Syria gas attack video moves UN Security Council envoys to tears


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I can imagine how horrific the video must have been if people became teary.

Syria gas attack video moves UN Security Council envoys to tears
Source: Reuters - Thu, 16 Apr 2015 21:57 GMT
Author: Reuters

By Michelle Nichols

UNITED NATIONS, April 16 (Reuters) - Members of the United Nations Security Council teared up on Thursday when Syrian doctors showed a video of failed attempts to resuscitate three children after a chlorine gas attack in March, prompting renewed calls for accountability.

The children, aged 1, 2 and 3, their parents and grandmother were killed in the March 16 attack on Sarmin village in northwest Idlib province, said Dr. Mohamed Tennari, director of the field hospital where the family was taken.

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Syria gas attack video moves UN Security Council envoys to tears?
Obama just shifted the line in the sand again...good thing it isn't set in concrete.

Chlorine gas is used by FSA, Nusra, ISIS.

Of course, the propaganda rodents blame the crimes of their fellow terrorists on the Syrian government...
Chlorine gas is used by FSA, Nusra, ISIS.

Of course, the propaganda rodents blame the crimes of their fellow terrorists on the Syrian government...

Yes, we know that your best buddy, your idol Assad, would never cause harm to another human being. All the media are lying about him. Meanwhile, are your whiskers twitching, Little Boy, for a little cheese?

Syrian Doctor Describes Horror of Chlorine Attack

FILE - This video image from an anti-Bashar al-Assad activist group shows a Syrian man being treated with an inhaler in Kfar Zeita, north of Damascus, after what witnesses said was a chlorine gas attack, April 18, 2014.

Margaret Besheer
April 16, 2015 6:45 PM

In September 2013, after a sarin gas attack on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta killed hundreds of people, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Syria declare and dismantle its chemical weapons facilities and destroy its stockpiles.

Much of that work has been completed, but last month there were renewed allegations that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used barrel bombs filled with chlorine against the northwestern town of Sarmin in Idlib province. If true, that would violate a second council resolution, adopted just days before the attack, that condemned the use in Syria of any toxic chemical, including chlorine, and warned that a violation would have consequences.

Mohamed Tennari, a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the alleged chlorine attacks of March 16 and 23, on Thursday showed council ambassadors a video of doctors trying unsuccessfully to revive naked and lifeless babies and small chil
Chlorine gas is used by FSA, Nusra, ISIS.

Of course, the propaganda rodents blame the crimes of their fellow terrorists on the Syrian government...

Yes, we know that your best buddy, your idol Assad, would never cause harm to another human being. All the media are lying about him. Meanwhile, are your whiskers twitching, Little Boy, for a little cheese?

Syrian Doctor Describes Horror of Chlorine Attack

FILE - This video image from an anti-Bashar al-Assad activist group shows a Syrian man being treated with an inhaler in Kfar Zeita, north of Damascus, after what witnesses said was a chlorine gas attack, April 18, 2014.

Margaret Besheer
April 16, 2015 6:45 PM

In September 2013, after a sarin gas attack on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta killed hundreds of people, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Syria declare and dismantle its chemical weapons facilities and destroy its stockpiles.

Much of that work has been completed, but last month there were renewed allegations that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used barrel bombs filled with chlorine against the northwestern town of Sarmin in Idlib province. If true, that would violate a second council resolution, adopted just days before the attack, that condemned the use in Syria of any toxic chemical, including chlorine, and warned that a violation would have consequences.

Mohamed Tennari, a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the alleged chlorine attacks of March 16 and 23, on Thursday showed council ambassadors a video of doctors trying unsuccessfully to revive naked and lifeless babies and small chil

Chlorine gas is used by FSA, Nusra, ISIS.

Of course, the propaganda rodents blame the crimes of their fellow terrorists on the Syrian government...

Yes, we know that your best buddy, your idol Assad, would never cause harm to another human being. All the media are lying about him. Meanwhile, are your whiskers twitching, Little Boy, for a little cheese?

Syrian Doctor Describes Horror of Chlorine Attack

FILE - This video image from an anti-Bashar al-Assad activist group shows a Syrian man being treated with an inhaler in Kfar Zeita, north of Damascus, after what witnesses said was a chlorine gas attack, April 18, 2014.

Margaret Besheer
April 16, 2015 6:45 PM

In September 2013, after a sarin gas attack on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta killed hundreds of people, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Syria declare and dismantle its chemical weapons facilities and destroy its stockpiles.

Much of that work has been completed, but last month there were renewed allegations that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used barrel bombs filled with chlorine against the northwestern town of Sarmin in Idlib province. If true, that would violate a second council resolution, adopted just days before the attack, that condemned the use in Syria of any toxic chemical, including chlorine, and warned that a violation would have consequences.

