System's Gone Cuckoo On Obama Forcin Religous Orgs To Offer Brth Contrl Insuranc!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The system involving how America works has gone totally haywire on this matter of the Obama Administration trying to force religious affiliated organizations to cover birth control and sterilization in the health insurance they provide for their employees. The Obama Administration used authority provided in the 2010 Healthcare law as authority for doing this. Because of the public backlash over this regulation initiative the Obama Administration did a little manipulation they now say that for any religious affiliated organization that objects to this regulation you don't have to comply the Federal government will just mandate your insurance company provide this coverage. There's a couple of things that are really haywire about this whole matter but the thing that is most shocking is where does the Obama administration think they get the authority to just order or mandate a health insurance company just provide free health insurance coverage on certain treatments to a certain group of people the 2010 healthcare legislation doesn't give them that authority based on the power the Obama administration is claiming from this 2010 legislation here why don't they just mandate collectively all the health insurance companies give free health insurance to the forty million uninsured! It really seems like lawyers should be able to go to court and block the Obama Administration on this so called fix to the problem.

Another thing that is really crazy about this whole matter is this issue is making a lot of Catholic leaders and a large portion of actively practicing Catholics enraged they're so angry on a scale of one to ten their a perfect ten on angry, these are pro-life issues and on pro-life issues these catholics go militant anything a law abiding citizen can do to fight these matters they'll do. So the obvious question is why does any politician whether Democrat or Republican want to accept this status quo, this group of Catholics include a bloc of Democrats (union blue collar workers for example) and a bloc of Republicans (pro-life Republicans) come voting time their going to want to know why their incumbent candidate hasn't remedied this bad government regulation. Any smart incumbent is going to want this issue off the table which raises the question is why the hell did members of Congress try to pass a bill recently that went overboard a thousand fold on this issue when they recently tried to pass a bill that essentially says "all" employers, meaning not only religious but also for profit businesses, do not have to follow any regulation relating to health insurance coverage from the federal government that violates their "conscience". Such a piece of legislation opens the barn door as far as it can be opened allowing employers to drop a huge amount of coverage under the guise of following their conscience what a stupid piece of legislation. Couldn't you members of Congress pass a simple bill simply counteracting what the Obama Administration is doing here like just say religious affiliated organizations don't have to following health insurance coverage mandates in the area of birth control, sterilization and euthanasia if it violates their religious principles, all you members of Congress need to take a Legislating 101 class!

This whole initiative by the Obama Administration demonstrates loud and clearly how at best Barack Obama is arrogant in the use of political power and at worst he is a rotten human being. This whole matter violates long standing principles that the government respects religions when it comes to areas of sex, procreation and life matters unless it involves bigamy or minor children or something criminal, Mr. Obama is crossing a line here that people of good will shouldn't be comfortable with. Plus, the Obama administration has justified their actions here by claiming that they deeply care about the employees of these religious organizations and their just trying to look out for their rights. First, no one is saying these employees can't get these pharmaceuticals or medical treatments the issue is only about payment for these items. Secondly, were talking about people that voluntarily took employment at Catholic hospitals, Catholic Colleges and Catholic social service organizations unless your from Mars you have to know that the Catholic Church authorities are very orthodox and they are going to expect all organizations affiliated with them to follow their major religious principles so essentially a fair person has to conclude that when a person takes employment with one of these Catholic organizations he or she has implicitly agreed that the health insurance coverage they get from their employer will not violate the Catholic Church's major principles. Lastly, the Obama Administration has as the essence of its justification on this initiative that they care about the employees well I think quite a few of these employees are going to say please stop caring the Obama Administration because if they carry through with what they have publicly stated here authorities in these Catholic organizations that are loyal to their local bishop and the teachings of the Catholic Faith are going to have to drop employer-sponsored health insurance because there is no way it is not possible to comply with the Federal Government's regulations and the Catholic Church's regulations, so the end result of this initiative is that these employees the Administration are trying to help will end up being hurt. Good judgment calls for a reconsideration here on the President's part!

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