Tea Party, Terrorists, Militias, Sarah Palin, At War With America?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Cox, the militia's self-appointed commander, liked to quote or allude to Washington, Jefferson, Sam Adams, John Locke, Moses and various biblical characters. On the witness stand, he quoted three men he said he identified with: Gandhi, King and Mandela.

Tea Party, Terrorists, Militias, Sarah Palin, At War With America?

This is a story about the connections between right wing lunatics. The right loves to attempt to tie Democrats to left wing radicals, but when was the last time left wing radicals were in the news for attempting to kill Americans, or even for killing other Americans,..all in the name of differences and ignorance?

Sovereign citizen movements do have a few left wingers in them, but the terrorist impulses in America today slither out of the rantings and ravings of conservatives with poor critical thinking skills and horrific understandings of history and philosophy.

take this example as exhibit #1:
At war with America
An Alaska case raises a question: How dangerous is the militia movement?

Schaeffer Cox (born 1984) is an American political activist, the founder of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia.[1]

Cox was an attendee of Continental Congress 2009

Schaeffer Cox and Joe Miller

Last year, I did a lengthy story outlining the support Alaska Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller was getting within the state’s militia movement. Now, one of the militia leaders I interviewed — 26-year-old Schaeffer Cox — has been arrested and charged in a lurid plot to kill judges and state troopers.

Friday, June 1, 2012
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox ~ Politicalgates
Numerous U.S. militia groups talk about the evils of the federal government, about a patriot's duty to protect the Constitution, about the coming economic chaos that will force men to protect themselves.
Numerous U.S. militia groups talk about the evils of the federal government, about a patriot's duty to protect the Constitution, about the coming economic chaos that will force men to protect themselves.

You don't think chaos is coming? What do you think the government ordered all those millions of rounds of ammunition for, target practice?
The radical right and tea party are no doubt terror cells. They should be tried under RICO.
You know it's going to come to that! How long can the left keep up this kind of rhetoric without taking action, ordering mass arrests, executions, reeducation camps. Not long. They have to take that last step or be forever relegated to the basement or attic to mumble to themselves about the glorious revolution that are going to have - someday.
Who KNEW the Israelis had....

Militias? The freaking Attorney General sent enough illegal weapons to Mexico to supply a revolution and armchair lefties are worried about Sara Palin and militias? Get a life people, the world is passing you by.
Cox, the militia's self-appointed commander, liked to quote or allude to Washington, Jefferson, Sam Adams, John Locke, Moses and various biblical characters. On the witness stand, he quoted three men he said he identified with: Gandhi, King and Mandela.

Tea Party, Terrorists, Militias, Sarah Palin, At War With America?

This is a story about the connections between right wing lunatics. The right loves to attempt to tie Democrats to left wing radicals, but when was the last time left wing radicals were in the news for attempting to kill Americans, or even for killing other Americans,..all in the name of differences and ignorance?

Sovereign citizen movements do have a few left wingers in them, but the terrorist impulses in America today slither out of the rantings and ravings of conservatives with poor critical thinking skills and horrific understandings of history and philosophy.

take this example as exhibit #1:
At war with America
An Alaska case raises a question: How dangerous is the militia movement?

Schaeffer Cox (born 1984) is an American political activist, the founder of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia.[1]

Cox was an attendee of Continental Congress 2009

Schaeffer Cox and Joe Miller

Last year, I did a lengthy story outlining the support Alaska Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller was getting within the state’s militia movement. Now, one of the militia leaders I interviewed — 26-year-old Schaeffer Cox — has been arrested and charged in a lurid plot to kill judges and state troopers.

Friday, June 1, 2012
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox ~ Politicalgates

I love you guys, Try and Fabricate this BS, and Ignore your own Left Wing Wackos who are truly at war with America.
The radical right and tea party are no doubt terror cells. They should be tried under RICO.

You're going to put conservative political philosophy on trial? How Stalin-esque of you...

And they call us the Nazis

These Fucking Lefties are down right Scary. The biggest Domestic Threat to Freedom we face by Far. They would Jail 40% of Americans (Conservatives) if they had their way.

Bloody Civil War seems more and more likely with each passing day.
Cox, the militia's self-appointed commander, liked to quote or allude to Washington, Jefferson, Sam Adams, John Locke, Moses and various biblical characters. On the witness stand, he quoted three men he said he identified with: Gandhi, King and Mandela.

Tea Party, Terrorists, Militias, Sarah Palin, At War With America?

This is a story about the connections between right wing lunatics. The right loves to attempt to tie Democrats to left wing radicals, but when was the last time left wing radicals were in the news for attempting to kill Americans, or even for killing other Americans,..all in the name of differences and ignorance?

Sovereign citizen movements do have a few left wingers in them, but the terrorist impulses in America today slither out of the rantings and ravings of conservatives with poor critical thinking skills and horrific understandings of history and philosophy.

take this example as exhibit #1:
At war with America
An Alaska case raises a question: How dangerous is the militia movement?

