Syrian Opposition Chief Thanks Israeli Doctors


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
Syrian opposition chief thanks Israeli doctors for medical aid ISRAEL21c

Two excerpts:

Dr. Kamal Al-Labwani, considered one of the most prominent members of the Syrian opposition movement, was in Israel recently to visit the Syrian casualties hospitalized in the Ziv Medical Center near Safed (Tsfat).


“I came to the Ziv Medical Center to thank the hospital for treating hundreds of men, women and children, who have received the highest quality treatment, and emotional support following the difficult events they have experienced during the war in Syria. This treatment is not only for the wounded children and women, it is for the entire Syrian people, this is how we feel and everyone knows this and is talking about it. In Syria, Bashar Al- Assad claims that the Israelis are the enemies, and, here, at the hospital we see who the real Israel is. I ask: who is really the enemy?’”
(emphasis mine)
Why Israel helping Syrian opposition?

I would think Israel would be pro Assad, rather than being pro ISIS...
Why Israel helping Syrian opposition?

I would think Israel would be pro Assad, rather than being pro ISIS...

There are many factions that are part of the Syrian opposition. ISIS is just one that has been getting all the news lately as they have been shown to be most extreme; or willing to show themselves as such by the beheadings.

My actual motive for creating this thread is I am getting sick and tired of all the threads being created (and re-created) here that are bashing Israel. Without much merit, IMHO by the way.
Why Israel helping Syrian opposition?

I would think Israel would be pro Assad, rather than being pro ISIS...

There are many factions that are part of the Syrian opposition. ISIS is just one that has been getting all the news lately as they have been shown to be most extreme; or willing to show themselves as such by the beheadings.

My actual motive for creating this thread is I am getting sick and tired of all the threads being created (and re-created) here that are bashing Israel. Without much merit, IMHO by the way.

Syrian opposition has 1 thing in common, radical islam.

And they have 1 difference, who is feeding them.

Free Syrian Army fed by Turkey, ISIS fed by Qatar, they are both radical islamist, but have different objectives that relays to their owners.

So, looking at this picture, I would think Israel would prefer Assad to any of these factions. Anybody in Syria who is not an islamist, supporting Assad at the moment; christians, atheists, ezidis...

I don't know what your motives are, but I could very well bash Israel for supporting sunni islamists, rather than alevi seculars of Syria, if thats the case of course...
Syrian opposition has 1 thing in common, radical islam.

And they have 1 difference, who is feeding them.

Free Syrian Army fed by Turkey, ISIS fed by Qatar, they are both radical islamist, but have different objectives that relays to their owners.

So, looking at this picture, I would think Israel would prefer Assad to any of these factions. Anybody in Syria who is not an islamist, supporting Assad at the moment; christians, atheists, ezidis...

I don't know what your motives are, but I could very well bash Israel for supporting sunni islamists, rather than alevi seculars of Syria, if thats the case of course...

In all honesty I have not researched the situation in Syria at all and have no knowledge of the motives, financing, not anything else of either side.

I still stand firm on my motive for creating this thread. Israel is willing to help others, even if they are, as you say 'enemies' or their state. They also did it during, before, and after the recent conflict with the Gazans. I wish you to not detract further from my motive. Thank you.
Syrian opposition has 1 thing in common, radical islam.

And they have 1 difference, who is feeding them.

Free Syrian Army fed by Turkey, ISIS fed by Qatar, they are both radical islamist, but have different objectives that relays to their owners.

So, looking at this picture, I would think Israel would prefer Assad to any of these factions. Anybody in Syria who is not an islamist, supporting Assad at the moment; christians, atheists, ezidis...

I don't know what your motives are, but I could very well bash Israel for supporting sunni islamists, rather than alevi seculars of Syria, if thats the case of course...

In all honesty I have not researched the situation in Syria at all and have no knowledge of the motives, financing, not anything else of either side.

I still stand firm on my motive for creating this thread. Israel is willing to help others, even if they are, as you say 'enemies' or their state. They also did it during, before, and after the recent conflict with the Gazans. I wish you to not detract further from my motive. Thank you.

Yes & there lies a big problem for Israel. Why can't those Zionists in Israel just let the Syrians do what they want to do by killing each other. Why must Israel always save lives of their enemies. Shame on those Zionists.
Syrian opposition has 1 thing in common, radical islam.

And they have 1 difference, who is feeding them.

Free Syrian Army fed by Turkey, ISIS fed by Qatar, they are both radical islamist, but have different objectives that relays to their owners.

So, looking at this picture, I would think Israel would prefer Assad to any of these factions. Anybody in Syria who is not an islamist, supporting Assad at the moment; christians, atheists, ezidis...

I don't know what your motives are, but I could very well bash Israel for supporting sunni islamists, rather than alevi seculars of Syria, if thats the case of course...

In all honesty I have not researched the situation in Syria at all and have no knowledge of the motives, financing, not anything else of either side.

I still stand firm on my motive for creating this thread. Israel is willing to help others, even if they are, as you say 'enemies' or their state. They also did it during, before, and after the recent conflict with the Gazans. I wish you to not detract further from my motive. Thank you.

