Syrian Army, SDF and Russians dance in Manbij, preparing a warm welcome for Erdogan


Nov 14, 2012
(Continuation of older thread)

The Syrian Army and the Kurdish-led SDF sealed an alliance in Manbij. Partaking are Russian soldiers as mediators. The Erdogan terrorist threat has become more energetic as the SAA and the SDF are under fire. So far, the Erdogan forces have made no gains in intense clashes. Today, the terrorist Erdogan regime announced to attack Manbij.

Syrian flags in Manbij as SAA, SDF and Russians celebrate the meeting of the forces in happy dance interludes:

Syrian Army, Kurdish forces team up against Turkish troops in Aleppo province
VIDEO: Syrian Army, Russian officers and Kurdish forces dance together as they meet in Manbij
The Syrian army liberated 200 villages in the region since January. Water supply for Aleppo has been restored. The Kurds are granted free travel between their two (three) areas separated by the Erdogan forces.


Meanwhile, it was made public that Iraq is allowed to strike ISIS in Syrian territory. The UN accused Turkey of "serious violations"

ISIS in full-scale retreat as the Syrian Army gears up for assault on Jirah Airbase
Assad gave Iraq green light to strike ISIS in Syria: official
UN accuses Turkey of 'serious' violations in northern Syria: AFP
In government-controlled Manbij, Russian sappers begin to dismantle ISIS-mines. Parts of the city were handed over to the Syrian army as part of the new alliance.

Russians begin demining phase of Menbeij City: video

"Syrian government forces have taken over positions from a U.S.-backed militia in the northern city of Manbij on part of a frontline with Turkish-backed rebel forces, in line with a deal brokered by Russia, the militia's spokesman said on Monday.

"The handover has taken place..," Sharfan Darwish, the spokesman for the Manbij Military Council, told Reuters. Earlier on Monday, he said around five villages were included in the deal."
Syrian government forces take over positions from U.S.-backed militia in northern Syria: militia spokesman
Erdogan continues to attack the Syrian army. Maybe the ISIS campaign should be put on halt and the army and the Kurds should deal with Erdogan at first. Hey, if Russia´s alliance is not enough to put an end to Erdogan´s conquest, Syria has an airforce, as well. I would advice the army to redeploy some of the new Idlib contingents and blitz the Euphrates Shield region. Ignore the towns and cities first and push for the border. Kick that bastard´s ass hard! The dickhead has a shit to do something about it.

Turkish forces help ISIS in east Aleppo by attacking Syrian Army troops
Maybe the ISIS campaign should be put on halt and the army and the Kurds should deal with Erdogan at first. Hey, if Russia´s alliance is not enough to put an end to Erdogan´s conquest, Syria has an airforce, as well. I would advice the army to redeploy some of the new Idlib contingents and blitz the Euphrates Shield region.
It looks like a joke. Russia and Turkey enjoy a period of romantic relationships right now and Assad will be advised not to do wrong actions against the Turks. And it is possible to assume that without Russia’s and Iran’s help Assad will cost nothing.
Maybe the ISIS campaign should be put on halt and the army and the Kurds should deal with Erdogan at first. Hey, if Russia´s alliance is not enough to put an end to Erdogan´s conquest, Syria has an airforce, as well. I would advice the army to redeploy some of the new Idlib contingents and blitz the Euphrates Shield region.
It looks like a joke. Russia and Turkey enjoy a period of romantic relationships right now and Assad will be advised not to do wrong actions against the Turks. And it is possible to assume that without Russia’s and Iran’s help Assad will cost nothing.
It is said that the military has suffered under Erdogan. It is because the government that has to fear the military the most is traditionally the Turkish. The Turkish army is a political power in Turkey, maybe comparable with Egypt. It can be doubted that Erdogan could make the Turkish army launch a war on Syria. What ever is going on between Putin and Erdogan, we cannot really say. Turkey recently assured that it respects Syria´s unity. Maybe, Erdogan simply wants to get rid of ISIS and the Kurds. He is unpredictable, however, and we can expect him to change his mind on anything at any time.
It is said that the military has suffered under Erdogan. It is because the government that has to fear the military the most is traditionally the Turkish. The Turkish army is a political power in Turkey, maybe comparable with Egypt. It can be doubted that Erdogan could make the Turkish army launch a war on Syria.
The Turkish army was a political power. Actually, Turkey is living through somewhat a political revolution now. After all that changes the president will be the core of political system.

What ever is going on between Putin and Erdogan, we cannot really say. Turkey recently assured that it respects Syria´s unity. Maybe, Erdogan simply wants to get rid of ISIS and the Kurds. He is unpredictable, however, and we can expect him to change his mind on anything at any time.
Of course Turkey will respect Syria’s unity because disintegration of Syria is in no one interest. What Erdogan wants is unclear. Of course he wants to restrict the Kurds. ISIS? It is virtually done in its current form. The most interesting is what will be his position about Assad.
The Turkish army was a political power. Actually, Turkey is living through somewhat a political revolution now. After all that changes the president will be the core of political system.
You did not understand. A change in the political system doesn´t take away the army´s power. It is made of steel and not of paper.

Of course Turkey will respect Syria’s unity because disintegration of Syria is in no one interest. What Erdogan wants is unclear. Of course he wants to restrict the Kurds. ISIS? It is virtually done in its current form. The most interesting is what will be his position about Assad.
Erdogan´s anti-Assad stance is artificial. In 2010 he agreed to an open border agreement similar to Europe´s Schengen-Agreement:
TURKEY - Syrian leader proposes Schengen-like visa-free zone

He will have no problem to leave Assad alone. The filthy black ISIS and al-Qaeda stains will remain on Erdogan´s vest for quite a time, though.
You did not understand. A change in the political system doesn´t take away the army´s power. It is made of steel and not of paper.
Well, I don’t agree with you in this case. I think that the epoch when the Turkish army was a branch of a political power and a guardian of a secular state is gone.

