trashed and basic rights should be taken away from people who get assistance from the government?

Bet I can guess which of the other nutters will pile on for this one.

You'll throw away vets, the elderly, children, people who have worked all their lives but are now down and out through no fault of their own but by gawd, you just love this draft dodger who sat in his own shit so he wouldn't have to serve.

WHAT is WRONG with you people?

What happened to the REAL GOP, the Grand Old Party? How did you froot loops get in and what did you do with the REAL Americans who used to be the pub party?

There was a time when Republicans weren't the party of oligarchy while fucking every other class and American for the benefit of the wealthy?
You'll throw away vets, the elderly, children,.............

What about pets, you forget those poor, oppressed, furry little things...........

Its always a hit parade of victims libs trot out like they are their saviors...............FUNNY
No one cares what he thinks, he's even less relevant than Rush.

Don't look now but just over your head, oddball is creaming his jeans cuz he wants ole poopy pants nooog in the White House so bad.

Every time I wonder just how low the rw's would be willing to go, they tell me.

Wish they'd secede, or as they call it, "succeed". They call it that cuz they're "maroons".
You'll throw away vets, the elderly, children,.............

What about pets, you forget those poor, oppressed, furry little things...........

Its always a hit parade of victims libs trot out like they are their saviors...............FUNNY

Logik is right, coherent thoughts are completely overrated.

I know, lets show em we "care" with some new govt programs and some spending........

Maybe even a few more civil servants to oversee it all.........
So Ted Nugent roams a concert stage while toting automatic weapons, calls Barack Obama "a piece of -----" and says he told Obama to suck on one of his machine-guns. He also calls Hillary Clinton a "worthless bitch" and Dianne Feinstein a "worthless whore."

That Nugent, he's a man's man. He talks the talk and walks the walk, right?

Except when it was time to register for the draft during the Vietnam era. By his own admission, Nugent stopped all forms of personal hygiene for a month and showed up for his draft board physical in pants caked with his own urine and feces, winning a deferment. Creative!

Ted Nugent: Draft Dodging Coward | Crooks and Liars

Ted the Family Guy

He has had two wives and has eight children, including three out of wedlock in two liaisons almost 30 years apart.

In the late 1960s, prior to his first marriage, Nugent fathered a boy, Ted (Mann) and a girl, whom he gave up for adoption in infancy. In 2005 Nugent was involved in a legal battle for not paying enough child support.

In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa’s parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the “100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock”

More: Ted Nugent: draft dodger (deadbeat dad and creepy ‘teen dater’ too) : The Reid Report
You'll throw away vets, the elderly, children,.............

What about pets, you forget those poor, oppressed, furry little things...........

Its always a hit parade of victims libs trot out like they are their saviors...............FUNNY

Those who constantly defend complete looney tune assholes define the birds of a feather statement.

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