Ted Cruz- A number of the Biden judicial nominees are anti America, they believe America is racist and has an evil history.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Why are Democrats here not doing anything about this how can you folks support this nonsense? Things like slavery and bigotry were always worldwide problems it’s not America’s problem it’s not the white man’s problem. If anything the United States has been a Bastone of liberalism and equal rights for as long as we have existed … as long as we have existed we could perhaps call ourself the most civilized country in the world.

Common sense shows us You cannot have a person who is president of United States and is going around supporting judicial nominees who are openly telling you that they are against American values. There is no logic to supporting people who believe that America has an evil history these are people with a vendetta… they actually could be foreign agents for all we know.

Please urge Joe to support judicial nominees that respect American history. If this kind of nonsense keeps up with the Democrats we won’t have a country anymore…. this is completely unacceptable there’s no excuse for a so-called president of this country to be supporting anti Americans. This is beyond comprehension and we need change.
Why are Democrats here not doing anything about this how can you folks support this nonsense? Things like slavery and bigotry were always worldwide problems it’s not America’s problem it’s not the white man’s problem. If anything in the United States has been a Bastone of liberalism in equal rights for as long as we have existed prefer as long as we have existed we could perhaps call Orr call ourself the most civilized country in the world. This is common sense. You cannot have a person who is president of United States and is going around supporting judicial nominees who are openly telling you that they are against American values. There is no logic to supporting people who believe that America has an evil history these are people with a vendetta… they actually could be foreign agents for all we know.

Please urge Joe to support judicial nominees that respect American history. If this kind of nonsense keeps up with the Democrats we won’t have a country anymore this is completely unacceptable there’s no excuse for a so-called president of this country to be supporting our time Americans. This is beyond comprehension

There is more slavey in the world today than there has ever been in the history of mankind

But are democrats focused on that? No. Instead, they are focused on slaves hundreds of years ago that are long since dead. So that shows they don't care about slavery. It's just more virtue signaling.

So, are they trying to formulate hatred towards the US, a country that elected them into office? Do they really want people to storm the Capital and kill off all the democrats running the country? No, so that ain't it either. I mean, it is a hard sell to convince American that they are systemically racist when those same politicians trying to convince us of this were elected by what they call systemically racist people.

So why then are they doing it? It is to preserve the black block vote by convincing them they really care, but most importantly, it is to smear the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution.

The Constitution is the target.
Why are Democrats here not doing anything about this how can you folks support this nonsense? Things like slavery and bigotry were always worldwide problems it’s not America’s problem it’s not the white man’s problem. If anything the United States has been a Bastone of liberalism and equal rights for as long as we have existed … as long as we have existed we could perhaps call ourself the most civilized country in the world.

Common sense shows us You cannot have a person who is president of United States and is going around supporting judicial nominees who are openly telling you that they are against American values. There is no logic to supporting people who believe that America has an evil history these are people with a vendetta… they actually could be foreign agents for all we know.

Please urge Joe to support judicial nominees that respect American history. If this kind of nonsense keeps up with the Democrats we won’t have a country anymore…. this is completely unacceptable there’s no excuse for a so-called president of this country to be supporting anti Americans. This is beyond comprehension and we need change.

Neither slavery nor racism are an American value. Opposing either doesn't make you ant-American.
His racist selection of judges didn't begin or end with the incompetent Ketanji Jackson.

Neither slavery nor racism are an American value. Opposing either doesn't make you ant-American.

There is no slavery in America, that ended in December 1865.

And since that time blacks have been and still are free to emigrate; while blacks from outside America keep immigrating here.
There is no slavery in America, that ended in December 1865.

And since that time blacks have been and still are free to emigrate; while blacks from outside America keep immigrating here.

There isn't slavery in America ANYMORE. Teaching about that vile, evil practice is just history. The south literally murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans to preserve tyranny.

An education in the US should definitely dive into that.

We try and whitewash how tyrannical slavery was. Where slaves could be maimed, mutilated, raped or killed at the whim of their owners. And try and pretend that the legacy of slavery and our nation's history of racism just magically disappeared.

Both of those fantasies should be challenged.
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Neither slavery nor racism are an American value. Opposing either doesn't make you ant-American.
How do people like you come to these horrendous conclusions. Like you just treat people like garbage. Cut the nonsense out

the United States even during the times of slavery was more liberal than all the slave states in Africa or the Middle East or Asia one could argue. When white people own slaves Black people also own slaves so if you support BLM you have been brainwashed they’re stealing all your money they don’t give a shit about you.

