*Tax Free Homes*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Thats what I want.
2. People in North Dakota have got a great idea!
3. No tax on property.
4. That sounds fair!
5. LINK:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/12/us/north-dakota-voters-consider-ending-property-tax.html?_r=1&hp

"BISMARCK, N.D. — Since Californians shrank their property taxes more than three decades ago by passing Proposition 13, people around the nation have echoed their dismay over such levies, putting forth plans to even them, simplify them, cap them, slash them. In an election here on Tuesday, residents of North Dakota will consider a measure that reaches far beyond any of that — one that abolishes the property tax entirely. "

6. We have to do this in TEXAS!

I would agree with doing away with property taxes. I have known people who lost their homes because they fell behind on taxes and couldn't catch up. It's sad to see people lose homes they've owned for years because of taxes. We should at least stop allowing the tax sales of homes.
Sorry bout that,

1. Thats what I want.
2. People in North Dakota have got a great idea!
3. No tax on property.
4. That sounds fair!
5. LINK:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/12/us/north-dakota-voters-consider-ending-property-tax.html?_r=1&hp

"BISMARCK, N.D. — Since Californians shrank their property taxes more than three decades ago by passing Proposition 13, people around the nation have echoed their dismay over such levies, putting forth plans to even them, simplify them, cap them, slash them. In an election here on Tuesday, residents of North Dakota will consider a measure that reaches far beyond any of that — one that abolishes the property tax entirely. "

6. We have to do this in TEXAS!


You should abolish all taxes in Texas. Take what is, compared to the rest of the nation, not a bad public school system, and destroy it. Go for it!
I would agree with doing away with property taxes. I have known people who lost their homes because they fell behind on taxes and couldn't catch up. It's sad to see people lose homes they've owned for years because of taxes.

If you fall behind on ANY TAXES the government can take your home.

We should at least stop allowing the tax sales of homes.

We should instead just ask nicely.

Where I live you have THREE FUCKING YEARS to pay the tax to the buyer of your home and get it back. Sorry but I don't have much pity there.
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I would agree with doing away with property taxes. I have known people who lost their homes because they fell behind on taxes and couldn't catch up. It's sad to see people lose homes they've owned for years because of taxes.

If you fall behind on ANY TAXES the government can take your home.

We should at least stop allowing the tax sales of homes.

We should instead just ask nicely.

Where I live you have THREE FUCKING YEARS to pay the tax to the buyer of your home and get it back. Sorry but I don't have much pity there.

I am aware of that, but if a person become ill, loses their job and then spends the next few years trying to get caught up with little money, it's not always possible to catch up on taxes. When they sell your home at a tax sale, you have a couple years to pay it back, with interest. If they are unable, I still don't think people should be tossed to the street because of fucking tax bills. They could put a lien on the house, but it's insane to allow someone to purchase a nice home for a few thousand dollars and the home owner either loses big time and still has to pay any mortgage due. It's overkill and they could go about collecting the money some other way.
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I would agree with doing away with property taxes. I have known people who lost their homes because they fell behind on taxes and couldn't catch up. It's sad to see people lose homes they've owned for years because of taxes.

If you fall behind on ANY TAXES the government can take your home.

We should at least stop allowing the tax sales of homes.

We should instead just ask nicely.

Where I live you have THREE FUCKING YEARS to pay the tax to the buyer of your home and get it back. Sorry but I don't have much pity there.

I am aware of that, but if a person become ill, loses their job and then spends the next few years trying to get caught up with little money, it's not always possible to catch up on taxes.

It might also be hard for such a person to maintain health insurance but hey - fuck em for that, we don't care, right? The government should only come to people's aide when it involves letting them skirt their tax responsibilities.

When they sell your home at a tax sale, you have a couple years to pay it back, with interest. If they are unable, I still don't think people should be tossed to the street because of fucking tax bills.

I agree. Let's take the conservative mindset. How about they take some personal responsibility and buy a smaller home or rent an apartment?

They could put a lien on the house, but it's insane to allow someone to purchase a nice home for a few thousand dollars and the home owner either loses big time and still has to pay any mortgage due. It's overkill and they could go about collecting the money some other way.
They could put a lien on the house, but under no circumstances would it be fair for them to actually take the house? Do you even know what a fucking lien is?