Yes & there lies a big problem for Israel. Why can't those Zionists in Israel just let the Syrians do what they want to do by killing each other. Why must Israel always save lives of their enemies. Shame on those Zionists.

Well, if you are supporting one side but not the other, this is not "saving lives".

If you were saving whoever coming to your border asking for help, it could have been something.

But the way it is, Israel is digging holes for the Assad supporters (and many westerner hostages, including Americans) while "saving lives" of the "opposition", which is basically ISIS or some offshoot of ISIS...
Syrian opposition chief thanks Israeli doctors for medical aid ISRAEL21c

Two excerpts:

Dr. Kamal Al-Labwani, considered one of the most prominent members of the Syrian opposition movement, was in Israel recently to visit the Syrian casualties hospitalized in the Ziv Medical Center near Safed (Tsfat).


“I came to the Ziv Medical Center to thank the hospital for treating hundreds of men, women and children, who have received the highest quality treatment, and emotional support following the difficult events they have experienced during the war in Syria. This treatment is not only for the wounded children and women, it is for the entire Syrian people, this is how we feel and everyone knows this and is talking about it. In Syria, Bashar Al- Assad claims that the Israelis are the enemies, and, here, at the hospital we see who the real Israel is. I ask: who is really the enemy?’”
(emphasis mine)

Aaah, isn't that nice. Hasbara lite. Go Brand Israel!!
In all honesty I have not researched the situation in Syria at all and have no knowledge of the motives, financing, not anything else of either side.

I still stand firm on my motive for creating this thread. Israel is willing to help others, even if they are, as you say 'enemies' or their state. They also did it during, before, and after the recent conflict with the Gazans. I wish you to not detract further from my motive. Thank you.

Really? Care to show us where the Syrian refugee camps are inside Israel? For that matter, how many Syrian refugees have been granted asylum for the duration?
If you were saving whoever coming to your border asking for help, it could have been something.

Actually this is the impression I got from the article since the hospital he visit is in Tzfat near the Golan, but I could be wrong.
In all honesty I have not researched the situation in Syria at all and have no knowledge of the motives, financing, not anything else of either side.

I still stand firm on my motive for creating this thread. Israel is willing to help others, even if they are, as you say 'enemies' or their state. They also did it during, before, and after the recent conflict with the Gazans. I wish you to not detract further from my motive. Thank you.

Really? Care to show us where the Syrian refugee camps are inside Israel? For that matter, how many Syrian refugees have been granted asylum for the duration?

Not a subject of this thread. FAIL! Move on.
In all honesty I have not researched the situation in Syria at all and have no knowledge of the motives, financing, not anything else of either side.

I still stand firm on my motive for creating this thread. Israel is willing to help others, even if they are, as you say 'enemies' or their state. They also did it during, before, and after the recent conflict with the Gazans. I wish you to not detract further from my motive. Thank you.

Really? Care to show us where the Syrian refugee camps are inside Israel? For that matter, how many Syrian refugees have been granted asylum for the duration?

Not a subject of this thread. FAIL! Move on.

So your comment, "Israel is willing to help others, even if they are, as you say 'enemies' or their state." is suddenly not a subject of this thread? Okay, whatever you say, it's your thread.

Or rather, it's the Israel 21c thread, the soft and fluffy branding of Zionist Israel. A cynical attempt at brand marketing or Hasbara lite. You are fooling no-one.

"Directors of Israel’s three most powerful ministries have agreed on a new plan to improve the country’s image abroad — by downplaying religion and avoiding any discussion of the conflict with the Palestinians."

Read more: Israel Aims To Improve Its Public Image
Well all I can say about my previous comment is that I did not think I mentioned anything about Syrian refugee camps in Israel, hence why your asking about any made me say that it is not the subject of this thread.
Syrian opposition chief thanks Israeli doctors for medical aid ISRAEL21c

Two excerpts:

Dr. Kamal Al-Labwani, considered one of the most prominent members of the Syrian opposition movement, was in Israel recently to visit the Syrian casualties hospitalized in the Ziv Medical Center near Safed (Tsfat).


“I came to the Ziv Medical Center to thank the hospital for treating hundreds of men, women and children, who have received the highest quality treatment, and emotional support following the difficult events they have experienced during the war in Syria. This treatment is not only for the wounded children and women, it is for the entire Syrian people, this is how we feel and everyone knows this and is talking about it. In Syria, Bashar Al- Assad claims that the Israelis are the enemies, and, here, at the hospital we see who the real Israel is. I ask: who is really the enemy?’”
(emphasis mine)

Aaah, isn't that nice. Hasbara lite. Go Brand Israel!!

I wish with all my heart that the next doctor you`ll need to save your life- will be Israeli.

I wonder if you`ll remain such a hater in that case.
Syrian opposition chief thanks Israeli doctors for medical aid ISRAEL21c

Two excerpts:

Dr. Kamal Al-Labwani, considered one of the most prominent members of the Syrian opposition movement, was in Israel recently to visit the Syrian casualties hospitalized in the Ziv Medical Center near Safed (Tsfat).


