Taxpayer Funded Mosque Makeovers?


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
"At a time when our country has a $1.5 TRILLION deficit, we should be cutting everything possible in sight, right?

"So why do we have a $770 million program to fix up mosques overseas?

"Let’s break this down a bit. Why do we have a $770 million program to fix up mosques? Can you imagine a $770 million program to fix up Christian churches (or even a $7.70 program)?

"Why are we spending $770 million in money we don’t have to fix up mosques in other countries around the world?

"Where is all that usual “separation of church and state” talk from the Left?

Well, having a president who seems to bear an inordinate amount of affection for Islam aside, I think former Muslim Nonie Darwish who was interviewed in this WSBTV video nails it pretty good:

America is not showing its power. It’s showing appeasement. They’re laughing all the way to the bank.

Our tax dollars are also paying for internet access and computer equipment at many of these mosques. Wonderful, we’re making it easier for radical Muslims to network.

President Obama is having a hard time finding anything in our government to cut? I have a suggestion for where he can start.

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Interesting, where is the $770 million that is being spent on mosques? Following the link from your biased link:

USAID Telling Our Story: Egypt - Rescuing 1000-Year-Old Mosque from Decay

The Saleh Talai Mosque in historic Islamic Cairo, dating back to the 10th century, is now active, and open for prayers and tourists. This mosque suffered for decades from rising groundwater contaminated with sewage. USAID, as part of its $770 million Cairo Sewerage Program, allocated $2.3 million for lowering the groundwater at the mosque area, replacing the old sewage collector, and providing a healthier environment for people living in the area.

$2.3 million so people living in the area can get healthier groundwater. Not quite $770 million for Mosques.
Lowering groundwater. ppphhhht

It's not like it's the point of USAID or anything:

United States Agency for International Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the United States federal government agency primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid. President John F. Kennedy created USAID in 1961 by executive order to implement development assistance programs in the areas authorized by the Congress in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.[3] An independent federal agency, USAID receives overall foreign policy guidance from the United States Secretary of State and seeks to "extend a helping hand to those people overseas struggling to make a better life, recover from a disaster or striving to live in a free and democratic country."[4]

Cairo Sewerage Program,
We wont see any money going to rebuilt churches

CAIRO, March 9 (Reuters) - Thirteen people were killed in violence between Egyptian Christians and Muslims, the health ministry said on Wednesday, as sectarian tensions that appeared to evaporate in the country's revolution resurfaced.

The health ministry said 140 people were wounded, state media reported.

The violence in Cairo on Tuesday night was the worst outbreak of sectarian strife since President Hosni Mubarak was swept from power on Feb. 11 by a mass uprising characterised by solidarity between Christians and Muslims.

It was not immediately clear how many of the dead were Christian or Muslim. The violence erupted following a protest by Christians over an arson attack on a church in Helwan south of Cairo.

UPDATE 2-Sectarian strife flares in Egypt, 13 killed | News by Country | Reuters

There may be money it is unlikely that it will ever go to rebuilding churches

Egypt: Christians call for repeal of dhimmi law restricting church construction
Islamic law (Sharia) forbids dhimmis to build new houses of worship or repair old ones. Egypt is ostensibly an Arab Republic, not an Islamic Republic, but still has an old Sharia-inspired law on the books that is used to stymie church construction — belying the indignant claims of Islamic spokesmen in the West that dhimmitude is a long-forgotten relic of the past, never to be revived. “Collapsing Churches Prompt Protests in Egypt For New Law on Church Construction,” by Mary Abdelmassih for AINA, January 22 (thanks to all who sent this in):
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