Taiwan says Hong Kong warned of ongoing danger after South China Sea flight blocked


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Hate to be the Doomsday prognosticator, but we have the weakest leadership in Western history and China has warned the world "we will do what we want, when we want, to whom we want. We know your Western leaders are flaky, be it not allowing Taiwan into W.H.O or not calling us out for the pandemic we started. Weak suckers who allow us to do as we please, and we are going to oblige". Oblige they have.

Not to worry America, China isn't our competition. Within the next few years, we are about to observe just how much that statement is untrue. Who is going to stand up for Taiwan and the rest of it's targets when it occurs? Name one leader outside of Trump who even calls them out publicly?

The rejection of its agreement with the UK and subsequent infiltration of H.K was just the beginning. Actually, that wasn't even close to it's first steps. We see them caught spying in the U.S through their embassy, we see them threatening Western nations repeatedly, now this future blockage is in the works.

All of this somehow seems very familiar.

Taiwan says Hong Kong warned of ongoing danger after South China Sea flight blocked

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Hong Kong air traffic controllers told Taiwan there was danger until further notice on a flight path to Taiwanese-controlled islands in the South China Sea, Taipei said on Friday, a case that has raised fears Beijing may try and blockade the islets.

Tensions over the Pratas Islands, in the northern part of the contested South China Sea, have spiked in recent weeks, with China carrying out several military exercises near them. The Pratas are only lightly defended by Chinese-claimed Taiwan.

On Thursday, Taiwan said a regular civilian charter flight had to abandon its trip to the Pratas when Hong Kong air traffic controllers told the captain there were “dangerous activities” happening below 26,000 feet and the aircraft could not enter.

Hong Kong’s Civil Aviation Department said they had told Taiwan air traffic controllers of the minimum safe altitude to be observed for the flight, and that Taiwan had then responded that they had cancelled the request to enter the Hong Kong flight information region.

But late on Friday Taiwan’s Civil Aeronautics Administration published a full transcript of the conversation between the air traffic controllers.

“The danger area is, eh, now on until further notice,” the Hong Kong controller says, declining to answer a question on whether there were military exercises happening.

Asked whether there was a NOTAM, or “notice to airmen” filed to alert aircraft pilots of potential hazards, the Hong Kong controller responds: “eh, no”.

Then asked whether to confirm they would not allow the flight in, the Hong Kong controller says: “Affirmative, the altitude is not safe for danger after Hong Kong at this level”.

Finally, when asked when the flight could proceed to the Pratas Islands, the Hong Kong controller answers: “OK, Hong Kong is not able to advise right now, we’ll let you know”.

Hong Kong’s Civil Aviation Department said it had nothing to add beyond its initial statement.
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Oh, yes, China is on a rampage.

It knows that the in-coming American president will NOT stop it from seizing Taiwan.

Taiwan's democracy is a constant affront to the tyrants in Beijing.

Sadly, the only country that may eventually have the guts to stop China is -- Japan.
Oh, yes, China is on a rampage.

It knows that the in-coming American president will NOT stop it from seizing Taiwan.

Taiwan's democracy is a constant affront to the tyrants in Beijing.

Sadly, the only country that may eventually have the guts to stop China is -- Japan.
Biden might come up a little short.

MADE IN CHINA: Defense Experts Blast Biden’s Taiwan Policy.
Biden’s own record on Taiwan, as well as the public writings of his top foreign-policy surrogates and advisers, hints at potentially dangerous policies for both the United States and Taiwan. In 2001, Biden authored an op-ed arguing that U.S. support for the country could “draw us into a war across the Taiwan Strait.” Meanwhile, recent editorials from some of Biden’s top Indo-Pacific advisers spell out a vision for Taiwan that would downplay U.S. military backing, cut defense spending, and rely on more flexible deterrence to counter Beijing. Zack Cooper, China scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, said such measures would only fuel Chinese ambitions in the region.
Biden has sold out US interest to fill his coffers with illicit cash.
“You will see some serious downward pressure on the defense budget,” Cooper told the Washington Free Beacon. “I think the Democrats know that this is going to be a real tension.”
Carafano lodged similar complaints. “The problem with our enemies is that they can all count,” he said. “We can do all this stuff about how we are going to be smarter on defense…. That has zero impact on great-power competition.”
The Biden campaign did not return a request for comment about Democrats’ past handling of Taiwan, including his eight-year tenure as vice president.
Beijing got good value for their dollars.
Oh, yes, China is on a rampage.