While Americans in this country black and white are starving to death you are patting yourself on the back for supporting BLM. Our country needs you to change your ways

How do you people respond the way you do that’s why everyone calls you liars Grow up my friend and see the light you can do better.
How do people like you come to these horrendous conclusions. Like you just treat people like garbage. Cut the nonsense out

the United States even during the times of slavery was more liberal than all the slave states in Africa or the Middle East or Asia one could argue. When white people own slaves Black people on slaves so if you support BLM you have been brainwashed they’re stealing all your money they don’t give a shit about you.

How do you people respond the way you do that’s why everyone calls you liars Grow up my friend and see the light you can do better.
Notice you don't actually disagree with anything I've said.

Nor should you.

Slavery was tyranny. The laws that oppressed former slaves and their descendants for a decades more were horrid. The US eagerly engaged in both. Entire economies were dependent on tyranny enforced by murder, enslavement, mutilation, rape and maiming. For literally HUNDREDS of years.

Comparing OUR evil to someone else's doesn't excuse either. What we did was wrong and caused unimaginable damage.

Why shouldn't this be taught?
When we are willing to own our mistakes, we become better people.
Sometimes we try to do two much helping stuff,
and some times we do not do nearly enough.
As much honesty as possible, is always the best way.
Who says that Jackson is incompetent? She's immaculately qualified with buckets of experience.

She's a dolt who was among the most overturned judges during her time as a District Court judge and exposed her ignorance at her hearings to be elevated to the Supreme Court.

FFS, she said she didn't have an opinion about a central tenet of our Republic, which is natural rights, which pro-slavery groups used as one reason justifying slavery, that is blacks weren't fully human and thus didn't have natural rights and she had no opinion!

16. Do you hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights, yes or no?

RESPONSE: I do not hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights.

There isn't slavery in America ANYMORE. Teaching about that vile, evil practice is just history. The south literally murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans to preserve tyranny.

An education in the US should definitely dive into that.

We try and whitewash how tyrannical slavery was. Where slaves could be maimed, mutilated, raped or killed at the whim of their owners. And try and pretend that the legacy of slavery and our nation's history of racism just magically disappeared.

Both of those fantasies should be challenged.

People have been taught about slavery forever in schools, particularly outside the old South.

What you and others want is sackcloth and ashes and a never-ending obsession over an issue that ended in a bloody Civil War.
People have been taught about slavery forever in schools, particularly outside the old South.

What you and others want is sackcloth and ashes and a never-ending obsession over an issue that ended in a bloody Civil War.

It was a class and a half when I was in school. And it was smoothed over and white washed to a ludicrious degree.

We spent longer on the Teapot Dome scandal than we did centuries of the most vile tyranny, brutality, mutilation, murder, and rape. Where EVERY right was stripped from literally millions of people. Where children were born as property.

Teaching what actually happened, the laws that lasted for generations after to subjegate former slaves and their descendants.......isn't 'anti-American'.
There isn't slavery in America ANYMORE. Teaching about that vile, evil practice is just history. The south literally murdered hundreds of thousands of Americans to preserve tyranny.

An education in the US should definitely dive into that.

We try and whitewash how tyrannical slavery was. Where slaves could be maimed, mutilated, raped or killed at the whim of their owners. And try and pretend that the legacy of slavery and our nation's history of racism just magically disappeared.

Both of those fantasies should be challenged.
OK this is just wrong big time. Slavery was a worldwide issue not an American issue not the white man’s issue.

And treatment of slaves varied across the world including in the United States.
Notice you don't actually disagree with anything I've said.

Nor should you.

Slavery was tyranny. The laws that oppressed former slaves and their descendants for a decades more were horrid. The US eagerly engaged in both. Entire economies were dependent on tyranny enforced by murder, enslavement, mutilation, rape and maiming. For literally HUNDREDS of years.

Comparing OUR evil to someone else's doesn't excuse either. What we did was wrong and caused unimaginable damage.

Why shouldn't this be taught?
If you are a Democrat if you are a liberal you will understand that simply put slavery was a worldwide issue… you cannot make this thing white man versus black man that creates massive division and goes against all logic.

