Tea party membership is fueled by 'racial resentment'

Guno, if you took the time to listen to the videos, you just might learn something.
not news or a surprise

Did the tea party come about because a bunch of old white conservatives suddenly got it into their heads that their taxes were too high, or was it a more simplistic—read, racist—reaction to the election of America's first black president? Let's find out

"as embraced by the wider Republican party, and I don't think you can make any serious argument that it hasn't been embraced, is itself just an extension of the well-worn Southern Strategy"

Yes tea party membership is fueled by racial resentment

Hmm, Dems are the KKK, Tuskegee Experiments, "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" Party
You fell right into it. Now people can see who the real racist is.
Tea party membership is fueled by 'racial resentment'

I don't resent Obama's race.
I resent his idiocy and the damage it does to the country and the world.
Really? And the Democrats didn't use race to "fuel" the Obama campaign in 08? Na, never happened. The first (1/2 ) black man to be elected, yadda yadda. It never happened, must have been my imagination or something.
If this thread were titled "Democrat Party membership is fueled by 'racial resentment'", it might have enough credibility for a good discussion.

I'm a Tea Party member and I'm not white. And the Tea Party rallies I've attended have been a potpourri of races and backgrounds.

You want to see a racist, look in the mirror and you'll see one staring back.
See that post below yours? That's one of your Tea Party brothers.
drinkin' early on Fall Back night, rebbypoo?

Yes, much of the TPM angst is race driven.

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