Erdogan´s anti-Assad stance is artificial. In 2010 he agreed to an open border agreement similar to Europe´s Schengen-Agreement:
TURKEY - Syrian leader proposes Schengen-like visa-free zone

He will have no problem to leave Assad alone. The filthy black ISIS and al-Qaeda stains will remain on Erdogan´s vest for quite a time, though.
It isn’t purely about Erdogan and Assad. We need to look at the situation in wider context taking into consideration the balance of power in the Middle East. It is clearly that the Gulf monarchies will want to widen their sphere of influence at the cost of Iran and vice versa. And the Syrian war is a battle between them. I don’t know what Turkey’s policy will be, but I doubt that it will take the side of Iran in the long run. But the crucial point will be the strategy of the new US administration about this issue and how far they will be prepare to go.
Well, I don’t agree with you in this case. I think that the epoch when the Turkish army was a branch of a political power and a guardian of a secular state is gone.
We will see or not. They will probably only act in an extreme case.

It isn’t purely about Erdogan and Assad. We need to look at the situation in wider context taking into consideration the balance of power in the Middle East. It is clearly that the Gulf monarchies will want to widen their sphere of influence at the cost of Iran and vice versa. And the Syrian war is a battle between them. I don’t know what Turkey’s policy will be, but I doubt that it will take the side of Iran in the long run. But the crucial point will be the strategy of the new US administration about this issue and how far they will be prepare to go.
Erdogan has played his cards and the only trumps he holds in hands are the economic ties to Europe and Russia. But this aren´t only trumps but also dependencies. He runs no coherent policies and is out of favor everywhere in the world. Do you see him annoying everyone? Now he wants to buy Russian S-400 as loan. I don´t consider Putin to be dumb enough to sell S-400 to Erdogan/Nato but this new loan stuff shows again that Erdogan is pushing to the limits. He thinks he is reaching the skies but he is almost right in front of the red card. The US wanted him to be gone last year already, ya know?
US involvement in the world will probably be limited as Trump is busy to make America great again. The Gulf states are virtually monkeys that have found oil, they can´t deal with some Houthis and start to realize they have to create an actual economy. I guess, we will not hear much of them in the near future. Iran is committed to self-defense. They like the idea of an Teheren-Baghdad-Damascus axis that could have included Turkey. That´s now almost impossible unless Turkey makes major concessions. Israel´s role limited, the country is isolated within the region.
The US wanted him to be gone last year already, ya know?
Do you mean the attempt of coup? I can’t exclude a scenario that it was organized by Erdogan to consolidate his power and crash the military.

US involvement in the world will probably be limited as Trump is busy to make America great again.
It is impossible to be ‘great again’ without active foreign policy.

Israel´s role limited, the country is isolated within the region.
Actually, Israel’s position is one of crucial points for American policy in the region.
Do you mean the attempt of coup? I can’t exclude a scenario that it was organized by Erdogan to consolidate his power and crash the military.
Yeah, I do. Not impossible. But it is said that Putin warned him.

It is impossible to be ‘great again’ without active foreign policy.
I didn´t say foreign policy will be shut down. I said it will be less explosive.

]Actually, Israel’s position is one of crucial points for American policy in the region.
That is correct. But they aren´t grateful and demand more. Going on someone´s nerves, I guess.[/QUOTE]
The US-led Coalition holds a huge propaganda event after they forced the SDF to land behind the front lines and take the Tabqa damn. The SDF was supported by artillery and airstrikes putting the dam and the whole operation at risk. The operation can easily be subjected to an ISIS counter-offensive, the more so as ISIS just withdrew from Deir Hafer to avoid a Syrian army siege. SDF says the operation aims at liberating Tabqa but it seems that the US rather wants the airbase there to not to be taken by the Syrian army in the future. There is no threat of ISIS destroying the dam as the water would hit their capital Raqqa. It would be better if the Coalition would start to cooperate with the Syrian government. Coordination between the Syrian army and the SDF would result in better performance. Instead, it looks like the US still runs an anti-Syrian policy, trying to divide the Syrian Kurds and their government and keep the region out of its control; whether it is controlled by ISIS or SDF is not of their concern in the end but they go with the overall development.

The only government supply line and connection to Aleppo is still in danger. In Hama and Damascus the Syrian army has launched counter-offensives. In Latakia, the terrorists prepare for a new offensive. In Daraa, the government still sticks to the promise to not to attack the "rebels" as long as they are engaged by ISIS. In the midst of these clashes, the pointless Geneva talks have restarted.

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According to ISIS, no forces have captured the Tabqa dam and the operation has been foiled. ISIS claims it still controls the dam.

ISIS denies that Kurdish-led forces captured Tabqa Dam

so? does someone intend to breach the dam-----break it up?? ---
please provide translations-------I have not read even a word of
kafka since my freshman year---------more than 50 years ago
Read the other post. The one with the big map of Syria.
According to ISIS, no forces have captured the Tabqa dam and the operation has been foiled. ISIS claims it still controls the dam.

ISIS denies that Kurdish-led forces captured Tabqa Dam

so? does someone intend to breach the dam-----break it up?? ---
please provide translations-------I have not read even a word of
kafka since my freshman year---------more than 50 years ago
Read the other post. The one with the big map of Syria.

interesting direction. I am female-----and left handed but actually
of INDETERMINANT cerebral dominance. My RIGHT PARIETAL
lobe is probably my LEAST DEVELOPED-----map reading is not my
forte. -------but with attention-----I can excel in math. I excel in VERBAL
issues -----among which is----READING AND COMPREHENSION OF WORDS---
a left brain issue.

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