Tea Party=The New Nazi Party?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
From Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels' Diary

April 13, 1926

"Hitler was there. Tall healthy and vigorous." "I like him. He puts us to shame with his kindness." "We met. We asked questions. He gave brilliant replies." "I love him."

"The social issue, completely new insights. He has it all thought out." Hitler's ideal: "a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Production must remain a matter for individuals, big corporations, trusts, etc, all to be nationalized. This is what we discuss."


I'm watching the documentary: The Goebbels Experiment. I got to thinking about the correlations between the Nazi's in Germany and the Conservatives in America.

Before using the Tea Party name, as a name for a movement, took hold in the imagination of the popular right wing nutso-sphere---Dale Robertson was using Tea Party dot org, as a name in September of 2004 (as far as I can tell).

Who is Dale and what why do I and others call him a leader and founder of the Tea Party movement?


There is no denying Dale was using the name Tea Party, and calling for conservatives to take back the GOP. Dale is a lair, and a propagandist. There is no denying Dale Robertson was involved with starting and helping tom organize Tea Party rallies in Texas, before they got scared with him and his racist ideology. There is no denying the right is distancing themselves from Robertson with deceit and deception as to how he is connected to them. Dale is at Tea Party events in 2009.
In a brief bio on his website, he lies about his military career. According to the website,

Dale served his nation first as a U.S. Marine. After completing his duties with the Corps, he reenlisted into the U.S. Navy and became a U.S. Naval Officer. During his distinguished time of service, Dale’s Battle Group was first to the scene on 9/11 as well as first to launch an offensive in Afghanistan. He was stationed on the USS Sacramento which was the life blood of the Battle Group. He faithfully served our nation with Honor and Integrity, retiring after 22 years.

But a Freedom of Information Act request by blogger Jonn Lilyea at This Ain't Hell reveals that Robertson was discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves after serving less than a year. That is quite an embellishment from the record he claims on his website. Robertson's statement is, in fact, riddled with falsehoods.

Read more: STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

I post a few links from the right wing blowhardo-sphere and others.

‘N-Word’ Sign Dogs Would-Be Tea Party Leader The Washington Independent

STORY RETRACTED | Fake Tea Partier Also a Phony Soldier | NewsBusters.org

'Warning: Tea Party In Danger': Leader Slams Palin As 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' | TPMMuckraker

Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use Alan Colmes' Liberaland


back to the Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation. How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

I'll be back.

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wow..... dale must be a really really old guy by now considering people were using the phrase "tea party" all the way back in 1773!! :cuckoo:

The Boston Tea Party, 1773

1773? "Before using the Tea Party name, as a name for a movement, took hold in the imagination of the popular right wing nutso-sphere, "

We're talking about a guy who started using TeaParty.org in 2004. His platform has been much of what the Tea Party adopted.

stop trying to play silly little girl games about the origin of the phrase Tea Party. Doing so only highlights how bankrupt and pathetic you and the Tea Party defenders are.

Now, I think you're not denying the Tea Party parallels to the Nazi Party, says much.
Before using the Tea Party name, as a name for a movement, took hold in the imagination of the popular right wing nutso-sphere---Dale Robertson was using Tea Party dot org, as a name in September of 2004 (as far as I can tell).
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Poor Dante, I think his mission in life right now is to see just how many ways he can smear a large part of the American people.

Independents and Democrat Tea Party members, TAKE NOTE.:lol:
Poor Dante, I think his mission in life right now is to see just how many ways he can smear a large part of the American people.

Independents and Democrat Tea Party members, TAKE NOTE.:lol:

The Tea Party has always been a front for conservatives and now the GOP.

Independents and Democrat Tea Party members, TAKE NOTE. :evil:
i've had domain names registered since the early 90s. wanna buy one?

how the hell does registering a domain name become part of some nazi conspiracy?
Poor Dante, I think his mission in life right now is to see just how many ways he can smear a large part of the American people.

Independents and Democrat Tea Party members, TAKE NOTE.:lol:

Well that's all they've got. They can't debate the Tea Partiers on substance without looking like total schmucks. And the Tea Partiers scare them shitless because if the Tea Party concept catches on bigtime, they lose their place at the teat of big government. They might (gasp) actually have to take responsibility for themselves and become citizens who become involved to create the society they want instead of being the pawns of those they elect to office.

There is something very comforting about cradle to grave security to some. The Tea Partiers call that a form of slavery and do not want to give government that kind of authority.

It is a legitimate national debate.

But the Tea Partiers are the only ones with an argument that can be defended. :)
As amusing as the turnabout on incendiary language may be, I can't say that it is particularly accurate.

April 13, 1926

"Hitler was there. Tall healthy and vigorous." "I like him. He puts us to shame with his kindness." "We met. We asked questions. He gave brilliant replies." "I love him."

