Tea Party Solution For Conservatives: Moratorium

Who ever said Italians are stupid? or maybe it is just that Europe’s welfare state is starting to look ragged around the edges. Multicultural advocates please take notice:

Northern Italian towns are ordered to stop accepting migrants because the situation ‘is like a bomb ready to go off’, as 6,000 refugees are rescued in one weekend desperately trying to reach Europe

Italian regional president of Lombardy issues clamp down on arriving migrants following major influx into Northern Italy from Libya

His views were supported on social media by other Italian right-wing supporters
Veneto regional president Luca Zaia said the immigration crisis was 'like a bomb ready to go off'
6,000 migrants were reportedly rescued trying to cross into Europe over the weekend
Up to 500,000 refugees are still waiting on the Libyan coast for migrant boats despite thousands drowning​

By Larisa Brown On Hms Bulwark For The Daily Mail and Kate Pickles and Tom Wyke for MailOnline
Published: 08:12 EST, 8 June 2015 | Updated: 08:56 EST, 8 June 2015

Northern Italian towns are ordered to stop accepting migrants Daily Mail Online
Flanders is unAmerican in thought and word. He is the one will change the meaning of words, and apparently Correll has found a mentor. We are a nation of immigrants and heritage of immigrants; that will never change. Tough on the nativists..

The way to correct the problem is

(1) to require e-verification for hiring
(2) employer violations are criminal and being punished with imprisonment and seizure of the business, auctioned off to help fund the program;
(3) a true strengthening of border security
(4) nativist opposition that becomes criminal is punished by loss of citizenship
(5) a pathway to legal presence in the country

Please define in your own words, the line between "concerned about negative effects of high levels of immigration" and "nativist".
Flanders is unAmerican in thought and word. He is the one will change the meaning of words, and apparently Correll has found a mentor. We are a nation of immigrants and heritage of immigrants; that will never change. Tough on the nativists..

The way to correct the problem is

(1) to require e-verification for hiring
(2) employer violations are criminal and being punished with imprisonment and seizure of the business, auctioned off to help fund the program;
(3) a true strengthening of border security
(4) nativist opposition that becomes criminal is punished by loss of citizenship
(5) a pathway to legal presence in the country

Please define in your own words, the line between "concerned about negative effects of high levels of immigration" and "nativist".
Of course. I am the first and you and Flanders are the second. I want a reasonable solution. I have given it above. What won't happen is the incarceration and exportation millions of illegals.
Please define in your own words, the line between "concerned about negative effects of high levels of immigration" and "nativist".
To Correll: I hope you are not waiting with bated breath until he finds the exact doublespeak words:

doublespeak (noun)

1. Language that can be understood in more than one way and that is used to trick or deceive people.

2. Language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth.​
Flanders is unAmerican in thought and word. He is the one will change the meaning of words, and apparently Correll has found a mentor. We are a nation of immigrants and heritage of immigrants; that will never change. Tough on the nativists..

The way to correct the problem is

(1) to require e-verification for hiring
(2) employer violations are criminal and being punished with imprisonment and seizure of the business, auctioned off to help fund the program;
(3) a true strengthening of border security
(4) nativist opposition that becomes criminal is punished by loss of citizenship
(5) a pathway to legal presence in the country

Please define in your own words, the line between "concerned about negative effects of high levels of immigration" and "nativist".
Of course. I am the first and you and Flanders are the second. I want a reasonable solution. I have given it above. What won't happen is the incarceration and exportation millions of illegals.

That seems a pretty self serving definition.

And subjective.
Subjective only to unAmerican nativists. Your ilk's use of language to weave and deceive is quite obvious and easily batted aside.

Your ilk will not determine the outcome of this. Both parties want them here: one for vote, the other for cheap labor.
The country is "finished in five to ten" years if we don't end illegal immigration, and it will also be finished if we don't end "legal immigration." A minority of Americans want Coulter's America.
Don’t waste time asking who gave the UN the authority to define ‘refugee’ for our immigration laws. Today ‘refugee’ means economic hardship in their homelands. That means that every Third World country can dump their people in America by simply going through the United Nations. Naturally, UNICEF makes it all about children. Naturally, UNICEF does not tell us that refugee children will bring entire families with them. In fact, one child could actually bring ten or more adult family members with them.
I know better than to believe anything that is said by the United Nations, but those filthy charity hustlers outdid themselves with this one:


The number of the world's forcibly displaced people now totals a staggering 59.5 million compared to 37.5 million a decade ago, according to the report¸ and was the biggest leap ever seen in a single year. Every day last year on average 42,500 people became refugees or internally displaced.

UN: Record numbers of world refugees equal to UK population
By Barbara Boland | June 20, 2015 | 10:30 pm

UN Record numbers of world refugees equal to UK population WashingtonExaminer.com

My guesstimate is that 59.4 million refugees identified by the United Nations —— and no one else —— are ECONOMIC REFUGEES.

Bottom line: UN scum is changing the definition of political asylum to include economic reasons. Even if the number of refugees in war-torn countries is as high as two million, there is no reason for Americans to take any of them because the UN says so.

Here’s an interesting question: How many refugees will a world war create?

Here’s a followup question: Where will they go?
No more than 11 or 12 million. To suggest there are many more is the myth.
The truth is.........Americans are losing control of their own country, period! When this happens; even if they do not believe it to be true, American liberals will be just as unhappy as everyone else. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY from any other country, is going to insure your country better than your fellow countrymen. Our children will reap the rewards, or suffer the consequences, if we lose control of this nation. Controlling the influx of people into our nation, should be our number 1 priority. Just imagine if we ignore the whole problem, and every country with refuges has people coming here. One day you will wake up to vote; go vote, and by the next day your flag could change, your borders could change, everything could change, and it will be because some people believed it was smarter to allow ILLEGALS to get a foothold, then negotiate with the the rest of the people who support this country!

Does everyone on here realize that we have PAID lobbying groups in Washington that lobby for illegals rights? What rights? And if they are given rights, what rights are you denied to give them theirs?

The right to vote? So this means they water down your vote the tax paying citizen?

The right to stay? So that means they either take a job that an American could fill, or go on government assistance and take your money>

How dumb are we, really? How much do you despise your fellow Americans because they do not think like you? Are you willing to burn the country down and lose control of your own nation?

Let me give you this thought..........if we were at war with anyone and I was forced into a foxhole, I would much rather have 6 American liberals or conservatives with me instead of, 6 Mexicans, 6 people from the Middle East, 6 from Europe, 6 from Russia, or basically 6 any where else.

If you don't get the last paragraph, then I guess you really are willing to give the country away for your beliefs by making a deal with the devil!

All the people who smugly sit and say they are compassionate for illegals, are confident they can control the situation. Just enough of them to keep us in control.

All, you have no control of anything. You do not know exactly what is going on 1/2 the time because the government has proven time and again it has no idea what is happening when they monitor something, and if you miscalculate by just a little, your country is gone.

Will you ever wake up, or will you wake up when it is to late; that is the burning question!
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