It knows that the in-coming American president will NOT stop it from seizing Taiwan.

Taiwan's democracy is a constant affront to the tyrants in Beijing.

Sadly, the only country that may eventually have the guts to stop China is -- Japan.
Biden might come up a little short.

MADE IN CHINA: Defense Experts Blast Biden’s Taiwan Policy.
Biden’s own record on Taiwan, as well as the public writings of his top foreign-policy surrogates and advisers, hints at potentially dangerous policies for both the United States and Taiwan. In 2001, Biden authored an op-ed arguing that U.S. support for the country could “draw us into a war across the Taiwan Strait.” Meanwhile, recent editorials from some of Biden’s top Indo-Pacific advisers spell out a vision for Taiwan that would downplay U.S. military backing, cut defense spending, and rely on more flexible deterrence to counter Beijing. Zack Cooper, China scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, said such measures would only fuel Chinese ambitions in the region.
Biden has sold out US interest to fill his coffers with illicit cash.
“You will see some serious downward pressure on the defense budget,” Cooper told the Washington Free Beacon. “I think the Democrats know that this is going to be a real tension.”
Carafano lodged similar complaints. “The problem with our enemies is that they can all count,” he said. “We can do all this stuff about how we are going to be smarter on defense…. That has zero impact on great-power competition.”
The Biden campaign did not return a request for comment about Democrats’ past handling of Taiwan, including his eight-year tenure as vice president.
Beijing got good value for their dollars.

How sad that many Dems are going to vote for a China-compromised candidate in order to oust Trump. (And they had the nerve to charge Trump with being a Russian-compromised candidate!) China must be thrilled by the fact that it will likely have a dutiful servant in the Executive Mansion on January 20.
Oh, yes, China is on a rampage.

It knows that the in-coming American president will NOT stop it from seizing Taiwan.

Taiwan's democracy is a constant affront to the tyrants in Beijing.

Sadly, the only country that may eventually have the guts to stop China is -- Japan.
Biden might come up a little short.

MADE IN CHINA: Defense Experts Blast Biden’s Taiwan Policy.
Biden’s own record on Taiwan, as well as the public writings of his top foreign-policy surrogates and advisers, hints at potentially dangerous policies for both the United States and Taiwan. In 2001, Biden authored an op-ed arguing that U.S. support for the country could “draw us into a war across the Taiwan Strait.” Meanwhile, recent editorials from some of Biden’s top Indo-Pacific advisers spell out a vision for Taiwan that would downplay U.S. military backing, cut defense spending, and rely on more flexible deterrence to counter Beijing. Zack Cooper, China scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, said such measures would only fuel Chinese ambitions in the region.
Biden has sold out US interest to fill his coffers with illicit cash.
“You will see some serious downward pressure on the defense budget,” Cooper told the Washington Free Beacon. “I think the Democrats know that this is going to be a real tension.”
Carafano lodged similar complaints. “The problem with our enemies is that they can all count,” he said. “We can do all this stuff about how we are going to be smarter on defense…. That has zero impact on great-power competition.”
The Biden campaign did not return a request for comment about Democrats’ past handling of Taiwan, including his eight-year tenure as vice president.
Beijing got good value for their dollars.

How sad that many Dems are going to vote for a China-compromised candidate in order to oust Trump. (And they had the nerve to charge Trump with being a Russian-compromised candidate!) China must be thrilled by the fact that it will likely have a dutiful servant in the Executive Mansion on January 20.
I think Joe/Ho might come up a bit short. They'll blame their loss on the laptop from hell, just like Hillary blamed her loss on Anthony Weiner, but the reality is that they both were losing the entire time and The Electorate picked Trump!

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