“I came to the Ziv Medical Center to thank the hospital for treating hundreds of men, women and children, who have received the highest quality treatment, and emotional support following the difficult events they have experienced during the war in Syria. This treatment is not only for the wounded children and women, it is for the entire Syrian people, this is how we feel and everyone knows this and is talking about it. In Syria, Bashar Al- Assad claims that the Israelis are the enemies, and, here, at the hospital we see who the real Israel is. I ask: who is really the enemy?’”
(emphasis mine)

Aaah, isn't that nice. Hasbara lite. Go Brand Israel!!

I wish with all my heart that the next doctor you`ll need to save your life- will be Israeli.

I wonder if you`ll remain such a hater in that case.

What makes you think a person in the US or Uk would need an Israeli dr. Also Jordan's medical care sound very good.
Also Israel is treating Assad opposition.
Israeli or Jews with Israeli citizenship can be found everywhere and their expertese is needed many times. Is that news ?

Israeli doctors will treat anyone. Even hate-filled scumbags. That is the point.
Syrian opposition chief thanks Israeli doctors for medical aid ISRAEL21c

Two excerpts:

Dr. Kamal Al-Labwani, considered one of the most prominent members of the Syrian opposition movement, was in Israel recently to visit the Syrian casualties hospitalized in the Ziv Medical Center near Safed (Tsfat).


“I came to the Ziv Medical Center to thank the hospital for treating hundreds of men, women and children, who have received the highest quality treatment, and emotional support following the difficult events they have experienced during the war in Syria. This treatment is not only for the wounded children and women, it is for the entire Syrian people, this is how we feel and everyone knows this and is talking about it. In Syria, Bashar Al- Assad claims that the Israelis are the enemies, and, here, at the hospital we see who the real Israel is. I ask: who is really the enemy?’”
(emphasis mine)

Aaah, isn't that nice. Hasbara lite. Go Brand Israel!!

I wish with all my heart that the next doctor you`ll need to save your life- will be Israeli.

I wonder if you`ll remain such a hater in that case.

It wouldn't bother me what nationality he or she was. Doctors deal with the patient in front of them and don't care who or what the patient is or has done. I don't hate doctors, I just dispise the people that make political capital out of them. Israel 21C is a Hasbara site that promotes a fluffy, cuddly, face of what is a brutal murderous and oppressive regime, never heard of "brand Israel"?.
Why Israel helping Syrian opposition?

I would think Israel would be pro Assad, rather than being pro ISIS...
This is indeed a great question, I couldn't think of an answer myself but the official statement ('Better the devil you know') satisfied me for now.
Israel is first of all pro-Israel so lets start from this point, so far a status quo with Assad would also be the ideal option so I would think supporting Assad would be wise but in the Chaos of Syria it can change any second and supporting Assad doesn't mean Assad will surely gain the upper hand but it is the hope to "normalize"
Syrian opposition chief thanks Israeli doctors for medical aid ISRAEL21c

Two excerpts:

Dr. Kamal Al-Labwani, considered one of the most prominent members of the Syrian opposition movement, was in Israel recently to visit the Syrian casualties hospitalized in the Ziv Medical Center near Safed (Tsfat).


“I came to the Ziv Medical Center to thank the hospital for treating hundreds of men, women and children, who have received the highest quality treatment, and emotional support following the difficult events they have experienced during the war in Syria. This treatment is not only for the wounded children and women, it is for the entire Syrian people, this is how we feel and everyone knows this and is talking about it. In Syria, Bashar Al- Assad claims that the Israelis are the enemies, and, here, at the hospital we see who the real Israel is. I ask: who is really the enemy?’”
(emphasis mine)

Aaah, isn't that nice. Hasbara lite. Go Brand Israel!!

I wish with all my heart that the next doctor you`ll need to save your life- will be Israeli.

I wonder if you`ll remain such a hater in that case.
Syrian opposition chief thanks Israeli doctors for medical aid ISRAEL21c

Two excerpts:

Dr. Kamal Al-Labwani, considered one of the most prominent members of the Syrian opposition movement, was in Israel recently to visit the Syrian casualties hospitalized in the Ziv Medical Center near Safed (Tsfat).


“I came to the Ziv Medical Center to thank the hospital for treating hundreds of men, women and children, who have received the highest quality treatment, and emotional support following the difficult events they have experienced during the war in Syria. This treatment is not only for the wounded children and women, it is for the entire Syrian people, this is how we feel and everyone knows this and is talking about it. In Syria, Bashar Al- Assad claims that the Israelis are the enemies, and, here, at the hospital we see who the real Israel is. I ask: who is really the enemy?’”
(emphasis mine)

Aaah, isn't that nice. Hasbara lite. Go Brand Israel!!

I wish with all my heart that the next doctor you`ll need to save your life- will be Israeli.

I wonder if you`ll remain such a hater in that case.

What point are you trying to make?

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