Mohamed Tennari, a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the alleged chlorine attacks of March 16 and 23, on Thursday showed council ambassadors a video of doctors trying unsuccessfully to revive naked and lifeless babies and small chil


The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.
Chlorine gas is used by FSA, Nusra, ISIS.

Of course, the propaganda rodents blame the crimes of their fellow terrorists on the Syrian government...

Yes, we know that your best buddy, your idol Assad, would never cause harm to another human being. All the media are lying about him. Meanwhile, are your whiskers twitching, Little Boy, for a little cheese?

Syrian Doctor Describes Horror of Chlorine Attack

FILE - This video image from an anti-Bashar al-Assad activist group shows a Syrian man being treated with an inhaler in Kfar Zeita, north of Damascus, after what witnesses said was a chlorine gas attack, April 18, 2014.

Margaret Besheer
April 16, 2015 6:45 PM

In September 2013, after a sarin gas attack on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta killed hundreds of people, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Syria declare and dismantle its chemical weapons facilities and destroy its stockpiles.

Much of that work has been completed, but last month there were renewed allegations that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used barrel bombs filled with chlorine against the northwestern town of Sarmin in Idlib province. If true, that would violate a second council resolution, adopted just days before the attack, that condemned the use in Syria of any toxic chemical, including chlorine, and warned that a violation would have consequences.

Mohamed Tennari, a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the alleged chlorine attacks of March 16 and 23, on Thursday showed council ambassadors a video of doctors trying unsuccessfully to revive naked and lifeless babies and small chil


The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.

Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.
Chlorine gas is used by FSA, Nusra, ISIS.

Of course, the propaganda rodents blame the crimes of their fellow terrorists on the Syrian government...

Yes, we know that your best buddy, your idol Assad, would never cause harm to another human being. All the media are lying about him. Meanwhile, are your whiskers twitching, Little Boy, for a little cheese?

Syrian Doctor Describes Horror of Chlorine Attack

FILE - This video image from an anti-Bashar al-Assad activist group shows a Syrian man being treated with an inhaler in Kfar Zeita, north of Damascus, after what witnesses said was a chlorine gas attack, April 18, 2014.

Margaret Besheer
April 16, 2015 6:45 PM

In September 2013, after a sarin gas attack on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta killed hundreds of people, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Syria declare and dismantle its chemical weapons facilities and destroy its stockpiles.

Much of that work has been completed, but last month there were renewed allegations that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used barrel bombs filled with chlorine against the northwestern town of Sarmin in Idlib province. If true, that would violate a second council resolution, adopted just days before the attack, that condemned the use in Syria of any toxic chemical, including chlorine, and warned that a violation would have consequences.

Mohamed Tennari, a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the alleged chlorine attacks of March 16 and 23, on Thursday showed council ambassadors a video of doctors trying unsuccessfully to revive naked and lifeless babies and small chil


The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.

Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
Chlorine gas is used by FSA, Nusra, ISIS.

Of course, the propaganda rodents blame the crimes of their fellow terrorists on the Syrian government...

Yes, we know that your best buddy, your idol Assad, would never cause harm to another human being. All the media are lying about him. Meanwhile, are your whiskers twitching, Little Boy, for a little cheese?

Syrian Doctor Describes Horror of Chlorine Attack

FILE - This video image from an anti-Bashar al-Assad activist group shows a Syrian man being treated with an inhaler in Kfar Zeita, north of Damascus, after what witnesses said was a chlorine gas attack, April 18, 2014.

Margaret Besheer
April 16, 2015 6:45 PM

In September 2013, after a sarin gas attack on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta killed hundreds of people, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Syria declare and dismantle its chemical weapons facilities and destroy its stockpiles.

Much of that work has been completed, but last month there were renewed allegations that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used barrel bombs filled with chlorine against the northwestern town of Sarmin in Idlib province. If true, that would violate a second council resolution, adopted just days before the attack, that condemned the use in Syria of any toxic chemical, including chlorine, and warned that a violation would have consequences.

Mohamed Tennari, a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the alleged chlorine attacks of March 16 and 23, on Thursday showed council ambassadors a video of doctors trying unsuccessfully to revive naked and lifeless babies and small chil


The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.

Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times

At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba
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Yes, we know that your best buddy, your idol Assad, would never cause harm to another human being. All the media are lying about him. Meanwhile, are your whiskers twitching, Little Boy, for a little cheese?