Hey if I can't pay my mortgage should the bank not get to take the house? Or should that only count for people who can't pay their property taxes?
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Sorry bout that,

1. Thats what I want.
2. People in North Dakota have got a great idea!
3. No tax on property.
4. That sounds fair!
5. LINK:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/12/us/north-dakota-voters-consider-ending-property-tax.html?_r=1&hp

"BISMARCK, N.D. — Since Californians shrank their property taxes more than three decades ago by passing Proposition 13, people around the nation have echoed their dismay over such levies, putting forth plans to even them, simplify them, cap them, slash them. In an election here on Tuesday, residents of North Dakota will consider a measure that reaches far beyond any of that — one that abolishes the property tax entirely. "

6. We have to do this in TEXAS!


It made sense back when we were an agricultural society and our income was based on our property but now that our property is basically where we live, it doesn't make sense anymore. Nobody should ever be taxed out of their homes.
Sorry bout that,

1. Thats what I want.
2. People in North Dakota have got a great idea!
3. No tax on property.
4. That sounds fair!
5. LINK:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/12/us/north-dakota-voters-consider-ending-property-tax.html?_r=1&hp

"BISMARCK, N.D. — Since Californians shrank their property taxes more than three decades ago by passing Proposition 13, people around the nation have echoed their dismay over such levies, putting forth plans to even them, simplify them, cap them, slash them. In an election here on Tuesday, residents of North Dakota will consider a measure that reaches far beyond any of that — one that abolishes the property tax entirely. "

6. We have to do this in TEXAS!


It made sense back when we were an agricultural society and our income was based on our property but now that our property is basically where we live, it doesn't make sense anymore. Nobody should ever be taxed out of their homes.

So if someone owes $1,000,000 in back taxes because they were too stingy to pay what they owed the government should just allow them to keep their $10,000,000 home?

What about the person who owes very little on a smaller home? Ever heard of a HELOC? Or reverse mortgage?

Are the roads not nicer in nicer neighborhoods? Do the cops not do a better job of keeping criminals out of the nicer neighborhoods? Are the schools not better in nicer school districts? You just want all the benefits of government in a nice neighborhood without have to pay, right?
Sorry bout that,

1. Thats what I want.
2. People in North Dakota have got a great idea!
3. No tax on property.
4. That sounds fair!
5. LINK:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/12/us/north-dakota-voters-consider-ending-property-tax.html?_r=1&hp

"BISMARCK, N.D. — Since Californians shrank their property taxes more than three decades ago by passing Proposition 13, people around the nation have echoed their dismay over such levies, putting forth plans to even them, simplify them, cap them, slash them. In an election here on Tuesday, residents of North Dakota will consider a measure that reaches far beyond any of that — one that abolishes the property tax entirely. "

6. We have to do this in TEXAS!


It made sense back when we were an agricultural society and our income was based on our property but now that our property is basically where we live, it doesn't make sense anymore. Nobody should ever be taxed out of their homes.

So if someone owes $1,000,000 in back taxes because they were too stingy to pay what they owed the government should just allow them to keep their $10,000,000 home?

What about the person who owes very little on a smaller home? Ever heard of a HELOC? Or reverse mortgage?

Are the roads not nicer in nicer neighborhoods? Do the cops not do a better job of keeping criminals out of the nicer neighborhoods? Are the schools not better in nicer school districts? You just want all the benefits of government in a nice neighborhood without have to pay, right?

I am talking about people owing a few thousand dollars and losing homes worth $50,000 or more. Some have paid their homes off and live month to month with a limited income. It's hard for many to keep up with constantly rising taxes. They aren't asking for help, just fairness. And if the county put a lien on the house, they'd get their money when it's sold. I am not for kicking people to the street when they own their home or are paying the mortgage. It's like you never really own your own home because it can be taken away and you never stop paying.

Amazing to hear a liberal who wants to help people pay their subprime mortgage loans, but not care about those who are overwhelmed by ever-increasing taxes. The left loves taxes.
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It made sense back when we were an agricultural society and our income was based on our property but now that our property is basically where we live, it doesn't make sense anymore. Nobody should ever be taxed out of their homes.

So if someone owes $1,000,000 in back taxes because they were too stingy to pay what they owed the government should just allow them to keep their $10,000,000 home?

What about the person who owes very little on a smaller home? Ever heard of a HELOC? Or reverse mortgage?

Are the roads not nicer in nicer neighborhoods? Do the cops not do a better job of keeping criminals out of the nicer neighborhoods? Are the schools not better in nicer school districts? You just want all the benefits of government in a nice neighborhood without have to pay, right?

I am talking about people owing a few thousand dollars and losing homes worth $50,000 or more.

Some ideas:

reverse mortgage
selling the house
personal responsibility

Some have paid their homes off and live month to month with a limited income.
What ever happened to personal responsibility?
It's hard for many to keep up with constantly rising taxes.
So people only ever get their homes taken in tax sales in places where property taxes are going up?
They aren't asking for help, just fairness. And if the county put a lien on the house, they'd get their money when it's sold.

And the county should just put off building roads and paying its policemen and fire fighters until they get around to selling their house? Sounds reasonable!

I am not for kicking people to the street when they own their home or are paying the mortgage. It's like you never really own your own home because it can be taken away and you never stop paying.

Property taxes don't pay for your home, moron. They pay for the road that leads to your home. They pay for the firefighters that put your home out when it catches on fire. We should just expect the road that leads from our homes to anywhere in the continental U.S. to be appear and be maintained for FREE simply because we own the house? A bit much, don't you think?

