Syrian regime backs Daesh says Turkey's Erdogan


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I doubt if there are many who believe this, but there are some who will, such as many in Turkey.

  • erdogan-jpg20150710002607.jpg

10 July 2015 00:02

Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin reacts to Russian counterpart's comments

Syrian regime backs Daesh says Turkey's Erdogan
10 July 2015 00:24 (Last updated 10 July 2015 00:26)
President condemns 'inhumane and barbaric' acts of extremists


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday described Daesh as a terrorist group supported by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

"Daesh is a terrorist organization supported by the regime to be used against the Syrian people who are fighting a war of democracy, freedom and dignity," he told an iftar dinner for foreign ambassadors at his presidential palace.

The president's remarks came as Daesh began digging ditches on the Syrian side of the Jarablus border crossing with Turkey in advance of an expected attack by Kurdish fighters.

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Syrian regime backs Daesh says Turkey s Erdogan Anadolu Agency

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