Tea Party ... RACISTS

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Ah , Let the hate shine through and why not a Democratic Party House Representative.

My bet is that he will be hailed by his Party and the liberal hate mongering news media ..

Democrats.. spread the HATE...... then play the victim...:cuckoo:

Rep. Steve Cohen is the latest public official to suggest Tea Party supporters have a racist agenda, telling an Internet radio show last week that the activists have shown a "hardcore angry side" of the country, only "without robes and hoods."

On a program called "The Young Turks" on Thursday, the Democratic Tennessee congressman said Tea Party groups show "opposition to African Americans, hostility toward gays, hostility to anybody who wasn't just a clone of George Wallace's fan club." Wallace is the late former Alabama governor, and presidential candidate, well-known for opposing desegregation.

FOXNews.com - Rep. Cohen: Tea Partiers Show 'Hardcore' Anger Without 'Robes and Hoods'
you mean like that this is another braindead redundant thread?

I agree... :thup:

No, like the TEA Parties are not a bunch of racists. I mean that the dems would rather accuse people of racism than deal with genuine issues.

I have no doubt that not all tea party extremists are racists.

That does not mean this is not another redundant imbecilic thread.

Meanwhile you called anyone that was opposed to Obama in the election in 2008 a racist. You claimed anyone that brought up Wright was a racist. Anyone that pointed out Obama had no experience a racist. Anyone that pointed out his Liberal voting record a racist.

Of course you see racists in Tea Party members, you see them all over the place. You may want to see a doctor about that delusional problem you have.

Now watch everyone, she will deny it and demand I go back 2 years and find her posts. Sorry dear I was here when you did it.
you mean like that this is another braindead redundant thread?

I agree... :thup:

No, like the TEA Parties are not a bunch of racists. I mean that the dems would rather accuse people of racism than deal with genuine issues.

I have no doubt that not all tea party extremists are racists.

That does not mean this is not another redundant imbecilic thread.

:lol:... Hey quit poking me with that sharp stick, would ya...
Ah , Let the hate shine through and why not a Democratic Party House Representative.

My bet is that he will be hailed by his Party and the liberal hate mongering news media ..

Democrats.. spread the HATE...... then play the victim...:cuckoo:

Rep. Steve Cohen is the latest public official to suggest Tea Party supporters have a racist agenda, telling an Internet radio show last week that the activists have shown a "hardcore angry side" of the country, only "without robes and hoods."

On a program called "The Young Turks" on Thursday, the Democratic Tennessee congressman said Tea Party groups show "opposition to African Americans, hostility toward gays, hostility to anybody who wasn't just a clone of George Wallace's fan club." Wallace is the late former Alabama governor, and presidential candidate, well-known for opposing desegregation.

FOXNews.com - Rep. Cohen: Tea Partiers Show 'Hardcore' Anger Without 'Robes and Hoods'

Let's just stipulate that the tea partiers are a fringe group tied to the Republicans.

If you want to have a clue as to where the RNC is putting their efforts into recruiting future leaders look at their "Young" Eagles. The "Young" Eagles are basically middle aged white men.

Racist? Sexist? :eusa_eh:
you mean like that this is another braindead redundant thread?

I agree... :thup:

No, like the TEA Parties are not a bunch of racists. I mean that the dems would rather accuse people of racism than deal with genuine issues.

I have no doubt that not all tea party extremists are racists.

That does not mean this is not another redundant imbecilic thread.

I do kind of agree that yet another thread on the TEA parties is a tad like overkill but.... since the rabid lefties (note: not liberals or democrats) keep starting a new thread on every sentence uttered by anyone who claims an attachment to the TEA Parties, it seems reasonable that some people start a few in defense of them.

Fact is, there is no legitimate evidence either for or against the TEA parties and racism. Simply because many have been infiltrated by the rabid lefties for their own political purposes. When you have ACORN sending people, the SEUI sending people and the HuffPo calling for its readers to be 'citizen jounalists', they lose any credibility on legitimate opposition. One wonders what those volunteer 'citizen journalists' were instructed to do at these events. But when it comes to the tactics of organizations such as ACORN and the SEUI, I think we have the evidence to suggest that their methods were not in the interests of 'honest' feedback.
Meanwhile you called anyone that was opposed to Obama in the election in 2008 a racist.

stop lying.

The only Liar here in this thread right now is you. Have you no shame? No conscious? After Obama became the obvious nominee you abandoned Hilary like a wet RAG and started attacking anyone that had any thing negative to say about Obama. And you claimed it was all cause he was black. People complained about his lack of experience and you shot back they were attacking him cause he was black. People complained about his liberal voting record and you attacked claiming they were just upset because he was black. You never ONCE addressed the issue being raised you and the rest of your liberal buddies all just kept claiming any negative thing about Obama was because he was a black man.
No, like the TEA Parties are not a bunch of racists. I mean that the dems would rather accuse people of racism than deal with genuine issues.

I have no doubt that not all tea party extremists are racists.

