Takeover complete

Neocons sucked ass and hurt Americans. Fuck 'em!

Unnecessary wars, crashing the housing market, expanding government exponentially,

Congress voting themselves The Lords of America, you want that?!

Owait! You're a leftist ShitLord! Of course you want that stuff!

When Dems/Neocons finally start to wake up and smell the coffee:

Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course.
Which is the way a Republic works, we the people rule.

That is why we dont want authoritarian, fascist, democrat., As you just stated, you favor the party dictating to the people.
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
If they won't support Trump then why should Trump support them?
Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
Mr. Trump needs to have total control of the GOP, so it can mimic all of his other failed ventures. Flip, crash, and burn, comes to mind.

There is a certain. . . double standard from the establishment don't you think? :dunno:

From your link;

"Why would I sign it? There are people on there that I wouldn’t have," the former president said. "They want you to sign a pledge, but I can name three or four people that I wouldn’t support for president. So, right there, there’s a problem." Trump declined to name the candidates he wouldn't support as president.. . ."

And then? From the establishment press, on Trump, for wanting the same. . .

‘Ready, shoot, aim’: President Trump’s loyalty tests cause hiring headaches​

". .. Since the early days of the presidential transition, however, the Trump team has been especially thorough in vetting job applicants for their loyalty to the president and his policies, with their social-media profiles and writings scoured for anti-Trump posts.

Even tepid comments in opposition could torpedo nominees, current and former officials said. Trump himself would sometimes ask if candidates were “Never Trump” or if they supported him during the general election, officials said. Having posted on social media with the hashtag “#NeverTrump” or having signed a public letter in opposition to his candidacy made the nomination a non-starter... ."

Now, please explain to me, why it is so wrong for him, to treat them, like they treat him???

(Keep in mind, I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm just trying to keep things logical here.)

Many feel Trump's MAGA party has completely absorbed the Republican party and the once proud party, along with their most firmly held ideals is a thing of th past. That is not true. The republican party, although seriously harmed, still exists. It still has one way to exert it's strength and honor, and begin the long struggle to become what it once was. The RNC has to stand up to trump, and do it now. Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual republican nominee, even if it is not him. If he is allowed to join the debate without that pledge, it is all over. He will have shown that the RNC is powerless against MAGA force, and the takeover will be complete. Trump's will will have overpowered the RNC ability to choose their own course. I remember when the Republican party was a strong, proud and honorable party. It would be a shame for that to become a thing of the past like some business that was taken over by corporate raiders, and had their assets sold to the highest bidder.
I think that Trump would love to speak to Democratic Voters. Unfortunately, most likely he would not get a fair shake. Progs coined MAGA. Progs made it into some surreal name. It was just a campaign slogan. I was educated that the United States is a free and sovereign nation. We are being forced from sell out politicians into a global government. It has one language. English. Although others are welcome to be used in ethnic neighborhoods. Most of our public government enforced literature is now English and Spanish. And we are a unique American culture that has some differences depending on where we live. And distortions are encroaching in this. Most Prog voters need to realize that the economic/ financial cup needs to be refilled constantly and it is getting lower and lower with the fill ups.

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