Ted Cruz..wow!


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Ted Cruz has done a great job ever since being elected. He is a man who stands by his convictions and beliefs. What Cruz did today showed his character, toughness, smarts and relentlessness. The socialist movement (and they're in both parties), never gives up until they win. This is why Ted Cruz strikes fear in them, he has the same tenacity they do, and he's gradually gaining support. Ted comes across as warm, passionate and caring, and is articulate, this is a person who I believe has what to takes to win over more Democrat voters than many might believe - it isn't just libertarians and conservatives that are against Obamacare.

What Cruz did today was courageous, he went into battle against all odds knowing his chances of victory on this are slim. Where Cruz did win is he flushed out the establishment Republicans who talked a big game about being against Obamacare, but when it came time to walk the walk, these establishment types showed their true colors. Well, Ted just gave the primary candidates excellent attacking points to use against:

Mitch McConjob, (pictured below)


Bad news for Mitch, Democrats would rather face him than his primary rival, Matt Bevin:

Democrats, for once, are rooting for McConnell in Senate primary - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

And for good reason....Mitch is trailing Democrat, Alison Grimes in the polls 45-44. Mitch is one of the America-haters who has undermined Cruz's attempt to defund Obamacare, primary opponent Bevin now has a great thing to use against McConjob. Mitch is done.

Lyndsey Graham (pictured below - notice his true color):


Graham is another conspirator with McConjob. Graham is up for election in 2014 as well. Graham's approval rating in S.C. has dropped from 71% to 47%, he could be primaried out, too. John Cornyn might have cost himself in the primary as well by going along with dumb and dumber.

Cruz did a a great job of hammering it home that our government is not listening to Americans. When you have Democrats hating on Cruz, establishment Republicans undermining him, and racists in the media like Wolf Blitzer running "Everyone hates Ted Cruz" segments, Cruz is doing something right and you can see the panic increasing as they see the abilities and determination Cruz has.
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Ted Cruz has done a great job ever since being elected. He is a man who stands by his convictions and beliefs. What Cruz did today showed his character, toughness, smarts and relentlessness. The socialist movement (and they're in both parties), never gives up until they win. This is why Ted Cruz strikes fear in them, he has the same tenacity they do, and he's gradually gaining support. Ted comes across as warm, passionate and caring, and is articulate, this is a person who I believe has what to takes to win over more Democrat voters than many might believe - it isn't just libertarians and conservatives that are against Obamacare.

What Cruz did today was courageous, he went into battle against all odds knowing his chances of victory on this are slim. Where Cruz did win is he flushed out the establishment Republicans who talked a big game about being against Obamacare, but when it came time to walk the walk, these establishment types showed their true colors. Well, Ted just gave the primary candidates excellent attacking points to use against:

Mitch McConjob, (pictured below)


Bad news for Mitch, Democrats would rather face him than his primary rival, Matt Bevin:

Democrats, for once, are rooting for McConnell in Senate primary - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

And for good reason....Mitch is trailing Democrat, Alison Grimes in the polls 45-44. Mitch is one of the America-haters who has undermined Cruz's attempt to defund Obamacare, primary opponent Bevin now has a great thing to use against McConjob. Mitch is done.

Lyndsey Graham (pictured below - notice his true color):


Graham is another conspirator with McConjob. Graham is up for election in 2014 as well. Graham's approval rating in S.C. has dropped from 71% to 47%, he could be primaried out, too. John Cornyn might have cost himself in the primary as well by going along with dumb and dumber.

Cruz did a a great job of hammering it home that our government is not listening to Americans. When you have Democrats hating on Cruz, establishment Republicans undermining him, and racists in the media like Wolf Blitzer running "Everyone hates Ted Cruz" segments, Cruz is doing something right and you can see the panic increasing as they see the abilities and determination Cruz has.

we need more Ted Cruzs

currently the right has as nasty infestation of progressives

as the democrats do
How on earth is what Cruz did courageous? It's not even a real filibuster.

Cruz is a doofus. Big waste of time on a vote that's going forward anyway.

For procedural reasons, Cruz's remarks, however long, do not constitute a true filibuster; the vote to move forward with government-funding legislation is scheduled to begin after noon on Wednesday and will go forward regardless. Twitter quickly dubbed his stand a "fauxlibuster" or -- perfect for its invocation of vacuous, feel-good nonsense-speech -- a "Ted Talk." Invoking the Nazis, the Soviet Union, and the Little Engine That Could, Cruz styled himself the lone crusader for right against a formidably equipped enemy.

The Double Absurdity of Ted Cruz's 'Filibuster' - Molly Ball - The Atlantic
It's the same logic as all the other votes to defund Obamacare, really. House Republicans have long known that all those votes were futile, but they had 40+ votes so that they can all claim they "voted against it".

Cruz is pulling the same bullshit here. He knows that what he's doing actually means absolutely nothing as far as tomorrow's vote goes. It's grandstanding at it's finest. But it gives him the ability to say that he did it when he goes hunting for that sweet sweet PAC money.

