Tea Partiers Protest At White House: 'Hang The Lying Kenyan Traitor'

Me, protest....:lmao: do you write fiction? On top of that, I agreed with your ilks conspiracy theory, dumbass! Pathetic.

get a job you deadbeat
Did you say anything about teh Bundy protesters not having a job, what about the teapers protesting immigration...HYPOCRITE!

Nice try though, you do need to work on the flaming. You sound like a woman on the rag. Do you need me to buy you some tampons?

hey dumbass,

wasn't it you that pointed out that there were not that many in attendance at that protest?

meanwhile thousands loot and burn in Ferguson for weeks on end. Most people, except deadbeats, can't loot and protest for a living b/c they HAVE A FUCKING JOB

you also post during business hours

get a job deadbeat

get a job
:LOL so sayeth the hypocrite who was silent when rednecks were camping out at the Bundy ranch, pointing guns at LEO and threatening to use women as human shields.

Oh, I work...too bad you will never understand having the freedom of doing what you please and still making $$$When you are done menstruating and want to have a civil conversation (if you are intellectually capable) let me know...hypocrite. You probably should have gotten an education, you wouldn't have to work so hard.

LOL I have an advanced degree from a white college not HBCU

do you monitor my every post?

seems you are a member of the race police

rednecks is a racial slur BTW
advanced degree? :eusa_eh: In what pray tell?

As to the OP, you would fit in nicely at that gathering given your track record here :thup:

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