Teaching Obama


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Way back before the 'Dawning of an Error,' in 2008, we on the Right warned about Obama- not just his political nature....but about how untried and inexperienced he was.

Of course, events proved us right as well as Right.

His record of domestic as well as foreign policy failure is way longer than Freddy Gray's criminal record.

And, currently, his most egregious design: the Iran Nuclear treaty.

2. For purposes of edification, both of Obama/Kerry, and the dolts who support this administration, here is the way negotiations are carried on by the finest President of the last hundred years.
Read, and note well:

"Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. His genial grin and wise-cracking demeanor concealed a spine of steel when push came to shove. Yet at their next meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, where Gorbachev would not budge on the "Star Wars" question, Reagan was decisive and unforgiving.

He recalls in An American Life how he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State:
"Let's go, George. We're leaving."

Like any good diplomat, Shultz was crushed by so much roughness, but Reagan was completely unfazed. Later on, he explained: "I went to Reykjavik determined that everything was negotiable except two things, our freedom and our future."

The Amazing and Mysterious Life of Ronald Reagan The National Interest

"....he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State:
"Let's go, George. We're leaving."

3. Instead, America bows under this:

"Tehran (AFP) - Iran hit out Friday against US Secretary of State John Kerry, accusing him of threatening military action against Tehran if it fails to respect a historic nuclear deal sealed on July 14.
"Unfortunately the US Secretary of State once again talked about the rotten rope of 'the ability of the US for using military force'," said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a statement.

Zarif decried what he called the "uselessness of such empty threats against the nation of Iran and the resistance of the nation of Iran", and said such remarks should be consigned "to the last century".
Iran hits out at Kerry s empty threats - Yahoo News

Such is the result of sending a boy to do a man's job....

Who are the fools who put such power in Obama's hands?
Obama,Kerry wanted the Iran deal more than the mullahs, they lowered this country to the level of Iran. Iran played those fools for the fools that that they are.
1. Way back before the 'Dawning of an Error,' in 2008, we on the Right warned about Obama- not just his political nature....but about how untried and inexperienced he was.

Of course, events proved us right as well as Right.

His record of domestic as well as foreign policy failure is way longer than Freddy Gray's criminal record.

And, currently, his most egregious design: the Iran Nuclear treaty.

2. For purposes of edification, both of Obama/Kerry, and the dolts who support this administration, here is the way negotiations are carried on by the finest President of the last hundred years.
Read, and note well:

"Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. His genial grin and wise-cracking demeanor concealed a spine of steel when push came to shove. Yet at their next meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, where Gorbachev would not budge on the "Star Wars" question, Reagan was decisive and unforgiving.

He recalls in An American Life how he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State:
"Let's go, George. We're leaving."

Like any good diplomat, Shultz was crushed by so much roughness, but Reagan was completely unfazed. Later on, he explained: "I went to Reykjavik determined that everything was negotiable except two things, our freedom and our future."

The Amazing and Mysterious Life of Ronald Reagan The National Interest

"....he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State:
"Let's go, George. We're leaving."

3. Instead, America bows under this:

"Tehran (AFP) - Iran hit out Friday against US Secretary of State John Kerry, accusing him of threatening military action against Tehran if it fails to respect a historic nuclear deal sealed on July 14.
"Unfortunately the US Secretary of State once again talked about the rotten rope of 'the ability of the US for using military force'," said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a statement.

Zarif decried what he called the "uselessness of such empty threats against the nation of Iran and the resistance of the nation of Iran", and said such remarks should be consigned "to the last century".
Iran hits out at Kerry s empty threats - Yahoo News

Such is the result of sending a boy to do a man's job....

Who are the fools who put such power in Obama's hands?
Who are the fools?? .......... A very easy question to answer...........ANSWER: The stupid ignorant pathetic voters that suffer from the terrible affliction known as "Blind Patriotism". Voters are DUMB, plain and simple. The proof to that statement can be seen and read about in the past half century of "The Selling of America". Voters go to the polls on election day, do as they usually do, yet expect a different result. They elect and re-elect professional politicians ( crooks ) to serve in government, then spend the next four years complaining. Meanwhile, they watch this once great nation deteriorate, amass astronomical debt, engage in senseless deadly costly wars, suffer economic misery, experience such disgraces as loss of privacy, and still not satisfied, they repeat their mistake in the next elect cycle.