Amazing to hear a liberal who wants to help people pay their subprime mortgage loans,

I don't, actually, but thanks for telling me what I think without actually asking me, I appreciate it.
Can one really OWN anything that one will be charged for regardless of your percentage of ownership?

I don't really think so.

And if one cannot truly own a thing outright, then seriously...can we really be living in a capitalist society?

Not really.

The fundamental premise by which we live in a capitalist society is the concept of FREE AND CLEAR OWNERSHIP.
Can one really OWN anything that one will be charged for regardless of your percentage of ownership?

I don't really think so.

And if one cannot truly own a thing outright, then seriously...can we really be living in a capitalist society?

Not really.

The fundamental premise by which we live in a capitalist society is the concept of FREE AND CLEAR OWNERSHIP.

Silly Constitution - espousing private property. Someone should have told the founding fathers your great wisdom.
I'd be opposed to eliminating property taxes. Property taxes are the only source of revenue to pay for local government: for Fire Dept, Police Dept, schools, County government bureaus and agencies, local welfare, library, etc. If property taxes were deleted then all that would be handeled by the state in the capital, and local control would cease to exist.
It should be used to eliminate sales taxes first, corporate taxes second, and individual income taxes third.

It should also be used at the state level to mitigate problems and costs incurred by the new industries that are peripheral to the new wealth.
They got rid of the property tax in Victorville, CA and they prospered greatly.

Anything done in California should not be taken as a model for any other part of the country.

Look at my post #15 on local government just above.
Would you like to give up local and state control to the Feds? It's the same kind of problem. Keep control as local as possible, and you can make common sense adjustments as needed.
Sorry bout that,

1. People who have worked hard for their property can lose it.
2. That is *Anti-American*.
3. Everyone at some point gets sick, some times a prolonged sickness, which can devastate a family financially.
4. Happens all the time, they can't earn money to pay taxes on their homestead.
5. Tax man comes a knocking, they lose everything.
6. Thats not fair!

Sorry bout that,

1. Thats what I want.
2. People in North Dakota have got a great idea!
3. No tax on property.
4. That sounds fair!
5. LINK:http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/12/us/north-dakota-voters-consider-ending-property-tax.html?_r=1&hp

"BISMARCK, N.D. — Since Californians shrank their property taxes more than three decades ago by passing Proposition 13, people around the nation have echoed their dismay over such levies, putting forth plans to even them, simplify them, cap them, slash them. In an election here on Tuesday, residents of North Dakota will consider a measure that reaches far beyond any of that — one that abolishes the property tax entirely. "

6. We have to do this in TEXAS!


If this is what it takes to get the government out of the business of education, I'm all for it. Fire departments are needed less and less as the rate of fires has fallen dramatically over the years. Besides, property owners should pay for their own fire protection, which worked just fine for a very long time before we socialized fire protection. Police departments are another matter, which can be funded through sales tax and other initiatives. I support the idea of ending property tax.
Can one really OWN anything that one will be charged for regardless of your percentage of ownership?

I don't really think so.

And if one cannot truly own a thing outright, then seriously...can we really be living in a capitalist society?

Not really.

The fundamental premise by which we live in a capitalist society is the concept of FREE AND CLEAR OWNERSHIP.

You're confusing the rights of ownership with the responsibilities of taxation. The fact that you own a home does not absolve you of the responsibility to pay your legal share of the taxes that build the road that goes to your home and that fund the police and fire fighters that protect your home. If you can't afford that share for whatever reason, there are innumerable ways to solve the problem - selling the house, taking out a loan on it, part time employment - other than simply ignoring it and waiting for the tax sale to happen and then whining about how unfair life is. If you want to argue that sometimes home owners aren't given fair notice of delinquent taxes - I'll agree - and that's a major problem in some places and an injustice. Sometimes folks pay off their note, forget the mortgage company has been paying the tax man out of escrow for 30 years, and the city or county doesn't really go through that much of an effort to inform them of the debt- and then their house gets sold and they don't even know it. I've definitely got sympathy for those folks. But if you know you owe the taxes and do nothing to solve the problem before the tax sale I have very little.
I'd be opposed to eliminating property taxes. Property taxes are the only source of revenue to pay for local government: for Fire Dept, Police Dept, schools, County government bureaus and agencies, local welfare, library, etc. If property taxes were deleted then all that would be handeled by the state in the capital, and local control would cease to exist.
It should be used to eliminate sales taxes first, corporate taxes second, and individual income taxes third.

It should also be used at the state level to mitigate problems and costs incurred by the new industries that are peripheral to the new wealth.

Not true, sales tax is the other significant local government revenue.

Property taxes v. sales tax revenue is essentially a lower class v upper class debate. Property taxes tend to push the burden more on the wealthy, while straight up flat sales tax is essentially a regressive tax that places a larger burden on the poor (but if things like food are exempt from sales tax this may not be so much the case)

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