Syrian Doctor Describes Horror of Chlorine Attack

FILE - This video image from an anti-Bashar al-Assad activist group shows a Syrian man being treated with an inhaler in Kfar Zeita, north of Damascus, after what witnesses said was a chlorine gas attack, April 18, 2014.

Margaret Besheer
April 16, 2015 6:45 PM

In September 2013, after a sarin gas attack on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta killed hundreds of people, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Syria declare and dismantle its chemical weapons facilities and destroy its stockpiles.

Much of that work has been completed, but last month there were renewed allegations that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used barrel bombs filled with chlorine against the northwestern town of Sarmin in Idlib province. If true, that would violate a second council resolution, adopted just days before the attack, that condemned the use in Syria of any toxic chemical, including chlorine, and warned that a violation would have consequences.

Mohamed Tennari, a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the alleged chlorine attacks of March 16 and 23, on Thursday showed council ambassadors a video of doctors trying unsuccessfully to revive naked and lifeless babies and small chil

The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.
Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba

And here I was going to share with the sot an old Egyptian cure for one of his hangover.
Yes, we know that your best buddy, your idol Assad, would never cause harm to another human being. All the media are lying about him. Meanwhile, are your whiskers twitching, Little Boy, for a little cheese?

Syrian Doctor Describes Horror of Chlorine Attack

FILE - This video image from an anti-Bashar al-Assad activist group shows a Syrian man being treated with an inhaler in Kfar Zeita, north of Damascus, after what witnesses said was a chlorine gas attack, April 18, 2014.

Margaret Besheer
April 16, 2015 6:45 PM

In September 2013, after a sarin gas attack on the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta killed hundreds of people, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Syria declare and dismantle its chemical weapons facilities and destroy its stockpiles.

Much of that work has been completed, but last month there were renewed allegations that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used barrel bombs filled with chlorine against the northwestern town of Sarmin in Idlib province. If true, that would violate a second council resolution, adopted just days before the attack, that condemned the use in Syria of any toxic chemical, including chlorine, and warned that a violation would have consequences.

Mohamed Tennari, a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the alleged chlorine attacks of March 16 and 23, on Thursday showed council ambassadors a video of doctors trying unsuccessfully to revive naked and lifeless babies and small chil

The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.
Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba

Eyewitnesses are the best to report on what is happening. They see these barrel bombs drop and then see the dead and wounded civilians. I guess you don't care what your idol's Air Force is doing, but you sure can blabber on.

Shameless The UN Fiddles While Syria Burns The National Interest Blog

The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.
Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba

And here I was going to share with the sot an old Egyptian cure for one of his hangover.

The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.
Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba

Eyewitnesses are the best to report on what is happening. They see these barrel bombs drop and then see the dead and wounded civilians. I guess you don't care what your idol's Air Force is doing, but you sure can blabber on.

Shameless The UN Fiddles While Syria Burns The National Interest Blog
Are you an eyewitness of those eyewitnesses?
The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.
Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba

And here I was going to share with the sot an old Egyptian cure for one of his hangover.
The Mail pulled the story within a few hours, printed a retraction and were sued
You though we would not know this? Shame on you.
Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba

Eyewitnesses are the best to report on what is happening. They see these barrel bombs drop and then see the dead and wounded civilians. I guess you don't care what your idol's Air Force is doing, but you sure can blabber on.

Shameless The UN Fiddles While Syria Burns The National Interest Blog
Are you an eyewitness of those eyewitnesses?

I guess this silly Little Boy thinks all these witnesses (including the doctors) are lying when they see these barrel bombs drop and the destruction they have done to buildings along with the people on the ground. Can you all see the Little Boy screeching at these demonstrators -- IT'S A LIE, IT'S A LIE -- MY BELOVED ASSED WOULD NOT HARM A FLY? We all know the terrorist groups are horrific, but Assad is no angel even though his devoted admirer on this forum wants everyone to think so. I'm beginning to wonder how many forums the Little Boy is on slobbering over his hero.

Anti-Assad demonstrations outside Syrian Embassy in 2012.
Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba

And here I was going to share with the sot an old Egyptian cure for one of his hangover.
Mail can forbear from Al-Qaeda visits. What they did thereafter, is irrelevant. The point is, where should that story come from. The editor´s dreams?
Shame on you.

Well, since you are accusing the newspaper with being in bed with Al Qaeda, how about something from somebody who lives in the camp and is an eyewitness to what is happening? We all know that ISIS and the other terrorist groups are terrible, but your buddy is not the angel you want everyone to believe. As this witness says, your friend's aircraft dropped 50 barrel bombs, two of which hit a hospital.

