Taliban Observes Sept. 11 By Swearing In Govt Members Of Terrorist Dream Team Biden/Obama Traded For Traitor And Deserter Bowe Bergdahl


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
10 Sep 2021 ~~ By Daniel John Sobieski
Four top members of the Taliban's new interim government are former Guantanamo Bay prisoners who were freed by the Obama administration in a prisoner exchange for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl.
The four new officials were members of the hardline 'Guantanamo Five' who were traded to free Bergdahl from the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in 2014.
The Taliban on Tuesday announced the appointment of Acting Director of Intelligence Abdul Haq Wasiq, Acting Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs Norullah Noori, Deputy Defense Minister Mohammad Fazl, and Acting Minister of Information and Culture Khairullah Khairkhah.
The four men, who also took part in direct negotiations with the US at the Doha summit last year, spent about 13 years in the military prison camp before they were freed in a trade for the admitted deserter, who was captured by insurgents after wandering off his post.
On September 11, 2001, the Taliban ruled Afghanistan with an iron fist and harbored terrorists that would kill thousands of Americans and start a 20-year war there and another long war in Iraq, wars in which thousands more Americans would be killed.. On September 11, 2021, thanks to dementia-ridden Joe Biden and his staff of leftist loons, the Taliban once again rule the roost in Kabul, after an enormous expenditure of American blood and treasure, and play host to al-Qaida and a reconstituted ISIS to spread terror, tyranny and death around the world.
While the “woke” Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley looks for white supremacists in the ranks and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Capitol Hill “insurrectionists”, a new base for global terror has been resurrected, aided and financed by Iran, protected by Russia and China. Huge stores of military equipment and ammunition have fallen into Taliban hands thanks to a senile old fool who ignored President Donald J. Trump’s conditions=based withdrawal schedule in favor of a rush to the exits that left seven strategic military bases in hostile hands.
Biden ignored intelligence warnings to rush a politically timed withdrawal he kept secret from our Afghan and NATO allies. Awoken from his Camp David slumber, he said in a 15-minute script written by others, he said the buck stopped with him but blamed everyone but himself sort of like the British blaming the French for Dunkirk.
The Taliban are freeing all the prisoners we captured in Afghanistan, just like America’s Taliban, the Democrats have emptied our jails, defunded and neutered police, established no=cash bail, and refuse to prosecute and imprison even the most hardened criminal. Our open border enriches drug cartels as we import Covid, fentanyl, and undocumented Democrats.
The mastermind behind the Taliban's takeover of Kabul was released from Guantanamo Bay under Barack Obama's presidency in 2014 despite resistance from the Pentagon, it has been revealed.
Khairullah Khairkhwa was one of five Taliban commanders released from the detention camp off the coast of Cuba by Obama in exchange for American soldier Bowe Bergdahl.
The former president guaranteed the US people that the so-called Taliban Five would be sent to Qatar and incapable of doing any damage in Afghanistan.
However, earlier this year Khairkhwa ended up brokering the terms of the withdrawal of troops despite intelligence reports sent to Obama and Biden after his release,

Say what? A terrorist once jailed at Guantanamo Bay, was not only free, but a leader I arranging the terms of our surrender in an Afghanistan he was supposedly not allowed to return to? Yet that is the sad and tragic reality that precipitated the debacle in Kabul according to the New York Post:

In fact, the Taliban trade of the terrorist equivalent of four-star generals does and has jeopardized U.S. security and was done to exploit Bergdahl’s captivity to help Obama to get the worst of the worst out of Guantanamo to facilitate his campaign pledge of closing the facility. That Bergdahl was a deserter and a Taliban sympathizer should never have been in doubt, judging by the universal condemnation of those who served with him. Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) noted that fact and editorialized that Obama feared a court-martial because it could lead to him being charged with providing material assistance to a terrorist enemy:
Every one of the men who served with Bergdahl or tried to find him and who have spoken out publicly has said he was clearly a deserter.
Indeed, the uncontestable fact is that Bergdahl walked away from his post in a time of war, leaving his weapon and gear behind. He was not out for a walk to relieve stress or clear his head.
"Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war, and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him," former Sgt. Matt Vierkant told CNN. At least six soldiers died in operations looking for Bergdahl.

Biden failed to give our NATO and Afghan allies a heads up or an explanation afterwards, not talking to world leaders before or after his Afghan disaster which is still unfolding. He abandoned Bagram and Kandahar in the middle of the night, leaving behind Blackhawk and Apache helicopters and other military equipment for our enemies to find and use. Those who say yje Afghan Army wouldn't fight should ask themselves if they would fight after this betrayal, after all their air support had been removed. Niden stupidly did this in the middle of the fighting season instead of the cold and inhospitable winter when there might be time to react.
As a result of Biden’s perfidy, it is now a question of when, not if, China will invade Taiwan. Israel is now never more alone as Iran, with Biden’s help, marches toward a nuclear weapon. Our NATO allies will never trust us to defend them, particularly the Baltic states. ISIS and al-Qaida will reconstitute in their reborn home, eyeing America’s open borders as safe passage to carry out another 9/11.
Just as 9/11 was spawned in the mind of Osama bin Laden whose witness of Bill Clinton’s shameful withdrawal from Somalia convinced him of America’s cowardice and weakness, Biden’s incompetence in Afghanistan will likely lead to more war and death and a dangerous path for America.
Was Bowe Bergdahl worth it, Mr. President?


Deserter Bergdahl would have been executed on the field of battle if this were WWII.
See:The Last American Soldier Executed for Desertion
Obama violated all American rules when he paid millions in ransom and released the five key terrorists in trade for Bergdahl.
Tomorrow as the 9/11 memorials take place think very hard in how far America has fallen in twenty years. The next twenty does not look good if wee continue to follow Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies.
It's time for America to begin indicting and prosecuting Obama and Biden for providing material aid and comfort to our terrorist enemies the Taliban.
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I'm wondering how soon before those 40 harderned Terrorist leaders still imprisoned in Cuba will be released? Who knows, maybe the Democrats have already quietly opened the doors and handed them plane tickets to Afghanistan. The Democrats do their best work in the dark when the cameras are off.
I'm wondering how soon before those 40 harderned Terrorist leaders still imprisoned in Cuba will be released? Who knows, maybe the Democrats have already quietly opened the doors and handed them plane tickets to Afghanistan. The Democrats do their best work in the dark when the cameras are off.

Or maybe released in America?
I'm wondering how soon before those 40 harderned Terrorist leaders still imprisoned in Cuba will be released? Who knows, maybe the Democrats have already quietly opened the doors and handed them plane tickets to Afghanistan. The Democrats do their best work in the dark when the cameras are off.
You think they might join the 5000 hardened terrorists whose release was approved by trump?

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