Questions ??
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One can only wonder why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) considers it so very important that Iran have a nuclear bomb.

And why any American would support that view.
1. Way back before the 'Dawning of an Error,' in 2008, we on the Right warned about Obama- not just his political nature....but about how untried and inexperienced he was.

Of course, events proved us right as well as Right.

His record of domestic as well as foreign policy failure is way longer than Freddy Gray's criminal record.

And, currently, his most egregious design: the Iran Nuclear treaty.

2. For purposes of edification, both of Obama/Kerry, and the dolts who support this administration, here is the way negotiations are carried on by the finest President of the last hundred years.
Read, and note well:

"Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. His genial grin and wise-cracking demeanor concealed a spine of steel when push came to shove. Yet at their next meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, where Gorbachev would not budge on the "Star Wars" question, Reagan was decisive and unforgiving.

He recalls in An American Life how he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State:
"Let's go, George. We're leaving."

Like any good diplomat, Shultz was crushed by so much roughness, but Reagan was completely unfazed. Later on, he explained: "I went to Reykjavik determined that everything was negotiable except two things, our freedom and our future."

The Amazing and Mysterious Life of Ronald Reagan The National Interest

"....he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State:
"Let's go, George. We're leaving."

3. Instead, America bows under this:

"Tehran (AFP) - Iran hit out Friday against US Secretary of State John Kerry, accusing him of threatening military action against Tehran if it fails to respect a historic nuclear deal sealed on July 14.
"Unfortunately the US Secretary of State once again talked about the rotten rope of 'the ability of the US for using military force'," said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a statement.

Zarif decried what he called the "uselessness of such empty threats against the nation of Iran and the resistance of the nation of Iran", and said such remarks should be consigned "to the last century".
Iran hits out at Kerry s empty threats - Yahoo News

Such is the result of sending a boy to do a man's job....

Who are the fools who put such power in Obama's hands?
Who are the fools?? .......... A very easy question to answer...........ANSWER: The stupid ignorant pathetic voters that suffer from the terrible affliction known as "Blind Patriotism". Voters are DUMB, plain and simple. The proof to that statement can be seen and read about in the past half century of "The Selling of America". Voters go to the polls on election, do as they usually do, yet expect a different result. They elect and re-elect professional politicians ( crooks ) to serve in government, then spend the next four years complaining. Meanwhile, they watch this once great nation deteriorate, amass astronomical debt, engage in senseless deadly costly wars, suffer economic misery, experience such disgraces as loss of privacy, and still not satisfied, they repeat their mistake in the next elect cycle.

Questions ??

"Questions ??"

Yeah.....did you miss the part of the OP that contained the instructions to Obama on negotiations 101?
1. Way back before the 'Dawning of an Error,' in 2008, we on the Right warned about Obama- not just his political nature....but about how untried and inexperienced he was.

Of course, events proved us right as well as Right.

His record of domestic as well as foreign policy failure is way longer than Freddy Gray's criminal record.

And, currently, his most egregious design: the Iran Nuclear treaty.

2. For purposes of edification, both of Obama/Kerry, and the dolts who support this administration, here is the way negotiations are carried on by the finest President of the last hundred years.
Read, and note well:

"Reagan was made from far sterner stuff than was his Soviet counterpart. His genial grin and wise-cracking demeanor concealed a spine of steel when push came to shove. Yet at their next meeting in Reykjavik in 1986, where Gorbachev would not budge on the "Star Wars" question, Reagan was decisive and unforgiving.

He recalls in An American Life how he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State:
"Let's go, George. We're leaving."

Like any good diplomat, Shultz was crushed by so much roughness, but Reagan was completely unfazed. Later on, he explained: "I went to Reykjavik determined that everything was negotiable except two things, our freedom and our future."

