Swedish community: running battles in streets


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
Erob: Where the Sun Sets West of Phoenecia
Sweden, one of the most tolerant countries, is experiencing street battles, and not just in Malmo anymore. This is the type of thing is happening in various countries of Europe in the wake of excessive immigration.

Community torn apart as arrival of migrants prompts running battles in streets
A SMALL Swedish village has descended into open warfare after furious locals clashed with migrants in a chilling warning of the dangers associated with mass migration.
PUBLISHED: 04:22, Sun, Nov 29, 2015 | UPDATED: 14:05, Sun, Nov 29, 2015


Tensions betwen villagers and migrants have reached boiling point in Sweden
Outraged protestors threatened children and hurled stones at sheltered housing in apparent retaliation for vandalism and burglaries carried out by newly arrived refugees.

The growing chaos engulfing the once tranquil village of Tärnsjö has got so bad that the children of migrants now need a police escort just to get to school.

It is a snapshot of potential tensions between locals and large numbers of new arrivals boil over, coming as thousands of Syrian refugees begin to arrive in Britain.

Villagers have expressed outrage that migrants get instant access to state benefits and housing whilst many families struggle to get by paying exorbitant rates of tax.


Sweden is accepting 10,000 refugees a week

There have been reports of tense stand-offs between migrants and locals
Meanwhile aid workers helping the refugees say they have been terrified by racist attacks which have left them too scared to leave their homes.

Councillor Michael Ohman said the problems have arisen because the 1,200 locals in Tärnsjö, 90 miles north of the capital Stockholm, never wanted the refugees to move in.

He said: "Racial tension has divided the village into two groups - those who support the immigrants and those who want them gone.

"There has been fighting between immigrants and the people living here.

"The village integration works badly because people don't want immigrants in the village. This is no longer a happy community, it's divided and is not a pleasant place to live."


Villagers are angry that migrants get automatic access to benefits

Europe is facing an unprecedented migrant crisis
There has been fighting between immigrants and the people living here

Councillor Michael Ohman

Sweden is at the heart of Europe's migrant crisis, with 10,000 asylum seekers arriving in the sparsely populated Scandinavian country every week.

It has already reintroduced border controls to stem the flow, whilst the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats have made significant gains in recent opinion polls.

In Tärnsjö outraged locals say the problems began when 20 refugee families arrive and were linked to a crime wave in the village, including throwing stones at residents' cars.

Hate mobs organised on social media convened and struck back, attacking a block of flats which has been turned into a makeshift migrant centre.


This block of flats, where the refugees are being housed, has been attacked
Some villagers now fear a more serious racially motivated incident could occur, such as an attack on migrant children at the local school.

Last month 21-year-old Anton Lundin Pettersson walked into a school in the Swedish city of Gothenburg wearing a helmet and a Star Wars maskand used a sword to kill two migrant students.

Villager Tobias Willhall said: "The immigrants have caused all kinds of trouble for us. I have friends whose storage spaces have been burgled by immigrants and bicycles have been stolen.

"There is a really bad tension in the village because of the refugees."
Community torn apart as arrival of migrants prompts running battles in streets
People hate change, give it time. And the solution, transitional housing, like military bases where everyone gets a chance to breath and settle in...

Humans, not very bright.
Like everywhere else, the Swedes need to pick up shovels, axes, bats and whatever else they can get their hands on and lay waste to these centers. Take no prisoners, leave no survivors.
Like everywhere else, the Swedes need to pick up shovels, axes, bats and whatever else they can get their hands on and lay waste to these centers. Take no prisoners, leave no survivors.
Ah, and ISIS fan...
To cowards like you everyone not hiding under the bed is isis.

Isis is with these invaders. Sweden may not want to be Paris north.
ISIS is what has you hiding under your bed. ISIS are assholes, like you...
Like everywhere else, the Swedes need to pick up shovels, axes, bats and whatever else they can get their hands on and lay waste to these centers. Take no prisoners, leave no survivors.
Ah, and ISIS fan...
To cowards like you everyone not hiding under the bed is isis.

Isis is with these invaders. Sweden may not want to be Paris north.
ISIS is what has you hiding under your bed. ISIS are assholes, like you...
I'd be out there with an axe. You'd be running around screaming "help help help there's a widget after me.: We still laugh about you.
Like everywhere else, the Swedes need to pick up shovels, axes, bats and whatever else they can get their hands on and lay waste to these centers. Take no prisoners, leave no survivors.
Ah, and ISIS fan...
To cowards like you everyone not hiding under the bed is isis.

Isis is with these invaders. Sweden may not want to be Paris north.
Yep. Germany has confirmed that Isis are entering with refugees, not that that's any great surprise, since Isis themselves told us months ago they were doing exactly that.
Like everywhere else, the Swedes need to pick up shovels, axes, bats and whatever else they can get their hands on and lay waste to these centers. Take no prisoners, leave no survivors.
Ah, and ISIS fan...
To cowards like you everyone not hiding under the bed is isis.

Isis is with these invaders. Sweden may not want to be Paris north.
Yep. Germany has confirmed that Isis are entering with refugees, not that that's any great surprise, since Isis themselves told us months ago they were doing exactly that.
ISIS is an idea, buried deep within Islam. It is all over the world, and has been for a very long time.
yep, change the word Villagers to Americans and we done here.
Villagers have expressed outrage that migrants get instant access to state benefits and housing whilst many families struggle to get by paying exorbitant rates of tax.
Germany: Fears as EU migrant crisis fuels biggest rise in Nazism since Adolf Hitler
THE huge number of migrants flooding into Germany has sparked a terrifying neo-Nazi revival which is threatening to plunge the country into anarchy, it was claimed today.
PUBLISHED: 11:54, Thu, Nov 5, 2015 | UPDATED: 16:46, Thu, Nov 5, 2015


There has been a rise in neo-Nazism in Germany
Police in the besieged nation have been confronted with its worst period of violence and civil unrest since the days of Hitler's Nazis as anger over Angela Merkel's open door policy reaches boiling point.

