Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Richard Mourdock defeats Sen. Dick Lugar in Indiana | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Dick Lugar, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, was defeated Tuesday as Indiana Republicans chose state Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Lugar as the party's nominee.

With 37 percent reporting, Mourdock received 60 percent to 40 percent for Lugar in the Hoosier state's Senate primary, marking a huge win for tea party supporters and conservatives across the country.

Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

National tea party groups such as FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express as well as the state group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate and others mobilized and invested in the race, casting the contest as a nationally significant battle to restore conservatism and hold leaders of the Republican establishment accountable...
Richard Mourdock defeats Sen. Dick Lugar in Indiana | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Dick Lugar, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, was defeated Tuesday as Indiana Republicans chose state Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Lugar as the party's nominee.

With 37 percent reporting, Mourdock received 60 percent to 40 percent for Lugar in the Hoosier state's Senate primary, marking a huge win for tea party supporters and conservatives across the country.

Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

National tea party groups such as FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express as well as the state group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate and others mobilized and invested in the race, casting the contest as a nationally significant battle to restore conservatism and hold leaders of the Republican establishment accountable...

The tea party has no intention of publicly humiliating itself by 'counter-demonstrating' occupy. The tea party is focusing on what drives change, quietly, consistenly pushing "change".

Forward! Lemmings.
The democrats will have to step back and see how they can spin it. I bet Soros' tax exempt media matters people are going through Mourdock's school records as we speak. Lugar did not look well when he spoke to the media. It's an insulting way for a career politician to end up and he should have seen it coming.
not sorry to see him go. I much prefer Republicans who wont trade our sovereignty away. I hope the Tea Party Republican is one.

BTW I guess the Tea Party's demise was greatly exagerated.
Lugar was at best a moderate. Good to see him go. Another notch for the T.E.A. party.
Richard Mourdock defeats Sen. Dick Lugar in Indiana | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Dick Lugar, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, was defeated Tuesday as Indiana Republicans chose state Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Lugar as the party's nominee.

With 37 percent reporting, Mourdock received 60 percent to 40 percent for Lugar in the Hoosier state's Senate primary, marking a huge win for tea party supporters and conservatives across the country.

Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

National tea party groups such as FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express as well as the state group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate and others mobilized and invested in the race, casting the contest as a nationally significant battle to restore conservatism and hold leaders of the Republican establishment accountable...

The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step
The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step

Right. So your theory is that genuine individualism would require us to support a candidate who opposes individualism?

I'm not looking for individualism in a candidate. I'm looking for one who votes the way I want him to vote.

Scratch one RINO.
Richard Mourdock defeats Sen. Dick Lugar in Indiana | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Dick Lugar, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, was defeated Tuesday as Indiana Republicans chose state Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Lugar as the party's nominee.

With 37 percent reporting, Mourdock received 60 percent to 40 percent for Lugar in the Hoosier state's Senate primary, marking a huge win for tea party supporters and conservatives across the country.

Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

National tea party groups such as FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express as well as the state group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate and others mobilized and invested in the race, casting the contest as a nationally significant battle to restore conservatism and hold leaders of the Republican establishment accountable...

The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step

You mean like how the Democrats voted out Lieberman right after running him as their Vice Presidential selection? You mean like how they ran Zell Miller out in Georgia? You7 mean that tolerance?
Lugar was a fine guy and one of the smartest men in the room on foreign policy issues. He'd long been a mentor and role model for young folks interested in serving their country.

Unfortunately this puts his seat in play. This will be a strongly contested seat in the Senate. Indiana isn't so solidly red that a GOP win is a sure fire bet here.
Richard Mourdock defeats Sen. Dick Lugar in Indiana | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Dick Lugar, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, was defeated Tuesday as Indiana Republicans chose state Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Lugar as the party's nominee.

With 37 percent reporting, Mourdock received 60 percent to 40 percent for Lugar in the Hoosier state's Senate primary, marking a huge win for tea party supporters and conservatives across the country.

Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

National tea party groups such as FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express as well as the state group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate and others mobilized and invested in the race, casting the contest as a nationally significant battle to restore conservatism and hold leaders of the Republican establishment accountable...

The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step

Yeah, and the left is such a tolerant group of people, they are trying to get Rush Limbaugh and consevative radio removed from the air. They are so desperate to have conservative radio removed from the air, they are even trying to go through the FCC to get it removed, since the left failed to get the job done through the UN-fairness doctrine. Don't even preach about "tolerance" when the left is the most intolerant collection anti-1st Amendment people there are.

Getting to the OP's post, I am glad to see Lugar gone, one RINO to worry about.
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Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

More to the point, if a republican lawmaker advocates responsible governance and pragmatic legislation predicated on the facts, he’s deemed by the TPM a heretic and targeted for defeat.

The TPM is not only a danger to what few responsible republicans are left, they’re a danger to the Nation as a whole.
The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step

Has nothing to do with tolerance or lack thereof. It has to with electing representatives that reflect our viewpoints. Why on earth would we want to elect representatives who vote against our wishes?
Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

More to the point, if a republican lawmaker advocates responsible governance and pragmatic legislation predicated on the facts, he’s deemed by the TPM a heretic and targeted for defeat.

The TPM is not only a danger to what few responsible republicans are left, they’re a danger to the Nation as a whole.

You mean like how the Democrats run any member of the party out that has any middle of the road opinions? Like Lieberman and Zell Miller?
How is turning our sovereignty over to the UN and ICC responsible to any degree?
Richard Mourdock defeats Sen. Dick Lugar in Indiana | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Dick Lugar, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, was defeated Tuesday as Indiana Republicans chose state Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Lugar as the party's nominee.

With 37 percent reporting, Mourdock received 60 percent to 40 percent for Lugar in the Hoosier state's Senate primary, marking a huge win for tea party supporters and conservatives across the country.

Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

National tea party groups such as FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Express as well as the state group Hoosiers for a Conservative Senate and others mobilized and invested in the race, casting the contest as a nationally significant battle to restore conservatism and hold leaders of the Republican establishment accountable...

The right are a tolerant bunch. Always promoting individualism as long as the individualism marches in lock step

But the march is a lot shorter in the Republican world (well, conservative world).

The right simply said enough....and Lugar has been a fixture in D.C. for 36 years.

The left rants against corporatists....

And anyone who opposes them.......
Conservatives had long targeted Lugar for defeat, arguing he represented a Republican establishment in Congress that has acquiesced to the Democratic party. They singled out Lugar's votes for the bailouts, in support of the president's stimulus and votes to confirm U.S. Supreme Court nominees Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor as evidence of his "RINO" (Republican in name only) status.

More to the point, if a republican lawmaker advocates responsible governance and pragmatic legislation predicated on the facts, he’s deemed by the TPM a heretic and targeted for defeat.

The TPM is not only a danger to what few responsible republicans are left, they’re a danger to the Nation as a whole.

Do Not Ask What Good We Do by Robert Draper was a really good read, if you're looking for recommendations.

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