Take guns away from proven psychopaths - for example drunk drivers


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Anyone who drives drunk has proven they have no concern for the safety of others and that makes them a psychopath. Also anyone who exceeds the speed limit by over 30 mph.

These are dangerous super-violent criminals. Time to stop coddling them.
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Right now we have laws that ban felons from having guns no matter how minor their felony was. Does it make sense that martha stewart can't have a gun cuz she lied to a cop or pete rose cuz he cheated on taxes?? But proven psychos like DUIs can have an arsenal??
Every time you guys try to make this comparison with cars, you dig yourself into a deeper hole of acutely fallacious irrelevance. Nobody bursts into a classroom or a movie theatre or a church or a mall picking off innocent victims with a Buick. The one exception that did make an entry like that (Luby's in Texas) was only an entry-- he then started using his Glock 17 and his Ruger P89. Twenty-three people stalked and killed (most of them women), 20 more wounded, and all with those pistols. You can't stalk somebody with a car.

So you're trying to compare intentional heinous carnage with accidents, which not only demonstrates the poverty of your logic but is a sad statement on how little regard you apparently have for intentional heinous carnage, that you could even entertain such a ludicrous equivalence.
Anyone who drives drunk has proven they have no concern for the safety of others and that makes them a psychopath. Also anyone who exceeds the speed limit by over 30 mph.

These are dangerous super-violent criminals. Time to stop coddling them.

And jay walkers. It will eventually get down to that.
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Every time you guys try to make this comparison with cars, you dig yourself into a deeper hole of acutely fallacious irrelevance. Nobody bursts into a classroom or a movie theatre or a church or a mall picking off innocent victims with a Buick. The one exception that did make an entry like that (Luby's in Texas) was only an entry-- he then started using his Glock 17 and his Ruger P89. Twenty-three people stalked and killed (most of them women), 20 more wounded, and all with those pistols. You can't stalk somebody with a car.

So you're trying to compare intentional heinous carnage with accidents, which not only demonstrates the poverty of your logic but is a sad statement on how little regard you apparently have for intentional heinous carnage, that you could even entertain such a ludicrous equivalence.

So you want intentional? People CHOOSE to drive drunk or speed or run red lights. Don't call the deaths they cause "accidents". Liberals just don't want to admit that they commit these crimes and are thus psychopaths too.
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Anyone who drives drunk has proven they have no concern for the safety of others and that makes them a psychopath. Also anyone who exceeds the speed limit by over 30 mph.

These are dangerous super-violent criminals. Time to stop coddling them.

And jay walkers. It will eventually get down to that.

Jaywalkers.??? How do they endanger anyone except maybe themselves.? THINK

I don't object to suicidal maniacs only homicidal ones.
People CHOOSE to drive drunk or speed or run red lights. Don't call the deaths they cause "accidents".


"When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is quit diggin'" -- old Texas proverb

So now accidents are not accidents. Riiiiight :cuckoo:

Liberals just don't want to admit that they commit these crimes and are thus psychopaths too.

What a sad pathetic little world to live in where every challenging idea that you may not have considered can be whisked away with a label. Pathetic. I hate to break this to you but nothing posted here has anything to do with "liberalism" or "conservatism" or politics at all. It has to do with bad logic. As long as you keep using it, you're in the same hole.
Anyone who drives drunk has proven they have no concern for the safety of others and that makes them a psychopath. Also anyone who exceeds the speed limit by over 30 mph.

These are dangerous super-violent criminals. Time to stop coddling them.

With your utter loathing of drivers, I would be shocked that you even drive a car.
Right now we have laws that ban felons from having guns no matter how minor their felony was. Does it make sense that martha stewart can't have a gun cuz she lied to a cop or pete rose cuz he cheated on taxes?? But proven psychos like DUIs can have an arsenal??

Actually the easiest way to lose a concealed carry permit in CT is to get a DUI
Many massacres are carried out by guys who are not proven psychopaths, they're guys that snap and go crazy. But you're right, it would be nice to do this, though it would be extremely difficult to enforce.
Many massacres are carried out by guys who are not proven psychopaths, they're guys that snap and go crazy. But you're right, it would be nice to do this, though it would be extremely difficult to enforce.

All that needs to be done is extensive background checks on those who wish to buy a gun, and no one with a history of a mental illness should be permitted to buy or use a firearm.
Anyone who drives drunk has proven they have no concern for the safety of others and that makes them a psychopath. Also anyone who exceeds the speed limit by over 30 mph.

These are dangerous super-violent criminals. Time to stop coddling them.

I take it you speed, but not up to your 30 mph threshold, thereby exempting yourself from your proposal?

You should be in Congress. You'd fit right in.
American Gun Deaths to Exceed Traffic Fatalities by 2015 - Bloomberg

Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities will probably exceed traffic fatalities for the first time, based on data compiled by Bloomberg.

While motor-vehicle deaths dropped 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, gun fatalities are rising again after a low point in 2000, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shooting deaths in 2015 will probably rise to almost 33,000, and those related to autos will decline to about 32,000, based on the 10-year average trend.

The OP is not only a fail in logic, but a fail in facts.
All that needs to be done is extensive background checks on those who wish to buy a gun, and no one with a history of a mental illness should be permitted to buy or use a firearm.

AS it stands, it's tough to prove someone has a mental illness. That's why we need a law saying anyone with a DUI is a proven psychopath and cannot have a gun.
I take it you speed, but not up to your 30 mph threshold, thereby exempting yourself from your proposal?

I don't speed at all and nothing i said should make you think i do. Take a course in logic 101 and get back with us.
Anyone who drives drunk has proven they have no concern for the safety of others and that makes them a psychopath. Also anyone who exceeds the speed limit by over 30 mph.

These are dangerous super-violent criminals. Time to stop coddling them.

You know, maybe you have a personal reason for obsessing over speeders, but maybe you should work that out in a more appropriate venue.
All that needs to be done is extensive background checks on those who wish to buy a gun, and no one with a history of a mental illness should be permitted to buy or use a firearm.

AS it stands, it's tough to prove someone has a mental illness. That's why we need a law saying anyone with a DUI is a proven psychopath and cannot have a gun.

Obviously this includes anyone who would propose to, say, "shoot speeders", since advocating violence is far beyond simple irresponsible negligence.

Malicious premeditated perpetration / Negligence. Know the difference.
[You know, maybe you have a personal reason for obsessing over speeders, but maybe you should work that out in a more appropriate venue.

It's called intelligence and if liberals had any, they'd feel the same way i do. But they've been brainwashed by the media into thinking speeding is cool even if they kill someone.!! Get help please.

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