Schaeffer Cox (born 1984) is an American political activist, the founder of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia.[1]

Cox was an attendee of Continental Congress 2009

Schaeffer Cox and Joe Miller

Last year, I did a lengthy story outlining the support Alaska Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller was getting within the state’s militia movement. Now, one of the militia leaders I interviewed — 26-year-old Schaeffer Cox — has been arrested and charged in a lurid plot to kill judges and state troopers.

Friday, June 1, 2012
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox ~ Politicalgates

Police kill Discovery building gunman
Three hostages safe, police say; man told NBC he had several bombs

Police were called to the scene when a crowd that had gathered began growing “unruly” as Lee threw thousands of dollars of cash into the air, some of it still in shrink-wrapped packages, police said at the time. (Lee was found not guilty of littering.)

Lee said at the time that he experienced an ‘‘awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth.”

Police kill Discovery building gunman - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

and of course we have

Jared Lee Loughner

There are also components of Loughner's belief system that one could tie to the far left - his decision to "favorite" a YouTube video of a burning American flag, the inclusion of the Communist Manifesto on his reading list, his possible adherence to the 9/11 "truther" movement. Conservatives looking to label Loughner as liberal have also pointed to Tweets from one apparent former friend who wrote he had once been "very liberal" and added, "he was leftwing when I knew him in hs & college, 3 years ago. So he may have changed, who knows."

What Does Jared Lee Loughner Believe? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

He killed many not 2 years ago.


Militias? The freaking Attorney General sent enough illegal weapons to Mexico to supply a revolution and armchair lefties are worried about Sara Palin and militias? Get a life people, the world is passing you by.

Mexican drug lords kill mostly Mexicans .. one agent was killed. Sad, but one?

American militias want to kill Americans.
Cox, the militia's self-appointed commander, liked to quote or allude to Washington, Jefferson, Sam Adams, John Locke, Moses and various biblical characters. On the witness stand, he quoted three men he said he identified with: Gandhi, King and Mandela.

Tea Party, Terrorists, Militias, Sarah Palin, At War With America?

This is a story about the connections between right wing lunatics. The right loves to attempt to tie Democrats to left wing radicals, but when was the last time left wing radicals were in the news for attempting to kill Americans, or even for killing other Americans,..all in the name of differences and ignorance?

Sovereign citizen movements do have a few left wingers in them, but the terrorist impulses in America today slither out of the rantings and ravings of conservatives with poor critical thinking skills and horrific understandings of history and philosophy.

take this example as exhibit #1:
At war with America
An Alaska case raises a question: How dangerous is the militia movement?

Schaeffer Cox (born 1984) is an American political activist, the founder of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia.[1]

Cox was an attendee of Continental Congress 2009

Schaeffer Cox and Joe Miller

Last year, I did a lengthy story outlining the support Alaska Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller was getting within the state’s militia movement. Now, one of the militia leaders I interviewed — 26-year-old Schaeffer Cox — has been arrested and charged in a lurid plot to kill judges and state troopers.

Friday, June 1, 2012
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox ~ Politicalgates

I love you guys, Try and Fabricate this BS, and Ignore your own Left Wing Wackos who are truly at war with America.

Militias are overwhelmingly conservative and Sarah Palin's people are friends with convicted terrorists.

Convicted terrorists. get it?
Cox, the militia's self-appointed commander, liked to quote or allude to Washington, Jefferson, Sam Adams, John Locke, Moses and various biblical characters. On the witness stand, he quoted three men he said he identified with: Gandhi, King and Mandela.

Tea Party, Terrorists, Militias, Sarah Palin, At War With America?

This is a story about the connections between right wing lunatics. The right loves to attempt to tie Democrats to left wing radicals, but when was the last time left wing radicals were in the news for attempting to kill Americans, or even for killing other Americans,..all in the name of differences and ignorance?

Sovereign citizen movements do have a few left wingers in them, but the terrorist impulses in America today slither out of the rantings and ravings of conservatives with poor critical thinking skills and horrific understandings of history and philosophy.

take this example as exhibit #1:
At war with America
An Alaska case raises a question: How dangerous is the militia movement?

Schaeffer Cox (born 1984) is an American political activist, the founder of the Alaska Peacemakers Militia.[1]

Cox was an attendee of Continental Congress 2009

Schaeffer Cox and Joe Miller

Last year, I did a lengthy story outlining the support Alaska Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller was getting within the state’s militia movement. Now, one of the militia leaders I interviewed — 26-year-old Schaeffer Cox — has been arrested and charged in a lurid plot to kill judges and state troopers.

Friday, June 1, 2012
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox
FBI-informer William Fulton reveals: Sarah Palin's former top-aide Frank Bailey and ex-Tea Party candidate Joe Miller connected to indicted Milita-leader Schaeffer Cox ~ Politicalgates

I love you guys, Try and Fabricate this BS, and Ignore your own Left Wing Wackos who are truly at war with America.

Militias are overwhelmingly conservative and Sarah Palin's people are friends with convicted terrorists.

Convicted terrorists. get it?
LIAR!!! It is obamaturd that is friends with terrorists.

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