Ted Nugent and Kid Rock running for Senate, one will be elected


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Ted Nugent joins Kid Rock as potential candidate for U.S. Senate race in Michigan

Born Free? or from my cold dead hands?

In other news, Trump has added democrats to the endangered species list.........................

This is awesome. Kid rock yes. Ted Nugent? WTH? He's just an old drunk with absolutely nothing to offer what so ever, no matter who you are.
This is awesome. Kid rock yes. Ted Nugent? WTH? He's just an old drunk with absolutely nothing to offer what so ever, no matter who you are.
A team needs a quarterback, a defensive offensive line, a coach, a waterboy and an old dude in the stands. Trump needs another vote in the Senate, Kidd Rock was so popular and scary to Hillary Clinton that she had his manager murdered after Rock came out in favor of Trump.

This is awesome. Kid rock yes. Ted Nugent? WTH? He's just an old drunk with absolutely nothing to offer what so ever, no matter who you are.
A team needs a quarterback, a defensive offensive line, a coach, a waterboy and an old dude in the stands. Trump needs another vote in the Senate, Kidd Rock was so popular and scary to Hillary Clinton that she had his manager murdered after Rock came out in favor of Trump.

These politicians these days are nuts.

Makes me admire Anders Brevik. Imagine how many young psychopaths he took out that day. Shame he couldn't have done the young conservatives in the afternoon too!
So Charles Manson is running in 2020 or 2024? He's about as qualified as Trump.
Maybe people have been so confused by the last presidential primaries that they no longer recognize the difference between a primary and an election.They are both republicans. If they both decide to run only one will be the candidate, not necessarily the winner..
Kid Rock? Isn't he that one-hit wonder from the 90's who's biggest song was "BA WAH DU BA" or some shit?

Yeah, he's a real fucking brainiac, that Kid Rock.

The common man would do a better job than the current bread of huckster politicans
So Charles Manson is running in 2020 or 2024? He's about as qualified as Trump.
Did saying that turn you on, because all it did is out you as a complete moron................

Kid Rock? Isn't he that one-hit wonder from the 90's who's biggest song was "BA WAH DU BA" or some shit?

Yeah, he's a real fucking brainiac, that Kid Rock.

Yea, have CNN say that he can't win..............................


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