The Amazing and Mysterious Life of Ronald Reagan The National Interest

"....he stood up from the table to proclaim that the meeting was over. Then he turned to his Secretary of State:
"Let's go, George. We're leaving."

3. Instead, America bows under this:

"Tehran (AFP) - Iran hit out Friday against US Secretary of State John Kerry, accusing him of threatening military action against Tehran if it fails to respect a historic nuclear deal sealed on July 14.
"Unfortunately the US Secretary of State once again talked about the rotten rope of 'the ability of the US for using military force'," said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a statement.

Zarif decried what he called the "uselessness of such empty threats against the nation of Iran and the resistance of the nation of Iran", and said such remarks should be consigned "to the last century".
Iran hits out at Kerry s empty threats - Yahoo News

Such is the result of sending a boy to do a man's job....

Who are the fools who put such power in Obama's hands?
Who are the fools?? .......... A very easy question to answer...........ANSWER: The stupid ignorant pathetic voters that suffer from the terrible affliction known as "Blind Patriotism". Voters are DUMB, plain and simple. The proof to that statement can be seen and read about in the past half century of "The Selling of America". Voters go to the polls on election, do as they usually do, yet expect a different result. They elect and re-elect professional politicians ( crooks ) to serve in government, then spend the next four years complaining. Meanwhile, they watch this once great nation deteriorate, amass astronomical debt, engage in senseless deadly costly wars, suffer economic misery, experience such disgraces as loss of privacy, and still not satisfied, they repeat their mistake in the next elect cycle.

Questions ??

"Questions ??"

Yeah.....did you miss the part of the OP that contained the instructions to Obama on negotiations 101?
What about it ??
One can only wonder why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) considers it so very important that Iran have a nuclear bomb.

And why any American would support that view.
It's NOT a wonder. Didn't pathetic voters elect him, not once, but twice? That in itself explains the thought process and mentality of the American voters. Why would anyone be surprised by anything Obama does? Those of us that had him figured out months before he was elected the first time, certainly aren't surprised, shocked, nor caught with our pants down. And, if he completely destroys this once great nation, it's NOT his fault. He's ONLY doing what he's been allowed to do. He didn't just waltz into Washington and take a seat in the oval office, stupid ignorant voters put him there.

Look, the reality is that once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. "The Washington Brotherhood" is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Once one understands that truism, the rest of the questions about what goes on in this country, and our actions abroad, are self-explanatory. It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to see and understand how our government works, and who they work for. In the eyes of politicians, we're seen as nothing more than a source for votes and tax revenue, plain and simple.

RWnuts think Vietnam would have worked out better if we'd just stayed there longer.

RWnuts claim Reagan won the Cold War, and yet Russia remains as dangerous to the US as it ever was.

RWnuts thought invading Iraq was a brilliant idea.

I don't think RWnuts are the ones we should be looking to for foreign policy wisdom.
One can only wonder why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) considers it so very important that Iran have a nuclear bomb.

And why any American would support that view.
It's NOT a wonder. Didn't pathetic voters elect him, not once, but twice? That in itself explains the thought process and mentality of the American voters. Why would anyone be surprised by anything Obama does? Those of us that had him figured out months before he was elected the first time, certainly aren't surprised, shocked, nor caught with our pants down. And, if he completely destroys this once great nation, it's NOT his fault. He's ONLY doing what he's been allowed to do. He didn't just waltz into Washington and take a seat in the oval office, stupid ignorant voters put him there.

Look, the reality is that once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. "The Washington Brotherhood" is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Once one understands that truism, the rest of the questions about what goes on in this country, and our actions abroad, are self-explanatory. It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to see and understand how our government works, and who they work for. In the eyes of politicians, we're seen as nothing more than a source for votes and tax revenue, plain and simple.


As is regularly the case, my problem with you is that you will only group all "professional politicians" as the same.

Clearly....and I say 'clearly' with reference to the OP, that is not the case.

Reagan vs. Obama

The former, pro-America and pro- American, far sighted, effective, competent.
The latter.....none of the above.

I challenge you to agree with such obvious differentiation.
RWnuts think Vietnam would have worked out better if we'd just stayed there longer.

