This ‘Constitutional Crisis’ Has Been Completely Contrived By #Resistance Democrats

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
‘We’ve talked for a long time about approaching a constitutional crisis. We are now in it.”

That was House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler on Wednesday.

When reporters asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday if she agreed with Nadler’s assessment, her response was that she does, “because the administration has decided that they’re not going to honor their oath of office.”

What neither Nadler nor Pelosi did say, however, is the “crisis” the country is now in has been engineered entirely by Nadler and his fellow Democrats.

Consider: At this very moment, there is a virtually redaction-free version of the Mueller report available to Nadler and other top Democrats. In this version, supplied by the Justice Department in deference to Democrats’ demand for more transparency, the sum total of the redaction in Volume II of the Mueller report — the part Democrats say they are most interested in because it deals with obstruction of justice — is two full lines of text and seven partial lines of text.

That document is sitting in a secure room in the House. Yet not a single Democrat has bothered to look at it.

In fact, the Democrats are purposely avoiding reviewing it, for fear that it would undermine their case for still more disclosures.

In a letter to Nadler, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd said that the fact that Democrats refuse to examine this almost entirely unredacted version of the report “naturally raises questions about the sincerity of the committee’s interest in and purported need for the redacted material.”

Indeed, it does.

Meanwhile, Nadler knows full well that complying with his demand for millions of pages of additional documents — including secret grand jury proceedings — would itself be illegal.

The Judiciary Committee’s ranking Republican, Doug Collins, made it clear:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's all part of the DemonRATS' strategy to nullify the 2016 Presidential Election--the histrionics, the endless "investigations," the shameless false accusations, the blatant lies and distortions.

All honest people are appalled--and always will be.
It has been contrived by the Democrats for years, if not decades.
The only part of the Constitution they are in favor of is the Twenty-fifth Amendment - The Removal of the President.


While the other part of the Constitution the Democrats want to scrap up altogether.
The Constitution works for them only when it works for them.
I agree, it's not. We've been here before. Now, if Trumpybear refuses to obey a court order, that will be one.

How likely is that? 50/50?
‘We’ve talked for a long time about approaching a constitutional crisis. We are now in it.”

That was House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler on Wednesday.

When reporters asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday if she agreed with Nadler’s assessment, her response was that she does, “because the administration has decided that they’re not going to honor their oath of office.”

What neither Nadler nor Pelosi did say, however, is the “crisis” the country is now in has been engineered entirely by Nadler and his fellow Democrats.

Consider: At this very moment, there is a virtually redaction-free version of the Mueller report available to Nadler and other top Democrats. In this version, supplied by the Justice Department in deference to Democrats’ demand for more transparency, the sum total of the redaction in Volume II of the Mueller report — the part Democrats say they are most interested in because it deals with obstruction of justice — is two full lines of text and seven partial lines of text.

That document is sitting in a secure room in the House. Yet not a single Democrat has bothered to look at it.

In fact, the Democrats are purposely avoiding reviewing it, for fear that it would undermine their case for still more disclosures.

In a letter to Nadler, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd said that the fact that Democrats refuse to examine this almost entirely unredacted version of the report “naturally raises questions about the sincerity of the committee’s interest in and purported need for the redacted material.”

Indeed, it does.

Meanwhile, Nadler knows full well that complying with his demand for millions of pages of additional documents — including secret grand jury proceedings — would itself be illegal.

The Judiciary Committee’s ranking Republican, Doug Collins, made it clear:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's all part of the DemonRATS' strategy to nullify the 2016 Presidential Election--the histrionics, the endless "investigations," the shameless false accusations, the blatant lies and distortions.

All honest people are appalled--and always will be.
Translation: “If nobody had ever investigated Russia’s proven sabotage pf our election the crimes of Trump’s inner circle would not have been exposed, the attempted collusion by his top advisers would not have been exposed, and he would never have had to obstruct justice to prevent the discovery of more crimes.”

Fucking snowflakes
‘We’ve talked for a long time about approaching a constitutional crisis. We are now in it.”

That was House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler on Wednesday.

When reporters asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday if she agreed with Nadler’s assessment, her response was that she does, “because the administration has decided that they’re not going to honor their oath of office.”

What neither Nadler nor Pelosi did say, however, is the “crisis” the country is now in has been engineered entirely by Nadler and his fellow Democrats.

Consider: At this very moment, there is a virtually redaction-free version of the Mueller report available to Nadler and other top Democrats. In this version, supplied by the Justice Department in deference to Democrats’ demand for more transparency, the sum total of the redaction in Volume II of the Mueller report — the part Democrats say they are most interested in because it deals with obstruction of justice — is two full lines of text and seven partial lines of text.

That document is sitting in a secure room in the House. Yet not a single Democrat has bothered to look at it.

In fact, the Democrats are purposely avoiding reviewing it, for fear that it would undermine their case for still more disclosures.

In a letter to Nadler, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd said that the fact that Democrats refuse to examine this almost entirely unredacted version of the report “naturally raises questions about the sincerity of the committee’s interest in and purported need for the redacted material.”

Indeed, it does.

Meanwhile, Nadler knows full well that complying with his demand for millions of pages of additional documents — including secret grand jury proceedings — would itself be illegal.

The Judiciary Committee’s ranking Republican, Doug Collins, made it clear:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It's all part of the DemonRATS' strategy to nullify the 2016 Presidential Election--the histrionics, the endless "investigations," the shameless false accusations, the blatant lies and distortions.

All honest people are appalled--and always will be.
Translation: “If nobody had ever investigated Russia’s proven sabotage pf our election the crimes of Trump’s inner circle would not have been exposed, the attempted collusion by his top advisers would not have been exposed, and he would never have had to obstruct justice to prevent the discovery of more crimes.”

Fucking snowflakes
The Surrender Monkeys responsibility he was POTUS while all this shit happened...he and his administration were incompetent, corrupt, and treasonous giving away billions of dollars to Iran and ISIS.. but you little pissants will never acknowledge the truth!!!
The Constitution works for them only when it works for them.

They aren't using the Constitution.

They use their own political party and beliefs,
then justify that as long as it isn't specifically barred by the Constitution.
(Then they try to ram it through legislation, and then
ram it past Courts. Just relying on "majority rule" BY PARTY
and "judicial rule" BY PARTISAN BIAS, not on Constitutional procedures or process
such as amending the Constitution before extending the powers of federal govt.)

The "general welfare" clause is used to justify any manner of social programs they believe will help people.
That's in the preamble and is not backed by any written duties expressly authorized to government within the Constitution.
The Constitutional crisis is the fact that the opposition and the Deep State have been trying since November 2016 to reverse the legitimate outcome of the Presidential election. They contrived bogus accusations against the President and his campaign; they refused to accept the results of the inquiry they insisted on having; they are re-defining crimes for the purpose of accusing the President of violating them. They are slandering an honorable and able Attorney General in the hope that when the exposes their perfidy they can claim it was all "political."

Yes, this is a Constitutional crisis. And if Pelota, Nadnuts, Comey, and their Fellow Travelers think the American people are going to let them get away with it, they are severely misguided.

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