Synagogue vandalism suspect worked for Obama


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A 26-year-old man charged with vandalizing a historic New York City synagogue days after the Pittsburgh massacre has been identified as a former campaign worker for Barack Obama.

Read more at Synagogue-vandalism suspect worked for Obama - WND

Lookie another Obama son, isn't he proud of the mental illness that's spreading like a cancer virus. He should be really proud of his nut job worshipping his pathetic ass.

Oh and Obama won't ever acknowledge the lunatic either.
Could someone that passed grade school please help the OP to form a thought and turn it into a sentence?
Vandalism is as old as Rome yet the Jews forgot how to write Latin.
Could someone that passed grade school please help the OP to form a thought and turn it into a sentence?
Vandalism is as old as Rome yet the Jews forgot how to write Latin.
You are asking for help from somebody who passed grade school AGAIN Moonglow?
Yet another crime the quisling media conglomerate will not report. They treat the news like California treats illegals streaming
into their dystopic state: They will not pay attention to certain laws involving certain groups.

Otherwise it doesn't suit their political agenda. As far as damage done this country the cowardly biased "journalists" (make that propagandists and apologists) have by far done the most.

In a just country CNN, the New York Times, ABC, etc. would all be driven out of business and their fifth columnist employees jailed as enemies of the state.

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