That does not mean this is not another redundant imbecilic thread.

I do kind of agree that yet another thread on the TEA parties is a tad like overkill but.... since the rabid lefties (note: not liberals or democrats) keep starting a new thread on every sentence uttered by anyone who claims an attachment to the TEA Parties, it seems reasonable that some people start a few in defense of them.

Fact is, there is no legitimate evidence either for or against the TEA parties and racism. Simply because many have been infiltrated by the rabid lefties for their own political purposes. When you have ACORN sending people, the SEUI sending people and the HuffPo calling for its readers to be 'citizen jounalists', they lose any credibility on legitimate opposition. One wonders what those volunteer 'citizen journalists' were instructed to do at these events. But when it comes to the tactics of organizations such as ACORN and the SEUI, I think we have the evidence to suggest that their methods were not in the interests of 'honest' feedback.

well, we have loons posting every gem that sarah palin posts on facebook.

and we have loons posting that the sky is falling every time obama breathes.

and a dozen anti-semites who do ten threads on israel a day.... *and their counterparts who like to match them post*

when bush was in office, we had whiners who focused on everything he did, too, but he's out of power, so the whiners are just different.

and then we have people who just whine about everything.

I'm bored of the constant whining from certain people.
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Why do they need to rebrand themselves? Tea Partiers are CONSERVATIVES. There were two organizers I've heard thus far on Hannity's show that describe themselves as such: "we're a grassroots group with Conservative values."
Ah , Let the hate shine through and why not a Democratic Party House Representative.

My bet is that he will be hailed by his Party and the liberal hate mongering news media ..

Democrats.. spread the HATE...... then play the victim...:cuckoo:

Rep. Steve Cohen is the latest public official to suggest Tea Party supporters have a racist agenda, telling an Internet radio show last week that the activists have shown a "hardcore angry side" of the country, only "without robes and hoods."

On a program called "The Young Turks" on Thursday, the Democratic Tennessee congressman said Tea Party groups show "opposition to African Americans, hostility toward gays, hostility to anybody who wasn't just a clone of George Wallace's fan club." Wallace is the late former Alabama governor, and presidential candidate, well-known for opposing desegregation.

FOXNews.com - Rep. Cohen: Tea Partiers Show 'Hardcore' Anger Without 'Robes and Hoods'

Let's just stipulate that the tea partiers are a fringe group tied to the Republicans.

If you want to have a clue as to where the RNC is putting their efforts into recruiting future leaders look at their "Young" Eagles. The "Young" Eagles are basically middle aged white men.

Racist? Sexist? :eusa_eh:

MIDDLE-AGED WHITE MEN!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Gosh....they must be racists.

I bet you see MAWM and you see KKK. Who's the real racist Ravi????

The Tea-Party is just a very large gathering of people that are scared to death about what they see going on in Washington. It's up to Congress and the President to dissuade those fears but for some reason nothing they say can be trusted and nothing they do changes the growing dread that permeates the country and is the cause of the movement in the first place.
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Why do they need to rebrand themselves? Tea Partiers are CONSERVATIVES. There were two organizers I've heard thus far on Hannity's show that describe themselves as such: "we're a grassroots group with Conservative values."

Maybe because the Mainstream Republican Party over the last 10 years has gone liberal? Bush was left of Center and so is McCain. Yet THEY got nominated to run for President.
Ah , Let the hate shine through and why not a Democratic Party House Representative.

My bet is that he will be hailed by his Party and the liberal hate mongering news media ..

Democrats.. spread the HATE...... then play the victim...:cuckoo:

Rep. Steve Cohen is the latest public official to suggest Tea Party supporters have a racist agenda, telling an Internet radio show last week that the activists have shown a "hardcore angry side" of the country, only "without robes and hoods."

On a program called "The Young Turks" on Thursday, the Democratic Tennessee congressman said Tea Party groups show "opposition to African Americans, hostility toward gays, hostility to anybody who wasn't just a clone of George Wallace's fan club." Wallace is the late former Alabama governor, and presidential candidate, well-known for opposing desegregation.

FOXNews.com - Rep. Cohen: Tea Partiers Show 'Hardcore' Anger Without 'Robes and Hoods'

Let's just stipulate that the tea partiers are a fringe group tied to the Republicans.

If you want to have a clue as to where the RNC is putting their efforts into recruiting future leaders look at their "Young" Eagles. The "Young" Eagles are basically middle aged white men.

Racist? Sexist? :eusa_eh:

MIDDLE-AGED WHITE MEN!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Gosh....they must be racists. I bet you see MAWM and you see KKK. Who's the real racist Ravi????

The Tea-Party is just a very large gathering of people that are scared to death about what they see going on in Washington. It's up to Congress and the President to dissuade those fears but for some reason nothing they say can be trusted and nothing they do changes the growing dread that permeates the country and is the cause of the movement in the first place.
Nope, I see a political group that continues to court a narrow segment of society...white males...to the exclusion of others.

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