RWnuts claim Reagan won the Cold War, and yet Russia remains as dangerous to the US as it ever was.

RWnuts thought invading Iraq was a brilliant idea.

I don't think RWnuts are the ones we should be looking to for foreign policy wisdom.

Viet Nam would have worked out better if Kennedy and Johnson had not gotten us into that fiasco. 58,000 americans killed for NOTHING. Thanks to JFK and LBJ. At least Nixon was smart enough to declare defeat and pull out.

The Iran deal will ensure more and greater conflict in the mid east. Israel may be forced to take action to protect itself. The Saudis and Jordanians will want nukes to match Iran's nukes.

this is a terrible deal for the USA and the world. Obozo and his scape goat Kerry got punked by the mullahs.
RWnuts think Vietnam would have worked out better if we'd just stayed there longer.

RWnuts claim Reagan won the Cold War, and yet Russia remains as dangerous to the US as it ever was.

RWnuts thought invading Iraq was a brilliant idea.

I don't think RWnuts are the ones we should be looking to for foreign policy wisdom.
Reagan did end the cold war and we pretty much had Russia in check. Then Obama started drawing imaginary red lines and Putin realized he was dealing with a pussy. Well we know what happened. Unless you want to rewrite history as you always do.
One can only wonder why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) considers it so very important that Iran have a nuclear bomb.

And why any American would support that view.
Oh really? When did they get one?

not yet, but the deal ensures that they will get one (or more).
Wishful thinking how does it allow them to get the bomb? ....We have cut nuke deals before and they turned out just fine with countries that already have the bomb......But again this thread and the statements are mere words of dissatisfaction with a party and president and have nothing to do with reality....Yet the DOD says they got what they wanted out of the deal...
One can only wonder why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) considers it so very important that Iran have a nuclear bomb.

And why any American would support that view.
Oh really? When did they get one?

Yours is exactly the sort of post that Liberals rely on, demanding notarized statements from the villains themselves, before they will admit the obvious.

"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata.

An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.'
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One can only wonder why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) considers it so very important that Iran have a nuclear bomb.

And why any American would support that view.
Oh really? When did they get one?

not yet, but the deal ensures that they will get one (or more).
Wishful thinking how does it allow them to get the bomb? ....We have cut nuke deals before and they turned out just fine with countries that already have the bomb......But again this thread and the statements are mere words of dissatisfaction with a party and president and have nothing to do with reality....Yet the DOD says they got what they wanted out of the deal...

You imbecile....what in the treaty assures inspection....

At lest 24 days!

AND...the Iranians are on the committees that consider requests for inspections.
One can only wonder why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) considers it so very important that Iran have a nuclear bomb.

And why any American would support that view.
Oh really? When did they get one?

not yet, but the deal ensures that they will get one (or more).
Wishful thinking how does it allow them to get the bomb? ....We have cut nuke deals before and they turned out just fine with countries that already have the bomb......But again this thread and the statements are mere words of dissatisfaction with a party and president and have nothing to do with reality....Yet the DOD says they got what they wanted out of the deal...

Clinton made a similar deal with North Korea, North Korea has nukes.

If you study the deal, it ensures that Iran will have bomb making material in a few years. But since inspections are only allowed after a 24 day waiting period and no US inspections are allowed, they could get a nuke much sooner.

Obama and Kerry got taken to the cleaners by the mullahs-----------and 4 american hostages still sit in Iranian prisons.
One can only wonder why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) considers it so very important that Iran have a nuclear bomb.

And why any American would support that view.
Oh really? When did they get one?

not yet, but the deal ensures that they will get one (or more).
Wishful thinking how does it allow them to get the bomb? ....We have cut nuke deals before and they turned out just fine with countries that already have the bomb......But again this thread and the statements are mere words of dissatisfaction with a party and president and have nothing to do with reality....Yet the DOD says they got what they wanted out of the deal...

You imbecile....what in the treaty assures inspection....

At lest 24 days!

AND...the Iranians are on the committees that consider requests for inspections.
If you don't know I'm not going to enlighten you....

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