Syrian army likes new Russian arms

It is clear that the civil unrest in Syria was created by Assad and his allies
Russia and Iran for the purpose of flooding the Syrian army with a huge bulk of
armaments and kill as many people who are unwilling to kiss ass'ad ass
as possible and burden other countries with those who manage
to flee the filth It is also a cover for the joint operation of grabbing all
important sea ports-----those of UKRAINE and those of
Yemen-----by the Iranian/Russian coalition
Turkey Officials Confirm Pact With Saudi Arabia To Help Rebels Fighting Syria's Assad
Turkey, Saudi Arabia Form Pact To Help Rebels Fighting Assad In Syria
Probably empty talk. The more so as there aren´t "rebels". Currently, Turkey watches idly his anti-ISIS zone being taken over by ISIS.

things are shaping up--------it is the phase in which everyone CHOOSES SIDES
Erdogan will have to give up on his Nusra forces.
Turkey Officials Confirm Pact With Saudi Arabia To Help Rebels Fighting Syria's Assad
Turkey, Saudi Arabia Form Pact To Help Rebels Fighting Assad In Syria
Probably empty talk. The more so as there aren´t "rebels". Currently, Turkey watches idly his anti-ISIS zone being taken over by ISIS.

things are shaping up--------it is the phase in which everyone CHOOSES SIDES
Erdogan will have to give up on his Nusra forces.

Erdogan will have to give up in general----he is just as disgusting as is Assad
irosie, you can share your anti-Assad propaganda with Sally or some doggiedo, which is not a big different by the way. There is no sense, however, to talk to me with that nonsense.

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