Tale of Two Cities

Justin Richardson

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2019
Hell, Michigan
#Guns #SecondAdmendment #Constitution

Chicago has a larger Black gang problem than Houston. The Black on Black murder in Chicago is out of control, but the Democrat leadership doesn't care. Criminals don't follow gun laws.
Chicago has a larger Black gang problem than Houston.

But as the population, Houston has more blacks living in the area. Chicago does have more gang problems than Houston. But most are from outside Chicago. It's like Los Angeles, most of the gangs in Los Angeles are from outside the city and county limits.
" Statistics Do Not Lie People Do "

* Mentally Retarded Statistically Incompetent *

Chicago has a larger Black gang problem than Houston. The Black on Black murder in Chicago is out of control, but the Democrat leadership doesn't care. Criminals don't follow gun laws.
While the overwhelming statistics are that gun violence is related with gang violence and suicide , the left uses the gun violence statistics to outlaw guns and uses the minor statistics of mass shootings for sensationalism , pretending that it is the normative cause of gun violence , all to implement its ant-japhetic agenda .

Facts are that gun violence by gangs is no skin off the nose of those law abiding peoples - that they are killing each other off is a good thing ; however , the left foolishly fails to anticipate the resulting condition if law abiding citizens no longer had guns to defend themselves from gangs to keep them sequestered , and defend themselves from government thugs who want to rule without worry for being held to account .

* Charlottesville *

The left immediately designates those holding a vigil and lauding , " you will not replace us " as white supremacy , rather than conscientious objection to efforts by the left to import into the us , and into the west , migrants from the global demographic , until the us and west reflect the global demographic which is by and large non white .

In both of those cities , non-hispanic whites are minorities .
" Crying About Spilled Milk While The Barn Burns "

* How To Choose A Cause When Everyone Wants To Complain About Something *

Fewer guns.
And yet there are +300 million people in the us and nearly 6 billion on the planet , as if a 40,000 statistic (60% suicide, then gang on gang , while mass shootings are dramatic but statistically minor) is relevant given comparative statistics with other means of mortality such as malpractice .

A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000.

In the United States, obesity is estimated to cause 111,909 to 365,000 deaths per year,[2][34]

Although mass shootings are covered extensively in the media, they account for a small fraction of gun-related deaths[17] (only 1 percent of all gun deaths between 1980 and 2008[145]).
Although mass shootings are covered extensively in the media, they account for a small fraction of gun-related deaths[17] (only 1 percent of all gun deaths between 1980 and 2008[145]).

I agree...but we know how the media and how they really cover it extensively. Most of the time, they "omit" what is really happening. So, it appears to the uneducated public, that is what is going on. But in hindsight...we know better :)
If you remove suicides, and inner city Black on Black murders, the incidence of people using guns to kill is very low in the U.S. Want to stay safe? Don't go into ghettos. Every city in the U.S. has them.

When I watch local news, the murders are ALWAYS occurring in the same few areas of the big city near me. It is always the same two or three sections of the city.
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