"The social issue, completely new insights. He has it all thought out." Hitler's ideal: "a mixture of collectivism and individualism. Production must remain a matter for individuals, big corporations, trusts, etc, all to be nationalized. This is what we discuss."

more from Dr. Goebbels' Diary (substitute a few terms 1917/2008---Jews/Democrats or socialists, Cologne/Washington)...

"Then 1917 (2008), and a painfully hungry year we get through it somehow." "Banking and the Stock Exchange, Industry and Market Capital...Jews (Democrats, Scialists, Leftists, Progressives), I reflect on my finacial predicament. Spiritual illumination."

"I am overwhelmed. The Revolution is inside me. But I remain pessimistic about everything. I loathe Cologne (Washington); ...a waste of time. My salary next to nothing, and I can't bear it any more. So I decide to..."
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i've had domain names registered since the early 90s. wanna buy one?

how the hell does registering a domain name become part of some nazi conspiracy?

I'll lay it out in simpleton terms for you...

follow the thread.

Tea Party ideals and propaganda/Hitler's ideals and propaganda.

We have Tea Party people speaking about how they view the nation (substitute Nazi for Tea). How they view fellow citizens as outsiders. We have Tea Party (Nazi/Tea) rallies where people speak openly about challenging the will of the Republic (the vote) with armed insurrection.

there's lots more...

Nazi Party/Tea Party correlations.

The Tea Party is a front for a takeover of the government by conservative radicals who are stoking public discontent. Like the Nazis, the GOP conservative radical movement today has been shown to be bankrupt---all about power over nation---and even over ideology, when it comes to keeping power.

Bush was the GOP and conservative pick to lead the nation. What did Bush do in 2008? He all but nationalized the banks as he called for individual responsibilities, etc.
Sound familiar? What did Hitler call for? (see above quote(s) from the diary of Joseph Goebbels)
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some of the 'more' I promised...

these look just like posts straight off the Tea Party blogs and web sites. :eusa_whistle:

"We need a firm hand in Germany (America). Let's put an end to all the experiments and empty words, and start getting down to serious work. Throw out the Jews (Democrats, Liberals, Leftists, Socialists---other Americans), who refuse to become real Germans (Americans). Give them a good beating too."

"I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life." "Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for."

"My life lacks any meaning. I'm meandering aimlessly. Lost in the universe. Lack of money is oppressive, what a terrible fate. Why bother to read these wretched newspapers, it just makes you feel more stupid."

"Politics is killing me."

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Okay and this right off of Daily Kos today:

Since neither we nor our legislators plan to do anything about it, and since our adherence to progressive ideology apparently outweighs our willingness to exercise our power, it is time to state with determination where this is all going to hit bottom. The ecological dilemma of a society dependent upon not-so-cheap and not-so-clean oil provides a starting-point for my argument that the capitalist system has reached a cul-de-sac. In this respect, predominant policy initiatives anticipate a post-capitalist world in which an elite of special interests uses government as a gatekeeper for public access to limited slots in a relatively tiny consumer society.
What kind of socialists were the Nazi leaders when they praise the middle class lifestyle as "engagingly bourgeois"

Actually I'm not seeing any emphasis on 'class' among any of the Tea Party demonstrations. I am seeing a lot of emphasis on personal accountability, individual responsibility, and freedom from oppressive government that interferes with both. I don't think Tea Partiers are concerned with age or race or ethnicity or religion or political affiliation or any kind of social or political class but are rather focused on ideals that transcend all.

It was a Nazi thing to focus on all that other stuff.

So I'm not seeing a correlation there.
"We can learn a lot from these Bolsheviks, most of all from their use of propaganda." -Goebbels

"We can learn a lot from these leftist followers of Alinsky, most of all from their use of propaganda."-paraphrase of conservative supporters of the Tea Party, here at USMB and elsewhere.
For you information sir, the post which you just neg repped me, was to illustrate that anybody can pull something off a blog and say that it relates to a Tea Party movement or whatever. At least the post I posted had something to do with the Tea Party message. But you no doubt missed that. Which doesn't surprise me.

But thanks for the neg rep. I'm sure it was heartfelt.
What kind of socialists were the Nazi leaders when they praise the middle class lifestyle as "engagingly bourgeois"

Actually I'm not seeing any emphasis on 'class' among any of the Tea Party demonstrations. I am seeing a lot of emphasis on personal accountability, individual responsibility, and freedom from oppressive government that interferes with both. I don't think Tea Partiers are concerned with age or race or ethnicity or religion or political affiliation or any kind of social or political class but are rather focused on ideals that transcend all.

It was a Nazi thing to focus on all that other stuff.

So I'm not seeing a correlation there.

Substitute "race or ethnicity" with "leftists, liberals, Democrats, progressives, socialists"
the terms themselves are irrelevant when drawing correlations.

Political affiliation? Hello, Tom Delay was a funder (offering support) as were other prominent GOP officials past and present.

Goebbels spoke of transcendence as did Hitler.

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