The spectre of the 1930's Third Reich brown shirts looms large as far right protestors are openly conducting running battles in the street targeting refugees - as well as journalists and politicians who support their cause - in brutal attacks.

Moderate politicians have been drowned out at rallies and one was even stabbed in the throat by a neo-Nazi madman, leading a top German magazine to declare: "The hate is back."

Security sources in Germany, which has taken in more migrants and refugees than any other European country, say they have seen a sharp rise in violence linked to right-wing extremism in recent weeks.


Germans are angry at Angela Merkel's open door migration policy

Germany is expected to take in 1.5 million migrants in 2015
The worst attack happened on October 17 when liberal politician Henriette Reker was stabbed by a neo-Nazi protestor whilst out on the campaign trail in Cologne.

Right-wing groups have also depicted prominent Germany politicians being hanged in public gallows in twisted propaganda material.

It led respected German news magazine Der Spiegel to ask: "Does this threaten a relapse to the time of the Weimar Republic when violent political confrontations were commonplace?"

The publication was referring to the political chaos which engulfed Germany in the aftermath of the First World War, eventually leading to the rise of fascism and Hitler.
Syrian refugees have turned Lesbos into a war zone, residents claim, as migrants chant 'f*** you' at Hungarian police amid fears ISIS is using the crisis to enter Europe
  • Greek islanders describe their fear after 20,000 refugees arrived on Lesbos
  • One in five people on the island is a refugee - the vast majority from Syria
  • News comes as video showed refugees clashing with Hungarian police
  • Swear and attack officers while chanting the Islamic slogan 'Allahu Akbar'
  • Meanwhile two men suspected of being ISIS fighters have been arrested in Europe after they uploaded photos showing them hiding among refugees

PUBLISHED: 10:41, 9 September 2015 | UPDATED: 10:44, 9 September 2015


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Residents living on Lesbos have described the Greek island as a 'war zone' following the arrival of 20,000 mainly Syrian refugees over the past few weeks.

The daily arrivals mean that desperate refugees currently make up one in every five people on the island, which lies just a few miles from the Turkish mainland, across the Mytilini Strait.

Locals have accused the refugees of bringing Lesbos to a standstill, overwhelming the local infrastructure and leaving residents feeling so threatened that many of them have stopped leaving the house to go to work and are no longer sending their children to school.

The news comes as two men suspected of being ISIS terrorists were arrested in an unspecified eastern European country after after intelligence groups noticed they had started uploading photographs taken in cities hit by the refugee crisis to their social media pages.
Watch: Migrants riot at RAF base in Cyprus as they DEMAND immediate entry to the UK
VIOLENT scenes have erupted at a British army base in Cyprus as migrants burnt their emergency tents, brawled with police and even threatened to HANG themselves if they weren't allowed direct passage to the UK.
PUBLISHED: 14:26, Wed, Nov 4, 2015 | UPDATED: 14:55, Wed, Nov 4, 2015


Migrants set fire to their tents at a British RAF base in Cyprus
Riot squad officers armed with Tasers had to move in to tackle lawless migrants who trashed their taxpayer-funded living quarters and demanded that Britain take them in immediately.

Conditions at the British refugee camp have been described as "good" by an independent UN inspector, but some migrants ludicrously likened their situation to the plight of Guantanamo Bay detainees.

Scroll down for video.

They say that they are unhappy on the Mediterranean island - a prime tourist destination for thousands of Europeans every year - despite their claims they are fleeing war and persecution.

Britain and Cyrpus are at loggerheads over who will process the migrants’ asylum applications, after they sailed on to RAF land on the idyllic island.


Shocking video has emerged showing migrants rioting at the camp

In the video the migrants can be heard chanting in English
Britain said it will not allow another migrant entry route to the UK to emerge, while Cyrpus said the migrants are Britain’s responsibility.

Tensions boiled over on Monday night, when British police armed with Tasers and handcuffs had to move in to quell a riot.

Shocking video emerged of the violence which showed one migrant threatening to hang himself with cotton bedsheets if he was denied the opportunity to move to Britain.

Another migrant was heard shouting "we are people, not animals" as the ugly scenes unfolded at RAF Akrotiri.


There were violent clashes between the migrants and police
The UK government will not allow a new migrant route to open up to the UK from Cyprus

Army spokesman

Migrants on the island want to be granted asylum by Britain or be allowed to continue their journeys onwards towards northern Europe.

Many even insist it is their RIGHT to move to the UK because the fenced-off camp where they are being accommodated is technically on British soil.

Ibrahim Marouf, a Palestinian from Lebanon who was speaking on behalf of the group, said the migrants want to "go to England".

Addressing David Cameron, the 37-year-old said: "We are in his hands. If he's a real human, so are we.

"He's afraid if we go to the UK, others will too. Don't make a lesson of us."

He said the group of 114 - 67 of whom are men - had landed on Cyprus by accident after their two boats blew off course, adding: "We didn't want to come here. We were going to Greece. None of us wants to be here... we should go to England.

"We told them we want to go to England, but they told us, 'no'. Now we're in a British prison."

In 2003 Britain and Cyprus agreed that the UK is responsible for any migrants arriving directly on its military bases on the island.

However, as part of the memorandum Cyprus said it would provide new arrivals with services, welfare benefits, and the right to apply for a work permit on its territory as long as Britain foots the bill.

It is also up to Britain to find a country willing to take in any people recognised as genuine refugees.

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