When the United States ended slavery in 1865 other countries including some in Africa such as Ethiopia had legalized slavery until the 1930s. Ironically it was fascist Italy that ended slavery in Ethiopia in the 1930s when they took the country over and occupied it for a few years.

We teach or at least we used to teach our kids about the Civil War we taught them that so many Americans white and black fought and died in this country to end slavery. We teach them that slavery was a worldwide issue and that the United States was perhaps the most liberal country of the world throughout his entire existence.
If you are a Democrat if you are a liberal you will understand that simply put slavery was a worldwide issue… you cannot make this thing white man versus black man that creates massive division and goes against all logic.

When the United States ended slavery in 1865 other countries including some in Africa such as Ethiopia had legalized slavery until the 1930s. Ironically it was fascist Italy that ended slavery in Ethiopia in the 1930s when they took the country over and occupied it for a few years.

We teach or at least we used to teach our kids about the Civil War we taught them that so many Americans white and black fought and died in this country to end slavery. We teach them that slavery was a worldwide issue and that the United States was perhaps the most liberal country of the world throughout his entire existence.

That's moral relativism at its absolute worst, trying to excuse the worst kind of tyranny.

Slavery being a 'world wide issue' doesn't excuse ANYTHING we did. It doesn't excuse a single rape, a single mutilation, a single beating, a single child born as property. For hundreds of years. It doesn't excuse any of the oppressive laws that followed for decades and decades after.

We based entire economies on people as property. On brutality, maiming, mutilation. Our nation's foundation was built upon this great evil.

This is literally our history. Why would we gloss over any of this?

Teaching it isn't 'anti-American'. We absolutely did *all* of that shit.
It was a class and a half when I was in school. And it was smoothed over and white washed to a ludicrious degree.

We spent longer on the Teapot Dome scandal than we did centuries of the most vile tyranny, brutality, mutilation, murder, and rape. Where EVERY right was stripped from literally millions of people. Where children were born as property.

Teaching what actually happened, the laws that lasted for generations after to subjegate former slaves and their descendants.......isn't 'anti-American'.

How much do you need to know about it? You act as if there wasn't much discussion about the Civil War.

As well, slavery long existed in this world, yet many try and make it out as if it began in America and use the foolish nonsense that it is America's 'original sin'.

Slavery existed in the New World prior to Columbus, slavery was a worldwide fact. So harping on slavery in America is just another way to tear us down from the leftoids who keep picking at scabs.

How many hours of teaching does it require? And how many hours will be given to talking about blacks owning blacks, Indians owning blacks, and Africans who owned blacks and sold blacks into slavery and were a huge part of the slave trade?
How much do you need to know about it? You act as if there wasn't much discussion about the Civil War.

As well, slavery long existed in this world, yet many try and make it out as if it began in America and use the foolish nonsense that it is America's 'original sin'.

Slavery existed in the New World prior to Columbus, slavery was a worldwide fact. So harping on slavery in America is just another way to tear us down from the leftoids who keep picking at scabs.

How many hours of teaching does it require? And how many hours will be given to talking about blacks owning blacks, Indians owning blacks, and Africans who owned blacks and sold blacks into slavery and were a huge part of the slave trade?

Oh, the civil war was discussed. But other than discussing the cause of the civil war, discussions were about the war.

Not slavery.

Slavery was glossed over and white washed. Its brutality and tyranny softened and muted.

It shouldn't be. Its our history. I'd advocated at least several weeks into the practices of slavery, the tyranny of it, the impact it had on individuals, the white supremacy that fed it, the economies that were based on it, and the human toll. The cultures and languages that were surpressed.

I wouldn't try and soften it just because it makes it harder to lionize the founders.

I'd also do deep, deep dives into all the oppressive laws that followed to subjugate former slaves and their descendants. Not just bare mentions, but meaningful exploration of the impact of redlining, poll taxes, the KKK and similar terrorist organizations, segregation, bans on interracial marriage, and our nation's history of racism.

And how that racism still lingers today, still impacts the lives of the descendants of slaves. For fuck's sake, it wasn't until 1996 that a majority of Americans thought that interrracial marriage should even be LEGAL.

What conservatives want is the most trivial review of slavery, anything more than a 'technical acknowledgement' of centuries of brutality being CRT, and thus forbidden to even mention.

I disagree. The conservative obsession with white washing our nation's history of slavery, racism and white supremacy is anti-American. Not teaching our history.

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