Inside Yarmouk Islamic State deepens Palestinian misery - LA Times
At first, it is very obvious that something is wrong with how the western press reports about the war in Syria. It starts with term "civil war". A war of which one side doesn´t represent any Syrian at all , isn´t a civil war. Second, I don´t get what you have with your "barrel bombs". War is war and weapons are used in wars. Barrel bombs are Russian FAB bombs made to explode above the target and spread its content to kill "soft" targets.
At third, witnesses are the least credible source. There are thousands of clips of the war in the internet showing battles in Syria but not one shows a "barrel bomb" killing civilians though it is easy to record it as loud helicopters approach in the forefront of a "barrel bomb" drop.

Well documented, however, is the use of suicide attacks of Al-Nusra. Suicide attacks are a regular part of attacks of the "rebels". They start an assault with car bombs and or suicide bombers on foot. Furthermore, Nusra, main user of suicide bombers among the "rebels" (in contrast to ISIS, Al-Nusra is very busy to maintain an Anti-Assad rebel image) doesn´t make a secret of that but medias don´t condemn suicide attacks but are busy to bring tales of "barrel bombs" allegedly targeting civilians.

Whatever you think of Assad, the Syrians want him and so be it. If the Syrians didn´t want him, he woulnd´t be in power anymore.

Since the "rebel" groups are in the camp since 2011, the population decreased from 150.000 to 18.000. The government had to make sure the camp does not become a base of the terrorists. The decreasing number of residents also show that the government´s siege was not as total as medias want us make believe.

"DAMASCUS, Syria — Palestinian groups agreed to join forces with the Syrian government to expel Islamic State militants from an embattled Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, opening the door to a potentially destructive military campaign in a district already devastated by many rounds of fighting."
Agreement opens door to Syrian army operation in Yarmouk

Even if a hospital was hit, such things can happen in war, and you won´t get rid of ISIS by bloomy talk.
What do the media´s say:
"But Yarmouk's only functioning hospital was first occupied by ISIS.

Then on Wednesday, targeted by regime bombs." (CNN)
Syrian refugees caught between brutal ISIS merciless Assad regi

What can you do with a hospital that is looted by ISIS? ISIS won´t allow civilians to be treated there.

Another thing: Saudi Arabia, that has finished its campaign in Yemen, is not accused of indiscriminate bombings.
"Saudi-led airstrikes conducted in Yemen's capital Monday night killed 38 civilians and injured 532, medics told AFP on Tuesday.

The death toll rose from the original count of 28 dead and about 300 wounded. The two strikes created powerful explosions that shook nearby neighborhoods and destroyed houses, according to AFP."
Saudi strikes kill 38 civilians wound 500 in Yemen medics Al Bawaba

Eyewitnesses are the best to report on what is happening. They see these barrel bombs drop and then see the dead and wounded civilians. I guess you don't care what your idol's Air Force is doing, but you sure can blabber on.

Shameless The UN Fiddles While Syria Burns The National Interest Blog
Are you an eyewitness of those eyewitnesses?

I guess this silly Little Boy thinks all these witnesses (including the doctors) are lying when they see these barrel bombs drop and the destruction they have done to buildings along with the people on the ground. Can you all see the Little Boy screeching at these demonstrators -- IT'S A LIE, IT'S A LIE -- MY BELOVED ASSED WOULD NOT HARM A FLY? We all know the terrorist groups are horrific, but Assad is no angel even though his devoted admirer on this forum wants everyone to think so. I'm beginning to wonder how many forums the Little Boy is on slobbering over his hero.

Anti-Assad demonstrations outside Syrian Embassy in 2012.

Anti-Assad demonstrations outside Syrian Embassy in 2012 Daily Mail Online



"Syrian state television claimed that the turnout at the Aleppo rally was much greater — more than a million Syrians participated, it said — and people were shown singing, “We love you” and holding pictures of Mr. Assad.

Syria says that foreign fighters seeking to divide the country are to blame for the unrest, and that they have killed more than 1,100 police officers and soldiers."
yeah ----right. sure a picture of a big crowd

Listen, when you are governed by a tyrant, you had better show up if you know what is good for you. Meanwhile, his idol has killed many of his own people.

Don t forget about Assad Arab News?
Did the "tyrant" also force the people to vote for him?

Isn´t the army too busy fighting terror to force 11 million people inside and outside of Syria to vote?
yeah ----right. sure a picture of a big crowd

Listen, when you are governed by a tyrant, you had better show up if you know what is good for you. Meanwhile, his idol has killed many of his own people.

Don t forget about Assad Arab News?
Did the "tyrant" also force the people to vote for him?

Isn´t the army too busy fighting terror to force 11 million people inside and outside of Syria to vote?

no-----they are still doing a fine job of exerting force -----economically, psychologically----etc etc

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