The reality is that Republicans are desperate because they are fully aware that once Obamacare is actually implemented, it will be impossible to get rid of. It's all fine and good to bluster about being against Obamacare in the abstract, but once it goes into effect and removing it means that people see benefits that they've become accustomed to actually disappearing, that's a whole different ballgame.

Cruz is playing Republican voters. And apparently some of them are dumb enough to fall for it.
It's the same logic as all the other votes to defund Obamacare, really. House Republicans have long known that all those votes were futile, but they had 40+ votes so that they can all claim they "voted against it".

Cruz is pulling the same bullshit here. He knows that what he's doing actually means absolutely nothing as far as tomorrow's vote goes. It's grandstanding at it's finest. But it gives him the ability to say that he did it when he goes hunting for that sweet sweet PAC money.

The reality is that Republicans are desperate because they are fully aware that once Obamacare is actually implemented, it will be impossible to get rid of. It's all fine and good to bluster about being against Obamacare in the abstract, but once it goes into effect and removing it means that people see benefits that they've become accustomed to actually disappearing, that's a whole different ballgame.

Cruz is playing Republican voters. And apparently some of them are dumb enough to fall for it.

And that's the sad, sad truth.
Poor Ted. He was like I dare you to agree to a vote and join me. I am totally behind this until the end and I willholyshitballs....they said yes?

Umm ok..err...this is awkward...
How on earth is what Cruz did courageous? It's not even a real filibuster.
Let's see, he pissed off Obama, Reid, the Democrats, McConnel, and the Republicans by telling every single one of them that they are wrong. Not to mention he made ass kissers like you look really stupid. He even pissed off the Tea PArty, and you think he isn't brave.
How on earth is what Cruz did courageous? It's not even a real filibuster.

He's wasting taxpayer dime and congress's time all over throwing a temper tantrum to stroke the hard right's 2"er's. They love it, and the idiots in this thread prove that.
How on earth is what Cruz did courageous? It's not even a real filibuster.
Let's see, he pissed off Obama, Reid, the Democrats, McConnel, and the Republicans by telling every single one of them that they are wrong. Not to mention he made ass kissers like you look really stupid. He even pissed off the Tea PArty, and you think he isn't brave.

How exactly did he make me look stupid? You know that he's fake filibustering the House bill that he pushed for, right? And that the vote is happening tomorrow regardless?

He's not saying a thing people didn't already know. He's against Obamacare. Noted.

He's PLAYING you. How do you not see that?
How on earth is what Cruz did courageous? It's not even a real filibuster.
Let's see, he pissed off Obama, Reid, the Democrats, McConnel, and the Republicans by telling every single one of them that they are wrong. Not to mention he made ass kissers like you look really stupid. He even pissed off the Tea PArty, and you think he isn't brave.

How exactly did he make me look stupid? You know that he's fake filibustering the House bill that he pushed for, right? And that the vote is happening tomorrow regardless?

He's not saying a thing people didn't already know. He's against Obamacare. Noted.

He's PLAYING you. How do you not see that?

He made you ask that question, didn't he?
Let's see, he pissed off Obama, Reid, the Democrats, McConnel, and the Republicans by telling every single one of them that they are wrong. Not to mention he made ass kissers like you look really stupid. He even pissed off the Tea PArty, and you think he isn't brave.

How exactly did he make me look stupid? You know that he's fake filibustering the House bill that he pushed for, right? And that the vote is happening tomorrow regardless?

He's not saying a thing people didn't already know. He's against Obamacare. Noted.

He's PLAYING you. How do you not see that?

He made you ask that question, didn't he?

So what, he made me look stupid because I'm talking about him, which is what he wants? If that's what you mean, well, I'd rather be "stupid" for talking about what a joke this is than have fallen hook line and sinker for the crap he's selling. Because it's junk. He knows it's junk, the Republicans know it's junk, the Democrats know it's junk.

And yet, here you are, doggedly posting about how "brave" it is of Ted Cruz to sell his sycophants a dumpster of false promises and self-perceived righteous indignation.

You can aspire to have better idols than this.
Mike Lee has the floor now.....supposedly asking a question.

This dude looks really, really out of it.

Cruz doesn't look that bad. I wonder if he is getting standing naps during these long "questions" being asked by his pals? Of course, cockroaches don't require much sleep.

This show is being witnessed by television viewers the world over. This wonderful tradition of filibuster......to enact the will of the people......made into a foolish act of grandstanding.

How on earth is what Cruz did courageous? It's not even a real filibuster.
Let's see, he pissed off Obama, Reid, the Democrats, McConnel, and the Republicans by telling every single one of them that they are wrong. Not to mention he made ass kissers like you look really stupid. He even pissed off the Tea PArty, and you think he isn't brave.

What?!!!! He told them they are wrong? That is incredible!

Pissed off the Tea Party? Is that right?

Why is pissing anyone off brave? All he cares about is making 10-20 percent of American adults who have an interest in politics.......think he is brave, or courageous, or righteous, or charismatic. Then.....these dupes will buy his books and get him a job at FOX or The Heritage Foundation or Americans For Prosperity or The Daily Caller.

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