Tax cuts and spending cuts.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Big corporation got tax breaks and moved their businesses over seas taking jobs and services. Screwed the country twice. We lost jobs and tax revenue from those jobs and lost revenue from tax breaks to those business. They got tax breaks and cheap labor.

Lets stop rewarding those that screw us. If they did not move they still got tax breaks and cheap illegal aliens labor. Cheap illegal labor that take jobs from Americans and lower wages, earned money here working and sending billions back home to the economy of other countries. Remittance from illegal aliens working here is the second largest economy to oil in Mexico.

20 million illegal aliens in this country contributed to the failure of our economy by way of the cost of education, anchor babies, healthcare, law enforcement and incarcerations. We do not need to be told the lie that if we deport illegal aliens our economy will hurt because they are doing jobs Americans will not do. When business are raided, Americans line up for those jobs. And only 2% of the 7.5 million illegal aliens in the work force work in agriculture and H-2A visa allow unlimited immigrant workers. And 70% of our vegetables and fruits are imported.

Start balancing the budget and paying down the deficit by first deporting 20 million illegal aliens by taking away the jobs and giving them to the 14 million unemployed Americans who will spend the money they earned here. If those business decide to move their business over seas, boycott them and take away the incentives to move their business by withdrawing the tax break. Do not let them import their products here. If they move to Mexico let them sell to Mexico.

If we are serious about balancing the budget and paying down the deficit we need to use all our power, raise taxes on the wealthy, raise sale taxes and cut government spending, bring back jobs that were sent overseas and deport cheap illegal aliens workforce by taking away the jobs. We cannot balance the budget by cutting spending alone, which also cuts revenue.

We have a spending problem and a tax revenue problem in spite of what Chicken Little is running around in circles trying to sell us. Cutting spending and cutting taxes at the same time is a destroyer of our economy. You cannot cut spending to the poor, working middle class, seniors and children and expect not to create more poverty and more spending.
I know that Ryan's plan calls for lowering tax rates for individuals and companies, but I thought his plan wouldbe revenue neutral by eliminating or reducing certain deductions, loopholes, credits, etc. The left is saying it's more tax cuts to the rich, but I don't have much data on that.

I'd rather just go to a flat tax period, no deductions or credits or anything else. Seems like that would even things out more than the ridiculous tax code we have now.

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