Tax cut don’t create jobs for americans.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Tax cuts for corporations do not create jobs here for Americans. They take their tax cuts and move their businesses overseas. How do we bring those jobs back. No tax breaks for business hat take jobs overseas and this may hurt a little Americans but we need to protest this by not buying any products or services that business has sent overseas. But Americans are greedy as big business and they will continue to buy products and services supporting business that have taken their business overseas creating jobs overseas.

Why were these companies creating jobs overseas when Bush’s tax cuts were supposed to help them create jobs here?

Job Market Booming Overseas For Many American Companies

The Economic Policy Institute, a Washington think tank, says American companies have created 1.4 million jobs overseas this year, compared with less than 1 million in the U.S.

Job Market Booming Overseas For Many American Companies

10 Big Businesses That Have Moved Their Headquarters Abroad to

Pay Less U.S. Taxes

By HR World Editors on June 4, 2008

10 Big Businesses That Have Moved Their Headquarters Abroad to Pay Less U.S. Taxes - HR World

Why U.S. Jobs Move Overseas

by Phyllis Schlafly, May 2, 2007

Why do U.S. companies relocate their plants overseas, thereby abolishing U.S. jobs? (a) they can hire workers at very low wages (such as 30 cents an hour in China), (b) the companies don't have to pay any employee benefits, (c) they don't have to comply with safety and environmental regulations, (d) they don't have to pay foreign taxes when they export their products back to us.

Why U.S. Jobs Move Overseas
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