Teach Starbucks about Saul Alinsky, all minorities in U.S. should go and demand free coffee....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Old Saul, the one who dedicated his book to satan, had rules for destroying freedom...one of them was to hold freedom lovers to the rules they created to bring freedom to the world.....well......here we go..

To all racial minorities in the United States......go to your nearest Starbucks coffee shop and demand free coffee.......teach them what living up to their own stupidity actually means..

Viral Video Of Black Man Demanding (And Getting) Free 'Reparations' Coffee From Starbucks Is Not What You Think

Political vlogger Bryan Sharpe, AKA "Hotep Jesus," filmed himself walking into a Starbucks and demanding free "reparations" coffee from a white barista in light of recent allegedly racist incidents involving black men at two of the company's stores. Sharpe did indeed receive the free coffee and the video quickly went viral online. In Twitter postings, Sharpe implored other black folks to tape themselves demanding free coffee, too, as part of the "#StarbucksChallenge."

Sharpe's stunt, however, was not done to get free things by virtue of his skin tone and encourage others "entitled" to do the same, but to highlight how "white guilt" and "black privilege" got him free coffee, which, he says, is actually racist.
I agree: When that barista gave that gentleman a cup of free coffee, that was a cup of pity coffee.

It was a condescending act and showed that the barista (presumably following corporate orders) agreed to give him that coffee because Starbucks executives apparently do NOT consider people of that gentleman's ethnicity to actually be equal -- IMHO.
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Oh, please. He was trying to make a statement about how ridiculous Starbucks (in firing the manager) and everyone else were in their reaction to the arrests when those guys refused to buy anything and leave. And showed a furthering of their ridiculous response.

And your ”not equal” remark is as racist as it can get.
Starbucks executives apparently do NOT consider people of that gentleman's ethnicity to actually be
He's not a "gentleman" and he's not equal. He's a lowlife scammer who should have been thrown out, if not arrested.
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