Tea Party Phobia


Gold Member
Oct 17, 2010
Why does the TEA PARTY scare the hell out of the dems and progressives? They keep telling us that our numbers are dwindling, Our Congressmen have no power, we have little support among the working people of the nation yet we have the power to hold the entire nation hostage. You can hear the terror in their voice when they offer to "take us out" or "send us to hell" and on the other hand tell us we are nothing. I have found out that most of the TEA PARTY members I know (myself included) are union members.(of course if you live in Ca. and work in a trade you had to join the union), I see members that are of minority races( the people we are supposed to hate) and are happy to be members.
On another thread I had a person tell me the dems and progressives don't run on "Family Values". Do they really run on taking NO personal responsibility for their own welfare? Do they really think it is the responsibility of hard working people, that make something of themselves, to take care of them? Why do people that drop out of schools, do drugs, have no desire to work to support their family's expect others to support them. I know there are a lot of unemployed people that would like to be working right now and that's not who I'm talking about, I'm talking about those that will not work even if jobs are available. Those who think they can't earn as much as a CEO so why not just let those CEO's support them.
Progressives and a lot of dems seem to think we all owe them a living, and now day's that living seems to include large flat screen T.V's, X-boxes, air conditioning and internet. I guess nothing is too good for today's welfare class.
No wonder the TEA PARTY terrify them. Personal Responsibility, I guess that's just too much to ask.
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Do they really run on taking NO personal responsibility for their own welfare?

I'm a liberal and I work for a living(37 years out of 50), as does my more leftists wife. We own our home and 43 acres, no government or other person paid for it.
Do they really run on taking NO personal responsibility for their own welfare?

I'm a liberal and I work for a living(37 years out of 50), as does my more leftists wife. We own our home and 43 acres, no government or other person paid for it.

You sound like TEA PARTY. We do have a bunch of closet tea party sympathizers. Welcome.
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Tea Party doesn't scare me in the slightest. I find them hilarious.

How you feel is not important. It's how those on the left feel that is relivent. The Tea Party is about to make the Democrats irrelivant in this coming election, that is what the fear is and it's a very real fear. What the republicans don't realize is that we will not be members of their party either. 4 years after this coming election, if things are not fixed, the republicans will recieve the same beating that the democrats are about to recieve.

I'm sure that everyone thinks we are all buddy buddy with the republicans ... Think again. If that was the case, we would simply be called republicans ... We are not.

We want this mess fixed. Periond. And we really don't care who fixes it. We only care about who DOESNT fix it so that we know who to vote out of office
Tea Party doesn't scare me in the slightest. I find them hilarious.

How you feel is not important. It's how those on the left feel that is relivent. The Tea Party is about to make the Democrats irrelivant in this coming election, that is what the fear is and it's a very real fear. What the republicans don't realize is that we will not be members of their party either. 4 years after this coming election, if things are not fixed, the republicans will recieve the same beating that the democrats are about to recieve.

I'm sure that everyone thinks we are all buddy buddy with the republicans ... Think again. If that was the case, we would simply be called republicans ... We are not.

We want this mess fixed. Periond. And we really don't care who fixes it. We only care about who DOESNT fix it so that we know who to vote out of office

Spell check is your friend.
Conservatives do not have a history of protesting...that tactic was proudly owned by the left. The most vocal opponents of the left have been the Christian right, and they have become easier and easier for the left to dismiss as radical and far right. The TPM wasn't so easy to put in such a nice little box, so the left quickly got busy taking it upon themselves to label them and their agenda. Quite clever, actually...but all that racist shit has lost it's punch now.
Conservatives do not have a history of protesting...that tactic was proudly owned by the left. The most vocal opponents of the left have been the Christian right, and they have become easier and easier for the left to dismiss as radical and far right. The TPM wasn't so easy to put in such a nice little box, so the left quickly got busy taking it upon themselves to label them and their agenda. Quite clever, actually...but all that racist shit has lost it's punch now.

As is the 'terrorist', 'extremist', 'Nazi' bullshit. And, with this new 'game' killing TEA Partiers, they've shot themselves in the ass with that too. (Can we say 'shot themselves or is that violent rhetoric or hate speech now?)

I'm actually feeling a little sorry for the left. They have no game left. Ahhh, that's a shame.:lol:
Conservatives do not have a history of protesting...that tactic was proudly owned by the left. The most vocal opponents of the left have been the Christian right, and they have become easier and easier for the left to dismiss as radical and far right. The TPM wasn't so easy to put in such a nice little box, so the left quickly got busy taking it upon themselves to label them and their agenda. Quite clever, actually...but all that racist shit has lost it's punch now.

As is the 'terrorist', 'extremist', 'Nazi' bullshit. And, with this new 'game' killing TEA Partiers, they've shot themselves in the ass with that too. (Can we say 'shot themselves or is that violent rhetoric or hate speech now?)

I'm actually feeling a little sorry for the left. They have no game left. Ahhh, that's a shame.:lol:

I've got plenty of game left.
Spell check is your friend.

if that's all the game you got ... Nothing about the actual context if my statement then you are in the right political party ... The democratic presedent has had any substance in about 2 1/2 years
Nobody 'fears' the 'Tea party,' anymore than they 'fear' anyone else who's mentally disabled.
Fear is irrelivant .... You don't have to fear a gun to be killed by it or a baseball bat to be knockout by it.
It's just easier to do so if your not afread (your not running and dodging) ... So go ahead .... No fear ... Live it

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